Luke 8:14-15

  14 G1161 And G3588 that G4098 which fell G1519 among G173 thorns G1526 are G3778 they, G3588 which, G191 when they have heard, G4198 go forth, G2532 and G4846 are choked G5259 with G3308 cares G2532 and G4149 riches G2532 and G2237 pleasures G979 of G979 this life, G2532 and G5052 bring G3756 no fruit G5052 to perfection.
  15 G1161 But G3588 that G1722 on G2570 the good G1093 ground G1526 are G3778 they, G3748 which G1722 in G18 an honest G2532 and G2570 good G2588 heart, G191 having heard G3056 the word, G2722 keep G2532 it, and G2592 bring forth fruit G1722 with G5281 patience.