Numbers 36:5-6

  5 G2532 And G1781 Moses gave charge G*   G3588 to the G5207 sons G* of Israel, G1223 through G4366.2 the order G2962 of the lord, G3004 saying, G3779 Thus G5443 to the tribe G5207 of the sons G* of Israel, G3004 say,
  6 G3778 This is G3588 the G4487 saying G3739 which G4929 the lord ordered G2962   G3588 to the G2364 daughters G* of Zelophehad, G3004 saying, G3739 Of whom G302 ever G700 it is pleasing G1726 before G1473 them G1510.5 let them be G1135 wives, G4133 only G1537 from G3588 the G1218 people G3588   G3962 of their father G1473   G1510.5 let them be G1135 wives!