Colossians 3:12-17

  12 G1746 Put G1746 on G3767 therefore, G1588 as the elect G2316 of God, G40 holy G25 and beloved, G4698 bowels G3628 of mercies, G5544 kindness, G5012 humbleness G4236 of mind, meekness, G3115 long-suffering;
  13 G430 Forbearing G240 one G240 another, G5483 and forgiving G1438 one G1438 another, G1437 if G5100 any G2192 man have G3437 a quarrel G4314 against G5100 any: G2532 even G5547 as Christ G3779 forgave you, so G2532 also do you.
  14 G1909 And above G3956 all G5125 these G26 things put on charity, G3748 which G4886 is the bond G5047 of perfection.
  15 G1515 And let the peace G2316 of God G1018 rule G5216 in your G2588 hearts, G3739 to the which G2532 also G2564 you are called G1520 in one G4983 body; G2170 and be you thankful.
  16 G3056 Let the word G5547 of Christ G1774 dwell G4146 in you richly G3956 in all G4678 wisdom; G1321 teaching G3560 and admonishing G1438 one G1438 another G5568 in psalms G5215 and hymns G4152 and spiritual G5603 songs, G103 singing G5485 with grace G5216 in your G2588 hearts G2962 to the Lord.
  17 G3956 And whatever G4160 you do G3056 in word G2228 or G2041 deed, G4160 do G3956 all G3686 in the name G2962 of the Lord G2424 Jesus, G2168 giving thanks G2316 to God G3962 and the Father by him.