6 So He went on to tell this illustration (or: parable): "A certain man had a fig tree that was planted in his vineyard, and so he came seeking (or: searching all over) within it for fruit – and he found none.
7 "Then he said to the person who took care of the vineyard, 'Look, for three years now I have been repeatedly coming, constantly searching for fruit within this fig tree, and I continue finding none. Therefore, cut it out [of the vineyard]. For what reason does it also continue making this spot of ground completely idle and unproductive?'
8 "But the [vineyard keeper], giving a considered response, then says to him, 'Master (or: Sir; Lord), leave it this year also, until which [time] I can dig and spread manure around it.
9 "'And if it should indeed produce fruit [as we progress] into the impending [season], [well and good] – yet if not, you will certainly proceed having it cut out.'"