11 εἴτε (Whether) οὖν (therefore) ἐγὼ (I) εἴτε (or) ἐκεῖνοι (they), οὕτως (thus) κηρύσσομεν (we preach), καὶ (and) οὕτως (thus) ἐπιστεύσατε (you believed).
12 Εἰ (If) δὲ (now) Χριστὸς (Christ) κηρύσσεται (is preached) ὅτι (that) ἐκ (out from) νεκρῶν (the dead) ἐγήγερται (He has been raised), πῶς (how) λέγουσιν (say) ἐν (among) ὑμῖν (you) τινες (some) ὅτι (that) ἀνάστασις (a resurrection) νεκρῶν (of the dead) οὐκ (not) ἔστιν (there is)?
13 εἰ (If) δὲ (however) ἀνάστασις (a resurrection) νεκρῶν (of the dead) οὐκ (not) ἔστιν (there is), οὐδὲ (neither) Χριστὸς (Christ) ἐγήγερται (has been raised);
14 εἰ (if) δὲ (then) Χριστὸς (Christ) οὐκ (not) ἐγήγερται (has been raised), κενὸν (is void) ἄρα (then) [καὶ] (also) τὸ (the) κήρυγμα (preaching) ἡμῶν (of us), κενὴ (void) καὶ (also) ἡ (the) πίστις (faith) ὑμῶν (of you).
15 εὑρισκόμεθα (We are found) δὲ (then) καὶ (also) ψευδομάρτυρες (false witnesses) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (of God), ὅτι (because) ἐμαρτυρήσαμεν (we have witnessed) κατὰ (concerning) τοῦ (-) Θεοῦ (God), ὅτι (that) ἤγειρεν (He raised up) τὸν (-) Χριστόν (Christ), ὃν (whom) οὐκ (not) ἤγειρεν (He has raised) εἴπερ (if) ἄρα (then) νεκροὶ (the dead) οὐκ (not) ἐγείρονται (are raised).
16 Εἰ (If) γὰρ (for) νεκροὶ (the dead) οὐκ (not) ἐγείρονται (are raised), οὐδὲ (neither) Χριστὸς (Christ) ἐγήγερται (has been raised);
17 εἰ (if) δὲ (then) Χριστὸς (Christ) οὐκ (not) ἐγήγερται (has been raised), ματαία (futile) ἡ (the) πίστις (faith) ὑμῶν (of you) (ἐστίν) (is); ἔτι (still) ἐστὲ (you are) ἐν (in) ταῖς (the) ἁμαρτίαις (sins) ὑμῶν (of you).
18 ἄρα (Then) καὶ (also) οἱ (those) κοιμηθέντες (having fallen asleep) ἐν (in) Χριστῷ (Christ) ἀπώλοντο (have perished).
19 εἰ (If) ἐν (in) τῇ (the) ζωῇ (life) ταύτῃ (this), ἐν (in) Χριστῷ (Christ) ἠλπικότες (having hope) ἐσμὲν (we are), μόνον (only), ἐλεεινότεροι (more to be pitied) πάντων (than all) ἀνθρώπων (men) ἐσμέν (we are).
20 Νυνὶ (Now) δὲ (however) Χριστὸς (Christ) ἐγήγερται (has been raised) ἐκ (out from) νεκρῶν (the dead), ἀπαρχὴ (firstfruit) τῶν (of those) κεκοιμημένων (having fallen asleep).