Revelation 20:9 Cross References - JMNT

9 And they ascended (or: climb up) upon the breadth of the Land (or: earth) and came around (or: surround) the encampment (or: fortress) of the set-apart (holy) folks, even the Beloved City [other MSS: even the city of the set-apart ones]. Then fire descends (or: came down) from God, out of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven), and devours them (eats them down).

Matthew 16:16-18

16 Now Simon Peter, making a discerning and decided reply, said, "You, Yourself, continue being the Anointed One (the Christ; = the Messiah), the living God's Son!" 17 So Jesus, making a considered response, said to him, "You continue being a happy and blessed person, Simon, son of Jonah, because 'flesh and blood' (= the human nature or intellect; or: = people; or: = the old covenant system) did not uncover [this] for you, nor disclose [this] so as to reveal [it] to you (or: = you did not come up with this revelation yourself, nor uncover it in yourself, nor disclose it by or for yourself). To the contrary, [it was] My Father – the One within the heavens (or: in the atmospheres)! 18 "And now I Myself am saying to you that you are Peter (or: that you continue being an isolated stone). And you see, [it is] upon this: the rock mass (or: bedrock) [that] I will progressively be constructing and building up My house – the called-out community. And even gates of [the] unseen (or: gates of an unseen place; [= boulders on the entrances of graves; = {the prison} gates of the 'house of death'; or: the bars enclosing the realm of the dead]) will not continue bringing strength down against it (or: will not proceed to be coming to their full strength in relation to it; or: will not continue overpowering it or prevail in resisting it).

Luke 9:54

54 Now, upon seeing [this], the disciples Jacob (James) and John said, "Lord, are You now desiring that we should tell ‘fire to come down from the sky (or: from the atmosphere, or heaven) – and so to seize and take them up so as to overcome and ruin’ them, even as Elijah did?" [2 Kings 1:9-16]

Luke 17:29

29 "but on the day in which Lot came (or: at one went) out from Sodom, it suddenly rained fire and sulphur from [the] sky and atmosphere (or: fire – even deity and the divine nature – from heaven), and at once destroyed them all.

Luke 19:43

43 "that days will proceed arriving upon you, and your enemies will be progressively setting up an encampment beside you and will continue casting up a mound beside [you and] a staked fortification (or: rampart) on (or: next to) you, and next will proceed to encircle and surround you, then continue bringing and enclosing pressure on you from every side!

Luke 21:20

20 "Now later, when you folks see Jerusalem being continuously surrounded by encamped armies, at that time realize and know from that experience that her desolation has drawn near and is now present.

2 Thessalonians 1:8

8 within a fire, of flame [with other MSS: in union with a blaze of fire] continuously giving justice (or: repeatedly imparting the effects of fair and equitable dealings from out of the way pointed out, and the maintaining of right) among (or: for; in; with; to) those not knowing (or: perceiving) God, even among (or: for; in; with; to) those not continuously listening to or paying attention and obeying the message of goodness and well-being, which is our Lord, Jesus (or: which comes from and pertains to our Master and Owner: Jesus).

Hebrews 13:13

13 Now then, we can keep on coming out (or: should be progressively going out) toward Him – outside of the Camp – habitually bearing His reproach (= the censure and disgrace which He bore; or: the insult which pertains to Him). [comment: this was a call to participate in His sacrifice, and also to leave Judaism (or: religion), and thus to bear the same reproach and insults that He bore; it is also a call to bear away from them the mistakes and failures of others – John 20:23]

Revelation 11:5

5 And if anyone is wanting or intending to harm or injure (or: do injustice to) them, fire is continuously (or: repeatedly) issuing (or: proceeding) out of their mouth and is one after another devouring their enemies (or: adversaries); and if anyone is intending (wanting, willing) to injure (do injustice to; harm) them, thus it is necessary for him to be killed.

Revelation 13:13

13 And it is continually making (doing; constructing; performing; producing) great signs (wonders; miracles; marks; inscriptions), to the end that it may even repeatedly make (a) fire to continuously (or: repeatedly) descend from out of the atmosphere (or: sky; or: heaven) into the Land (or: earth) within the presence of (in sight of) the people (or: humans).

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.