Revelation 22:1-3

JMNT(i) 1 And he showed (points out to) me a river of "water of life" (or: Life's water; or: water which is Life), bright (resplendent, glistening, clear, sparkling) as crystal (clear ice), continuously flowing (issuing) forth from out of God's – even the little Lamb's – throne! 2 Within the midst of her broad place (plaza; square; street), and on each side of the river, [is] a tree (a wood; timber; a log; same word used in Gen. 2:9, LXX; figure for “the cross” in the NT) of life periodically producing twelve fruits, continually yielding (or: giving away) according to each month, and the leaves of the tree (wood; timber) [are given] for (or: into) service (nurture, care; healing or medical service; a body of household attendants) of the multitudes (nations; Gentiles; non-Jews; ethnic groups). 3 And every curse will no longer exist. And God's throne – even the Little Lamb's – will continue being (or: existing) within Her [i.e., the City], and His slaves will continue rendering sacred service to Him,