Philippians 2:2-4

  2 G4137 Fulfill G5479 you my joy, G3588 that you be like minded, G5426 G2192   G846 having the same G26 love, G4861 being of one G3888 accord, of one G1520 G5426 mind.
  3 G3367 Let nothing G2596 be done through G2052 strife G2228 or G2754 vainglory; G5012 but in lowliness G5012 of mind G240 let each G2233 esteem G240 other G5242 better G1438 than themselves.
  4 G4648 Look G1538 not every G1438 man on his own G1538 things, but every G2532 man also G2087 on the things of others.