14 For it was pre-evidenced that our Adonay rose from Yah Hudah; to which scion Mosheh spake naught concerning priesthood. Genesis 49:8, 10
15 And it is still more superabundantly evident: if after the likeness of Malki Sedeq another priest rises,
16 who becomes, not after the torah of a fleshly misvah, but after the dynamis of an endless life.
17 For he witnesses, You are a priest to the eons after the order of Malki Sedeq. Psalm 110:4
18 For indeed there becomes a putting away of the preceding misvah because of its frailty and unbeneficialness thereof.
19 For the torah completed/shalamed naught but the introduction of a better hope - through which we approach Elohim.
20 And inasmuch as not apart from an oath:
21 For indeed they became priests apart from an oath; but this with an oath through him who worded to him, Yah Veh oaths and regrets not, You are a priest to the eons after the order of Malki Sedeq. Psalm 110:4
22 Yah Shua became a pledge by a much better covenant:
23 and indeed, they became many priests, because they were forbidden to abide by reason of death.
24 And this one, because he abides to the eons, has an inviolable priesthood.
25 So he is also able to save them to completion/shalom who come to Elohim through him - ever living to intercede for them.