Revelation 12:4-5

JMNT(i) 4 And its tail is progressively dragging the third of the stars of the sky (or: heaven), and casts (or: it cast; it threw) them into the earth (or: onto the Land, or, ground). And the dragon stood (had made a stand) before (or: in the presence of) the Woman – the one being about to bring forth (= to give birth) – to the end that whenever she may bring forth, it may devour (eat down; consume) her child. 5 And so she brought forth a Son – an adult man (or: male; masculine one) Who is about to continuously shepherd all the multitudes (ethnic groups; nations) in the sphere of and with relying on the use of an iron staff (or: rod). Later, her child was snatched away (seized and carried off by force) toward God and to His throne.