Revelation 20:9-10

JMNT(i) 9 And they ascended (or: climb up) upon the breadth of the Land (or: earth) and came around (or: surround) the encampment (or: fortress) of the set-apart (holy) folks, even the Beloved City [other MSS: even the city of the set-apart ones]. Then fire descends (or: came down) from God, out of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven), and devours them (eats them down). 10 And so the devil (slanderer; accuser; one who thrusts-through or causes division), the one continuously deceiving them (repeatedly leading them astray) is cast (or: was thrown) into the lake (or: basin; artificial pool; marshy area) of the Fire and Deity (or: which is Fire, even Devine Nature) where the little wild animal and the false prophet also [are; presently exist]. And they will be examined and tested by the touchstone day and night, on into the ages of the ages (or: – the place where even the small beast and the lying prophet will also experience hard situations [that lead] into the indefinite time periods of the eons).