Exodus 4:1-9

  1 H4872 And Moses H6030 answered H559 and said, H539 But, behold, they will not believe H8085 me, nor hearken H6963 unto my voice; H559 for they will say, H3068 Jehovah H7200 hath not appeared unto thee.
  2 H3068 And Jehovah H559 said H3027 unto him, What is that in thy hand? H559 And he said, H4294 A rod.
  3 H559 And he said, H7993 Cast H776 it on the ground. H7993 And he cast H776 it on the ground, H5175 and it became a serpent; H4872 and Moses H5127 fled H6440 from before it.
  4 H3068 And Jehovah H559 said H4872 unto Moses, H7971 Put forth H3027 thy hand, H270 and take H2180 it by the tail H7971 (and he put forth H3027 his hand, H2388 and laid hold H4294 of it, and it became a rod H3709 in his hand);
  5 H539 that they may believe H3068 that Jehovah, H430 the God H1 of their fathers, H430 the God H85 of Abraham, H430 the God H3327 of Isaac, H430 and the God H3290 of Jacob, H7200 hath appeared unto thee.
  6 H3068 And Jehovah H559 said H5750 furthermore H935 unto him, Put H3027 now thy hand H2436 into thy bosom. H935 And he put H3027 his hand H2436 into his bosom: H3318 and when he took H3027 it out, behold, his hand H6879 was leprous, H7950 as white as snow.
  7 H559 And he said, H7725 Put H3027 thy hand H2436 into thy bosom H7725 again. H7725 (And he put H3027 his hand H2436 into his bosom H7725 again; H3318 and when he took H2436 it out of his bosom, H7725 behold, it was turned again H1320 as his other flesh.)
  8 H539 And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe H8085 thee, neither hearken H6963 to the voice H7223 of the first H226 sign, H539 that they will believe H6963 the voice H314 of the latter H226 sign.
  9 H539 And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe H8147 even these two H226 signs, H8085 neither hearken H6963 unto thy voice, H3947 that thou shalt take H4325 of the water H2975 of the river, H8210 and pour H3004 it upon the dry H4325 land: and the water H3947 which thou takest H2975 out of the river H1818 shall become blood H3006 upon the dry land.