John 6:39-40

JMNT(i) 39 "Now this is the purpose (intent; will) of the One sending Me: that all that (or: everything which) He has given to Me, so that it is now Mine, I will proceed to (or, as an aorist subjunctive: may; should; would) lose nothing from out of it, but further, I will proceed to (or: should; would) raise it up to, in and with The Last Day (or: by the Last Day; for the final Day). 40 "You see, this is the purpose (will; intent) of My Father, to the intent that all mankind (or: everyone) – the person, continuously watching (or: gazing at) the Son with discernment and contemplation, even habitually trusting and progressively believing into Him – may possess (or: can have; would hold) Life, Whose source is the Age (or: eonian life; life having the qualities and characteristics of the Age [of Messiah]; an age-enduring and eon-lasting life), and I will proceed to (or: can; should; would) be raising him up to and for the last Day (or: in the Last Day; by and with the final day)."