2 Kings 4:32-37

IHOT(i) (In English order)
  32 H935 ויבא was come H477 אלישׁע And when Elisha H1004 הביתה into the house, H2009 והנה behold, H5288 הנער the child H4191 מת was dead, H7901 משׁכב laid H5921 על upon H4296 מטתו׃ his bed.
  33 H935 ויבא He went in H5462 ויסגר therefore, and shut H1817 הדלת the door H1157 בעד upon H8147 שׁניהם them twain, H6419 ויתפלל and prayed H413 אל unto H3068 יהוה׃ the LORD.
  34 H5927 ויעל And he went up, H7901 וישׁכב and lay H5921 על upon H3206 הילד the child, H7760 וישׂם and put H6310 פיו his mouth H5921 על upon H6310 פיו his mouth, H5869 ועיניו and his eyes H5921 על upon H5869 עיניו his eyes, H3709 וכפיו and his hands H5921 על upon H3709 כפו his hands: H1457 ויגהר and he stretched H5921 עליו himself upon H2552 ויחם waxed warm. H1320 בשׂר the child; and the flesh H3206 הילד׃ of the child
  35 H7725 וישׁב Then he returned, H1980 וילך and walked H1004 בבית in the house H259 אחת to and fro; H2008 הנה   H259 ואחת   H2008 הנה   H5927 ויעל and went up, H1457 ויגהר and stretched H5921 עליו himself upon H2237 ויזורר sneezed H5288 הנער him: and the child H5704 עד sneezed H7651 שׁבע seven H6471 פעמים times, H6491 ויפקח opened H5288 הנער and the child H853 את   H5869 עיניו׃ his eyes.
  36 H7121 ויקרא So he called H413 אל in unto H1522 גיחזי Gehazi, H559 ויאמר and said, H7121 קרא   H413 אל   H7767 השׁנמית Shunammite. H2063 הזאת this H7121 ויקראה   H935 ותבוא her. And when she was come H413 אליו   H559 ויאמר him, he said, H5375 שׂאי Take up H1121 בנך׃ thy son.
  37 H935 ותבא Then she went in, H5307 ותפל and fell H5921 על at H7272 רגליו his feet, H7812 ותשׁתחו and bowed herself H776 ארצה to the ground, H5375 ותשׂא and took up H853 את   H1121 בנה her son, H3318 ותצא׃ and went out.