1 And the lord sayd vnto Noah: Come thou and al thy house into the Arke for the haue I sene ryghtuous before me in thys generacyon.
2 Of euery cleane beaste thou shalte take with the seuen and seuen: The male and hys female: But of vncleane catell, two, the male and his female.
3 Of foules also of the ayre, seuen and seuen, the male & the female, to kepe sede aliue vpon the face of al the whole erth.
4 For yet after seuen dayes I wyl rayne vpon the erth fortye dayes & fortye nyghtes. And all substaunce that I haue made, wyll I destroye from of the vpper face of the earth.
5 Noah therfore dyd accordynge vnto all that God commaunded hym.
6 And Noah was syxe hundreth yeres, & the floude of waters was vpon the earth.
7 And Noah came (and his sonnes, & his wyfe, & his sonnes wiues with hym) vnto the Arke, because of the waters of the floude.
8 Of cleane catell, & of vncleane catell, & of flyenge foules, and of euery suche as crepeth vpon the erth,
9 there came two and two vnto Noah into the Arke, the male and the female, as God had commaunded Noah.
10 It fortuned also after seuen dayes, and the waters of the floude were vpon the earth.
11 In the syxe hundrethe yere of Noes lyfe in the seconde Moneth, the seuenth daye of the moneth. In the same daye were all the fountaynes of the greate depe broken vp, and the wyndowes of heauen were opened.
12 And the rayne was vpon the earthe fortye dayes and fortye nyghtes.
13 In the selfe same daye entred Noah, Sem, Ham, & Iapheth, the sonnes of Noah, & Noahs wyfe, and the thre wiues of his sonnes with them into the Arke:
14 They, & euery beast after hys kynde, and all catell after theyr kynde, yee & euery worme that crepeth vpon the earthe after his kynde, and euery byrde after his kynde, and euery flieng & fethered foule.
15 And they came vnto Noah into the Arke two and two, of all flesh wherin is the breth of lyfe.
16 And they entryng in, came male and female of all fleshe, as God had commaunded hym. And God shut hym in rounde aboute.
17 And the floude came fortye dayes vpon the earth, & the waters were increaced, and bare vp the Arke, whiche was lyfte vp aboue the erth.
18 The waters also preuayled, & were increased exceadyngly vpon the earthe, and the Arke went on the vpper face of the waters.
19 And the waters preuailed exceadingly vpon the earth, & al the hye hylles that are vnder the whole heauen, were couered.
20 Fiftene cubytes vpwarde dyd the waters preuayle, so that the mountaynes were couered.
21 And all fleshe dyed that moued vpon the earth, in foule, in catel, in beast, and in euery worme that crepeth vpon the earth: yee and euery man also.
22 What soeuer was (in whose nostrels the breth of lyfe dyd brethe, all these in the drye lande dyed.)
23 And euery thyng was destroyed, that remayned, & that was in the vpper parte of the grounde (both man and catell, and worme, and foule of the ayre) they were euen destroyed from of the earth. And Noah onely remayned alyue, and they that were with hym in the Arke.
24 But the waters preuayled vpon the earth an hundreth and fyftye dayes.