Job 2

Great(i) 1 And the children of God came and stode before the Lorde, and Satan came also amonge them, and stode before the Lorde. 2 And the Lord sayde vnto Satan: From whence commest thou? Satan answered the Lorde, and sayde: I haue gone about the land, and walcked thorow it. 3 And the Lorde sayde vnto Satan: hast thou not consydered my seruaunt Iob? for there is none lyke him in the land. For he is a perfect and iust man, soch a one as feareth God, and exchueth euell, & contynueth styll in hys godlynesse. And thou mouedest me agaynst him, that I shulde punysh him for naught. 4 And Satan answered the Lord, & sayde: Skyn for skynne? yee, a man wyll geue all that euer he hath, for his lyfe. 5 But laye thyne hand now vpon him, and touch once his bone and flesh, and he shall curse the to thy face. 6 And the Lorde sayde vnto Satan: lo, there hast thou hym in thy power, but spare hys lyfe. 7 So went Satan forth from the presence of the Lord, and smote Iob with maruelous sore byles, from the sole of hys fote vnto hys crowne: 8 so that he sat vpon the ground in the asshes, and scraped of the fylth of hys sores with a potsherde. 9 Then sayde hys wyfe vnto hym: Dost thou contynue yet in thy perfectnesse? curse God & dye. 10 But Iob sayde vnto her: Thou speakest lyke a folysh woman. Shal we receaue prosperite at the hand of God, and not receaue aduersite? In all these thinges, did not Iob synne with his lyppes. 11 Now when Iobs frendes hearde of all the trouble, that happened vnto hym, there came thre of them, euery one from hys awne place: namely, Eliphas the Themanite, Bildad the Suhite, & Zophad the Naamathite. And they were agreed together to come, to shewe their compassion vpon him, and to comforte hym. 12 So when they lyfte vp theyr eyes a farre of, they knewe him not. Then they cryed, and wepte: & euery one of them rente his clothes, and sprynckled dust vpon theyr heades in the ayre. 13 They sat them downe by hym also vpon the grounde seuen dayes and seuen nyghtes. Nether was there any of them that spake one worde vnto hym: for they sawe, that hys payne was very greate.