Isaiah 57

Great(i) 1 The ryghteous perisheth, and no man regardeth it in hys hert, Good godly people are taken a waye, and no man consydreth it. Namely, that the ryghteous is conuayed awaye from the wycked. 2 He commethe into peace, & godlye men rest in their chambres, and before the godly man goeth peace. 3 Come hyther therfore ye charmers children, ye sonnes of the aduoutrer and the whore: 4 Wherin take ye youre pleasure? Upon whom gape ye with your mouth, & bleare out your tonge? Are ye not children of aduoutry, and a sede of dissimulacion? 5 Ye make youre fyre vnder the okes, and vnder all grene trees, and ye offre chyldren in the valleys, and dennes of stone. 6 Thy parte shalbe with the stony rockes by the riuer: Yee, euen these shall be thy parte. For there thou hast poured meat & drincke offringe vnto them. Shulde I delite in that? 7 Thou hast made thy bed vpon hye mountaynes, thou wentest vp thyther, and there hast thou slayne sacrifices. 8 Behynde the dores and postes, hast thou sett vp thy remembraunce. When thou haddest dyscouered thy selfe to another then me, when thou wentest downe and made thy bed wyder, and wyth those Idols hast thou made a couenaunt, and louedest theyr couches, where thou sawest them. 9 Thou wentest streyght to kynges wyth oyle & dyuerse oyntmentes (that is) thou hast sent thy messaungers farre of, & yet art thou fallen into the pyt therby. 10 Thou art weery for the multitude of thyne awne wayes, yet saydest thou neuer: I wyll leaue of. Thou hast had the lyfe that thy handes wrought, & therfore thou art carelesse. 11 For when wylt thou be abasshed or feare, seynge thou hast broken thy promyse, and remembrest not me, nether hast me in thyne hert? Thynkest thou, that I also wyll holde my peace (as afore tyme) that thou fearest me not? 12 Yee, verely I wyl declare thy goodnes and thy workes, but they shall not profyt the: 13 when thou cryest, let thy chosen heape deliuer the. But the wynde shall blowe them furth, and vanite shall take them all awey. Neuertheles, they that put their trust in me, shall inheret the lande, & haue my holy hyll in possessyon. 14 And therfore thus he sayeth: Make playne, make playne, & clense the strete, take vp the stomblynge blockes out of the waye that ledeth to my people. 15 For thus sayeth the hye & excellent, euen he that dwelleth in euerlastyngnesse, whose name is the holy one: I dwell hye aboue and in the sanctuary, and wyth hym also, that is of a contrite and humble sprete do I dwell: that I maye heale a troubled mynde, and a contrite herte. 16 For I chyde not euer, & am not wroth wyth out ende. But the blastyng goeth from me, and is included in the body, and I made the breath. 17 I am wroth wyth hym for his couetousnes, I smyte him, I hyde me, and am angrye, when he turneth him selfe, & foloweth the by waye of his awne hert. 18 I haue seen his wayes and I heale hym I lede him and restore to hym comforte, and to those that were sory for him 19 I make the frutes of thankesgeuynge, that he maye saye. Peace peace vnto them that are farre of, and to them that are nye, sayth the Lorde, and I make hym whole. 20 But the wycked are lyke the ragynge see, that cannot rest, whose water fometh wyth the myre & grauel. 21 Euen so the wycked haue no peace, sayeth God.