Lamentations 2:10-11

  10 H2205 The elders H1323 of the daughter H6726 of Zion H3427 sit H776 upon the ground, H1826 and keep silence: H5927 they have cast up H6083 dust H7218 upon their heads; H2296 they have girded H8242 themselves with sackcloth: H1330 the virgins H3389 of Jerusalem H3381 hang down H7218 their heads H776 to the ground.
  11 H5869 My eyes H3615 do fail H1832 with tears, H4578 my bowels H2560 are troubled, H3516 my liver H8210 is poured H776 upon the earth, H7667 for the destruction H1323 of the daughter H5971 of my people; H5768 because the sons H3243 and the sucklings H5848 swoon H7339 in the streets H7151 of the city.