Isaiah 14

CLV(i) 1 For Yahweh will have compassion on Jacob, and He chooses still in Israel, and He leaves them on their own ground. And the sojourners are obligated to them, and they are adherents to the house of Jacob." 2 And many peoples take them, and they bring them to their ground and to their place. And the house of Israel allots them on the ground of Yahweh for servants and for maids. And they come to be captors of their captors, and they sway over their exactors." 3 And this comes to be in the day Yahweh gives you rest from your grief, and from your disturbance, and from the hard service in which you served." 4 And you lift up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say in that day, "How ceases the exactor! Ceases the audacious city!" 5 Yahweh has broken the rod of the wicked, the scepter of rulers." 6 Smitten are peoples in a rage, a smiting barring withdrawal. Swaying, in anger, over nations, pursuing, failing to keep back." 7 At rest, quiet, is the entire earth. Crash do they into jubilation." 8 Moreover, the firs rejoice for you, the cedars of Lebanon:"Since you lie down, the cutter is not coming up against us." 9 The unseen, beneath, is disturbed for you, to meet you at your coming. It rouses for you all the healers, all the he-goats of the earth. It raises from their thrones all the kings of the nations." 10 All of them are answering and saying to you, "Even you are ill as what we were! To us are you comparable!" 11 Down to the unseen is brought your pomp, the throngs of your exulters. The maggot is berthing under you, and the worm is covering you." 12 How you have fallen from the heavens! Howl, son of the dawn! You are hacked down to the earth, defeater of all nations!" 13 Yet you, you said in your heart, "To the heavens will I ascend! Above the stars of El will I raise high my throne, and I will sit in the mount of appointment, in the flanks of the north." 14 I will ascend on the fane heights of a thick cloud; I am likening myself to the Supreme!" 15 Yea, to the unseen shall you be brought down, to the flanks of a crypt!" 16 Those seeing you will peer at you and consider you:"Is this the man who was the disturber of the earth, the quaker of kingdoms? 17 He made all the habitance as a wilderness, and its cities he demolished, for his prisoners he opened not a homeward way." 18 All kings of nations--all of them lie in state, each man in his own house, 19 yet you were flung from your tomb as a scion abhorrent, as many who were killed, spurred with a sword, who went down to the stones of the crypt as a corpse being trampled." 20 You shall not unite with them in the tomb, "For you ruined My land, you killed My people. You shall not be proclaimed for the eon, you seed of evil doers!" 21 Prepare a slaughter for his sons, for the depravity of their fathers. They will fail to rise and tenant the earth, and fill the surface of the habitance with cities." 22 And I rise against them,averring is Yahweh of hosts. "And I cut off from Babylon the name and remnant, and propagator and progeny,averring is Yahweh." 23 And I make Babylon desolate, for a tenancy of the hedgehog, with watery marshes, and I mop it with the mop of extermination,averring is Yahweh of hosts." 24 Sworn has Yahweh of hosts, saying, "Should it not, as I likened it, so come to be, and as I counseled it, be arising? 25 To break the Assyrian in My land, and on My mountains will I trample him. And he withdraws his yoke from upon them, and his burden shall he withdraw from upon their shoulder." 26 This is the counsel counseled by Yahweh over the entire earth, and this is the hand stretched out over all the nations of the habitance." 27 For Yahweh of hosts has counseled, and who will annul it? And His hand is outstretched, and who will reverse it? 28 LOAD OF PHILISTIA In the year of the death of King Ahaz came this load: 29 You must not rejoice, Philistia, any of you, that the club of your smiter is broken, for from the root of the serpent shall come forth a yellow viper, and its fruit, the burning flying serpent, 30 and graze do the firstlings of the poor, and the needy shall trustingly recline. Yet I put to death with famine, your root, and your remnant it will kill." 31 Howl, O gate! Cry out, O city! Dissolved is Philistia! All of you, for smoke comes from the north. And no one shall be solitary in his appointed places." 32 And what will they answer, the messengers of a nation? That Yahweh founds Zion, and in it the humble of His people will find refuge."