Matthew 26:38-43

  38 G5119 Then G3004 said G5590 he to them, My soul G4036 is exceeding G4036 sorrowful, G2288 even to death: G3306 tarry G5602 you here, G1127 and watch with me.
  39 G4281 And he went G3397 a little G4281 farther, G4098 and fell G1909 on G4383 his face, G4336 and prayed, G3004 saying, G3962 O my Father, G1487 if G1415 it be possible, G5124 let this G4221 cup G3928 pass G4133 from me: nevertheless G2309 not as I will, but as you will.
  40 G2064 And he comes G3101 to the disciples, G2147 and finds G2518 them asleep, G3004 and said G4074 to Peter, G3779 What, G2480 could G1127 you not watch G3391 with me one G5610 hour?
  41 G1127 Watch G4336 and pray, G1525 that you enter G1519 not into G3986 temptation: G4151 the spirit G3303 indeed G4289 is willing, G4561 but the flesh G772 is weak.
  42 G565 He went G565 away G3825 again G1208 the second G4336 time, and prayed, G3004 saying, G3962 O my Father, G1487 if G5124 this G4221 cup G1410 may G3928 not pass G3928 away G3362 from me, except G4095 I drink G2307 it, your will G1096 be done.
  43 G2064 And he came G2147 and found G2518 them asleep G3825 again: G3788 for their eyes G916 were heavy.