Colossians 1:20-22

  20 G2532 And, G1517 having made peace G1223 through G129 the blood G846 of his G4716 cross, G1223 by G846 him G604 to reconcile G3956 all things G1519 unto G846 himself; G1223 by G846 him, G1535 I say, whether G3588 they be things G1909 in G1093 earth, G1535 or G3588 things G1722 in G3772 heaven.
  21 G2532 And G5209 you, G5607 that were G4218 previously G526 alienated G2532 and G2190 enemies G1271 in G1271 your mind G1722 by G4190 wicked G2041 works, G1161 yet G3570 now G604 has he reconciled
  22 G1722 In G4983 the body G846 of his G4561 flesh G1223 through G2288 death, G3936 to present G5209 you G40 holy G2532 and G299 unblameable G2532 and G410 unreproveable G846 in his G2714 sight: