Matthew 27:1-10

ECB(i) 1
And being early morning, all the archpriests and elders of the people take counsel against Yah Shua to deathify him: 2 and they bind him and lead him away and deliver him to Pontius Pilatos the governor. 3
Then Yah Hudah, who betrayed him, seeing he is condemned, regrets, and brings again the thirty silvers to the archpriests and elders; 4 wording, I sinned in betraying guiltless blood. And they say, What is that to us? You see to that. 5 - and he tosses the silver in the nave and departs and goes and strangles himself. 6 And the archpriests takes the silver, and say, It is not allowed to put them into the qurban because it is the price of blood. 7 And they take counsel, and they market of them the field of the potter to entomb strangers: 8 so that field is called, The field of blood, to this day. 9 - then to fulfill/shalam what Yirme Yah the prophet rhetorized, wording, And they take the thirty silvers the price of him who is priced - whom they of the sons of Yisra El priced; 10 and give them to the field of the potter exactly as Yah Veh ordered me. cp Zechariah 11:12,13