Mark 6:30-44

ECB(i) 30
And the apostles gather together to Yah Shua and evangelize all to him - both as much as they do and as much as they doctrinate. 31 And he says to them, Come apart into a desolate place and rest a little. - for many come and go and they have no opportunity so much as to eat. 32 And they depart to a desolate place by sailer privately; 33 and the multitude sees them go, and many know him, and crush together there from all cities, and precede them and come together to him. 34
And Yah Shua comes and sees vast multitudes; and has a sympathetic spleen toward them because they are as sheep not having a shepherd: and he begins to doctrinate them much. 35 And already the hour being much and his disciples come to him, and word, This is a desolate place, and already the hour is much: 36 release them to go to the surrounding fields and to the villages to market bread for themselves; for they have naught to eat. 37 He answers them, saying, You give them to eat. And they word to him, Go we and market two hundred denarion of bread and give them to eat? 38 He words to them, How many breads have you? Go and see! And knowing, they word, Five; and two fishes. 39 And he orders them all to recline symposium by symposium on the green herbage: 40 and they repose row by row - by hundreds and by fifties. 41 And he takes the five breads and the two fishes, looks to the heavens and eulogizes, and breaks the breads and gives them to his disciples to set by them; and he divides the two fishes among them all: 42 and they all eat and are fed: 43 and they take twelve baskets full of the fragments and of the fishes: 44 and they who eat of the breads are about five thousand men.