Mark 6:30-44

MLV(i) 30 And the apostles are gathered together with Jesus, and they reported to him all things, both how-much they had done and how-much they had taught. 31 And he said to them, You yourselves come-here privately into a desolate place and rest yourselves a few. For there were many coming and going and they had not even had an opportunity to eat. 32 And they went away into a desolate place by ship privately.

33 And the crowds saw them going and many recognized him and they ran together there on foot from all the cities and went before them, and came together to him. 34 And Jesus came forth, and saw a large crowd and he had compassion upon them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd and he began to teach them many things.
35 And since it was already becoming a late hour, his disciples came to him and say, The place is desolate and already it is a late hour; 36 dismiss them, in order that they may go into the circle of the rural-area and villages, and may buy bread for themselves, for they might not have anything to eat.
37 But he answered and said to them, Give them something to eat.
And they say to him, Should we go away and buy two hundred denarii worth of loaves, and might give them that to eat?
38 Now he says to them, How many loaves do you have? Go and see.
And when they knew, they said, Five and two fish. 39 And he commanded them all to recline by groups; all the groups upon the pale-green grass. 40 And they leaned-back in rows of a hundred apiece and rows of fifty apiece. 41 And he took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he gave-thanks and broke the loaves, and he was giving them to his disciples in order that they might place the bread beside them, and he divided the two fish among them all. 42 And they all ate and were fed. 43 And they took up twelve baskets of broken pieces, and also pieces of the fish. 44 And those who were eating the loaves were approximately five thousand men.