Revelation 19:7-8

JMNT(i) 7 "We should (or: may) continually rejoice (be glad; be full of joy), and we should continually celebrate (exult), and we should [other MSS: we will continue to] give the glory to Him, because the wedding (marriage festival) of the little Lamb came (or: comes) and His Wife made (or: makes) herself ready (prepares herself)." 8 Then it was (or: is) granted (or: given) to her to the end that she may clothe herself with bright and clean fine cotton (or: she may cast bright, pure, fine linen around her) – for the fine cotton (or: linen) represents the effects of right relationship and equity in the life of the Way pointed out (or: the results of being rightwised; the actualizations of justice; consequences of justice rendered from being turned in the right direction; the effects of having been placed in the Path pointed out; or: the just awards) of the set-apart folks (pertaining to the saints; from the sacred people).