Revelation 18:1-2

JMNT(i) 1 After these things I saw another Agent progressively descending out of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven), continuously having great authority (or: privilege from out of Being), and the Land (or: ground; or: earth) was lighted (illuminated) by His glory (or: His manifestation which called forth praise; or: the splendor which was Him). 2 Then He uttered (or: suddenly utters) a cry in a strong voice, repeatedly saying, "She falls (She fell)! Babylon the Great falls (fell) and becomes (became; comes to be; is birthed) an abode (dwelling) of demons (or: animistic influences) and a confine (ward, prison, a place of keeping watch over) of every impure attitude (unclean spirit) and a preserve (a keep; a cage; a guard-house) of every unclean and hated bird,