Ecclesiastes 5:11-16

  11 H2896 When goods H7235 increase, H7231 they are increased H398 that eat H3788 them; and what advantage H1167 is there to the owner H518 thereof, save H7207 the beholding H5869 of them with his eyes?
  12 H8142 The sleep H5647 of a laboring man H4966 is sweet, H398 whether he eat H4592 little H7235 or much; H7647 but the fulness H6223 of the rich H3240 will not suffer H3462 him to sleep.
  13 H3426 There is H2470 a grievous H7451 evil H7200 which I have seen H8121 under the sun, H6239 namely, riches H8104 kept H1167 by the owner H7451 thereof to his hurt:
  14 H6239 and those riches H6 perish H7451 by evil H6045 adventure; H3205 and if he hath begotten H1121 a son, H3972 there is nothing H3027 in his hand.
  15 H3318 As he came forth H517 from his mother's H990 womb, H6174 naked H3212 shall he go H7725 again H935 as he came, H5375 and shall take H3972 nothing H5999 for his labor, H3212 which he may carry away H3027 in his hand.
  16 H2090 And this H2470 also is a grievous H7451 evil, H5980 that in all points H935 as he came, H3212 so shall he go: H3504 and what profit H5998 hath he that he laboreth H7307 for the wind?