Mark 6:30-44

JMNT(i) 30 And those sent off on the mission (the representatives) were in turn gathered together to Jesus and reported back to Him everything (or: all things) – as many things as they did, and whatever they taught. 31 Now because of the many people constantly coming and going, [there was] not yet even a good opportunity or situation to eat. So He then says to them, "You men yourselves, come on, privately, into a place where we can be alone (an uninhabited, isolated, desolate place) and rest up a little (briefly soothe and refresh yourselves)." 32 And so they went away, in the boat, into an isolated and uninhabited place (or: a place in the wilderness), privately. 33 But people saw them going away, and many folks learned (came to know) of it and ran together there, on foot, from all the towns (or: cities) and went ahead, [some arriving] before them. 34 Upon getting out [of the boat], Jesus saw a large crowd and was at once moved in His inner being (intestines and internal organs) and compassion was extended upon them, because they were (continued being) like sheep not having a shepherd, so He at once began (started) to continue teaching them many things. 35 Now it was happening that much of the day was already passed when His disciples, coming toward Him, began saying, "The place is isolated and desolate, and the hour [is] already late. 36 "Release and dismiss them [i.e., the crowd] so that, upon going off (away) into the fields (= small farms) and villages round about, they can buy something for themselves [and] can eat." 37 Now, upon considering, He said to them, "You, yourselves, give them [something] to eat." And so they are then saying to Him, " [Then] going off, we should buy two hundred denarii [worth] of bread (= 200 day's pay for a laborer), and then we will proceed giving [it] to them to eat!" 38 But He now says to them, "How many loaves of bread do you folks presently have? Go and see." And so, coming to know (= when they found out), they are then saying, "Five, plus two fishes." 39 So He gave instructions to them, arranging for everyone to recline (lie back) upon the green grass, in groups for [eating and] drinking together (or: mess-party by mess-party; company by company). 40 And so they fell back (= laid back or reclined) plot by plot (or: similar to garden beds) [in groups] by hundreds and by fifties. [comment: = an organized mass of people] 41 Then receiving and taking the five loaves of bread and the two fishes, He, while looking up into the heaven (or: the sky and atmosphere), He spoke words of wellness and ease (or: He blessed) and broke down the loaves (or: cakes) into pieces and began giving [them] to the [other: MSS add: His] disciples so that they could place [them] beside the people. And the two fishes He parted and divided to all (or: for and among everyone). 42 So they all ate and were fed (literally: pastured) until satisfied (or: gorged). 43 Then they [i.e., the disciples] picked up [the] fragments ([left over] results of the breaking the loaves into pieces) – twelve wicker food baskets filled full – as well as from the fishes. 44 Now those then eating the loaves of bread were (= numbered) five thousand males (or: men).