Genesis 7:1-11:32

Coverdale(i) 1 And ye LORDE sayde vnto Noe: Go in to the Arcke thou & thy whole house: for the haue I sene righteous before me at this tyme. 2 Of all cleane beastes take vnto the seuen and seuen, the male and his female. And of vncleane beastes a payre, the male and his female. 3 Like wyse of the foules vnder the heauen, seuen and seuen, the male and his female, that there maye be sede left a lyue vpon the whole earth. 4 For yet after seuen dayes, I wil sende raine vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes, and wyll destroye all maner of thinges that I haue made, from of the face of the earth. 5 And Noe dyd all that the LORDE commaunded him. 6 Sixe hudreth yeare olde was he, whan the water floude came vpon earth. 7 And he wente in to the Arcke, with his sonnes, his wyfe, and his sonnes wyues, for the waters of the floude. 8 Of cleane beastes and of vncleane, of all fethered foules, & of all that crepeth vpon earth, 9 wente in vnto him to the Arcke by pares, a male and a female, as ye LORDE comaunded him. 10 And whan the seuen dayes were past, the water floude came vpon the earth. 11 In the sixe hundreth yeare of Noes age, vpon the seuentene daye of the seconde moneth, that same daye were all ye fountaynes of the greate depe broken vp, and the wyndowes of heauen were opened, 12 and there came a rayne vpon ye earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes. 13 Vpon the selfe same daye wete Noe into the Arcke, with Sem, Ham and Iaphet his sonnes, and with his wyfe, and the thre wyues of his sonnes, 14 and all maner of beastes after their kynde, all maner of catell after their kynde, all maner of crepynge thinges (that crepe vpo the earth) after their kynde, and all maner of foules (what so euer coude flye & what so euer had fethers) after their kynde: 15 These wente all vnto Noe in to the Arcke by cooples, of all flesh in whom was the breth of life. 16 And these were the male & the female of all maner of flesh, and wente in, acordinge as God commauded him. And the LORDE shut (the dore) vpon him. 17 Then came the water floude fourtie dayes vpon the earth, and the water increased, and bare vp the Arcke, and lift it vp ouer ye earth. 18 Thus the water preuayled, and increased sore vpon the earth, so that the Arcke wente vpon the waters. 19 Yee the waters preuayled and increased so sore vpon earth, that all the hye mountaynes vnder the whole heauen were couered. 20 Fyftene cubytes hye preuayled ye waters ouer the mountaynes, which were couered. 21 Then all flesh that crepte vpon earth, perished, both foules, catell, beastes, and all yt moued vpon earth, and all men. 22 What so euer had the breth of life vpon the drye londe, dyed. 23 Thus was destroyed all that was vpon the earth, both man and beast, both wormes and foules vnder ye heaue: all these were destroyed from the earth, Saue Noe onely remayned, and they that were with him in the Arcke. 24 And the waters preuayled vpon the earth, an hundreth and fiftie dayes. 8 1 Then God remembred Noe and all the beastes, and all the catell that were with him in the Arcke, and caused a wynde to come vpon the earth: and ye waters ceassed, 2 and the fountaynes of the depe and the wyndowes of heauen were stopte, and the rayne of heaue was forbydden, 3 and the waters ranne styll awaye from ye earth, and decreased after an hundreth and fiftye dayes. 4 Vpon the seuentene daye of the seuenth moneth rested the Arcke vpon the mountaynes of Ararat. 5 And the waters wete awaye and decreased vntyll the tenth moneth: for the first daye of the tenth moneth, the toppes of the mountaynes appeared. 6 After fourtie dayes Noe opened ye wyndow of the Arcke which he had made, 7 & sent forth a rauen, which flew out, and came agayne, vntyll the waters were dryed vp vpo the earth. 8 Then sent he forth a doue from him, to wete, whether the waters were falle vpon the earth. 9 But when ye doue coude fynde no restynge place for hir fete, she came agayne vnto him in to the Arcke, for the waters were yet vpon the face of all the earth. And he put out his hande, and toke her to him in to the Arke. 10 Then he abode yet seuen dayes mo, & sent out the doue agayne out of the Arke: 11 & she returned vnto him aboute the euen tyde: and beholde, she had broken of a leaf of an olyue tre, & bare it in hir nebb. Then Noe perceaued, that the waters were abated vpon the earth. 12 Neuertheles he taried yet seuen other dayes, and sent forth the doue, which came nomore to him agayne. 13 In the sixte hundreth and one yeare of Noes age, vpon the first daye of ye first moneth, the waters were dryed vp vpon the earth. Then Noe toke of the hatches of the Arke, and sawe yt the face of the earth was drye. 14 So vpon the seuen and twentye daye of the seconde moneth the whole earth was drye. 15 Then spake God vnto Noe, and sayde: 16 Go out of the Arke, thou and thy wyfe, and thy sonnes, and thy sonnes wyues with the. 17 As for all the beastes that are with the, what so euer flesh it be (both foule & catell and all maner of wormes that crepe vpon the earth) let them go out with the, and be ye occupied vpon the earth, growe and multiplye vpon the earth. 18 So Noe wente out, with his sonnes, and with his wife, and with his sonnes wyues. 19 All the beastes also and all the wormes, and all the foules, and all that crepte vpon the earth, wente out of the Arke, euery one vnto his like. 20 And Noe buylded an altare vnto ye LORDE, and toke of all maner of cleane beastes & of all maner of cleane foules, and offred bret sacrifices vpon ye altare. 21 And ye LORDE smelled the swete sauor, & sayde in his hert: I wyl hence forth curse the earth nomore for mas sake, for the ymaginacion of mans hert is euell, euen from the very youth of him. Therfore from hece forth I wil nomore smyte all that lyueth, as I haue done. 22 Nether shall sowynge tyme and haruest, colde and heate Sommer and wynter, daye and night ceasse so longe as the earth endureth. 9 1 And God blessed Noe and his sonnes, and sayde vnto them: increace & multiplye, and fyll the earth. 2 The feare also and drede of you be vpon all beastes of the earth, vpon all foules vnder the heauen, and vpon all that crepeth on the earth, and all fyshes of the see be geuen in to youre hades. 3 All that moueth and hath life, be youre meate. Euen as the grene herbe, so haue I geue you all. 4 Onely eate not the flesh with the bloude, wherin the soule is: 5 For the bloude of you wherin youre soule is, wyll I requyre of the hande of all beastes: and the soule of ma wyll I requyre of mans hande, yee euery mans soule of anothers hande. 6 He that sheddeth mas bloude, his bloude shal be shed by man agayne, for God made man after his owne licknesse. 7 As for you, be ye frutefull, and increase, and be occupied vpon the earth, that ye maye multiplye therin. 8 Farthermore, God sayde vnto Noe and to his sonnes wt him: 9 Beholde, I make my couenaunt with you, and with youre sede after you, 10 and with euery lyuynge creature that is with you, both foule, catell, and all beastes vpon the earth with you, of all that is gone out of the Arke, what so euer beast of the earth it be: 11 And thus I make my couenaunt with you, that hence forth all flesh shal not be destroyed with the waters of eny floude, and from hence forth there shall come no floude to destroye the earth. 12 And God sayde: This is the token of my couenaunt which I haue made betwene me and you, and all lyuynge creatures amonge you for euermore: 13 My bowe will I set in the cloudes, and it shal be the token of my couenaunt betwene me and ye earth: 14 so that wha I brynge cloudes vpon the earth, the bowe shal appeare in the cloudes. 15 And then wyll I thynke vpon my couenaunt betwixte me and you and all lyuynge creatures in all maner of flesh: so that from hence forth there shall nomore come eny floude of water to destroye all flesh. 16 Therfore shall my bowe be in the cloudes, that I maye loke vpon it, and remembre the euerlastynge couenaunt, betwixte God and all liuynge creatures in all flesh that is vpon earth. 17 God sayde also vnto Noe: This is the toke of the couenaunt, which I haue made betwene me and all flesh vpon earth. 18 The sonnes of Noe which wente out of the Arke, are these: Sem, Ham and Iaphet. As for Ham, he is the father of Canaa. 19 These are Noes thre sonnes, of whom all londes were ouerspred. 20 Noe beganne to take hede vnto ye tyllinge of the grounde, & planted a vyniarde. 21 And dranke of the wyne, and was dronken, and laye vncouered in his tente. 22 Now when Ha the father of Canaan sawe his fathers preuities, he tolde his two brethren without. 23 The toke Sem and Iaphet a mantell and put it vpo both their shulders, and wente backwarde, and couered their fathers secretes: & their faces were turned asyde, yt they shulde not se their fathers preuyties. 24 So whan Noe awaked from his wyne, and perceaued what his yonger sonne had done vnto him, 25 he sayde: Cursed be Canaan, and a seruaunt of seruauntes be he vnto his brethren. 26 He sayde morouer: Praysed be the LORDE God of Sem, and Canaan be his seruaunt. 27 God increase Iaphet, and let him dwell in the tentes of Sem, and Canaan be his seruaunt. 28 And Noe lyued after the floude thre hundreth & fiftie yeare, 29 so yt his whole age was ix. hudreth and fyftie yeare, and so he dyed. 10 1 This is the generacion of the childre of Noe, Sem, Ham, and Iaphet, & they begat children after the floude. 2 The children of Iaphet are these: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Iauan, Tubal, Mesech and Thyras. 3 The childre of Gomer are these: Ascenas, Riphat and Togarma. 4 The children of Iauan are these: Elisa, Tharsis, Cithim and Dodanim: 5 Of these are deuided the Iles of ye Heithen in their countrees, euery one after his speach, kynred and people. 6 The childre of Ham are these: Thus, Misraim, Phut and Canaan. 7 The children of Chus are these: Seba, Heuila Sabtha, Reyma and Sabthecha. The children of Reyma are these: Sheba and Deda. 8 Thus also begat Nemrod, which beganne to be mightie in the earth, 9 and was a mightie hunter in the sight of the LORDE. Therof commeth the prouerbe: This is a mightie hunter before the LORDE like as Nemrod. 10 And the origenall of his kyngdome was Babel, Erech, Acad & Chalne in ye londe of Synear. 11 Out of that lode came Assur, and buylded Niniue, and ye stretes of ye cite, and Calah, 12 and Ressen betwene Ninyne & Calah: This is a greate cite. 13 Mizraim begat Ludim, Enamim, Leabim, Naphtuhim, 14 Pathrusim & Casluhim, from whence came the Philistynes and Capthorims. 15 Canaa also begat Zidon his eldest sonne, & Heth, 16 Iebusi, Emori, Girgosi, 17 Hiui, Arki, Sini, 18 Aruadi, Zemari & Hamati: fro whence ye kynreds of ye Cananites are dispersed abrode. 19 And ye Coastes of ye Cananites were fro Sido forth thorow Gerar vnto Gasa, tyll thou comest vnto Sodoma, Gomorra, Adama, Zeboim, & vnto Lasa. 20 These are the children of Ham in their kynreds, tunges, londes & people. 21 And Sem which is ye father of all the children of Eber, & the elder brother of Iaphet, begat childre also. 22 And these are his children: Ela, Assur, Arphachad, Lud & Aram. 23 The childre of Aram are these: Vz, Hul, Gether & Mas. 24 And Arphachsad begat Sala, and Sala begat Eber. 25 Eber begat two sonnes: the name of the one was Peleg, because that in his tyme the worlde was deuyded, and his brothers name was Iaketan, 26 And Iaketan begat Almodad, Saleph, Hazarmaphet, Iarah, 27 Hadoram, Usal, Dikela, 28 Obal, Abimael, Seba, 29 Ophir, Heuila & Iobab: All these are ye childre of Iaketan. 30 And their dwellynge was from Mesa, tyll thou come vnto Sephar a mountayne of ye east. 31 These are ye children of Sem in their generacions, tunges, londes and people. 32 This is now ye generacion of ye children of Noe in their kynredes & people. Of these were ye people vpon earth spred a brode after ye floude. 11 1 Morouer all the worlde had one tonge & language. 2 Now as they wente towarde the East, they founde a playne in ye londe of Synear, & there they dwelt, 3 & saide one to another: Come on, let vs make bryck & burne it. And they toke bryck for stone, & slyme for morter, 4 And sayde: Come, let vs buylde a cite & a tower, whose toppe maye reach vnto heaue, yt we maye make vs a name, afore we be scatred abrode in all londes. 5 Then came ye LORDE downe, to se ye cite & tower, yt ye childre of me had buylded. 6 And ye LORDE saide: Beholde, the people is one, & haue one maner of language amoge the all, & this haue they begonne to do, & wil not leaue of from all yt they haue purposed to do. 7 Come on, let vs go downe, & cofounde their tonge eue there, yt one vnderstonde not what another saieth. 8 Thus ye LORDE scatred the fro thece in all lodes, so yt they left of to buylde the cite. 9 Therfore is it called Babell, because the LORDE cofounded there the language of all the worlde, and from thece scatred them abrode in to all londes. 10 These are ye generacions of Sem. Sem was an hundreth yeare olde, and begat Arphachsad two yeare after the floude, 11 and lyued therafter fyue hudreth yeare, and begat sonnes and doughters. 12 Arphachsad was fiue & thirtie yeare olde, and begat Salah, 13 and lyued therafter foure hundreth and thre yeare, and begat sonnes & doughters. 14 Salah was thirtie yeare olde, and begat Eber, 15 & lyued therafter foure hudreth & thre yeare, & begat sonnes and doughters. 16 Eber was foure and thirtie yeare olde, & begat Peleg, 17 and lyued therafter foure hundreth and thirtie yeare, and begat sonnes & doughters. 18 Peleg was thirtie yeare olde, and begat Regu, 19 and lyued therafter two hudreth and nyene yeare, and begat sonnes & doughters. 20 Regu was two and thirtie yeare olde, and begat Serug, 21 and lyued therafter two hundreth and seuen yeare, and begat sonnes and doughters. 22 Serug was thirtie yeare olde, and begat Nahor, 23 and lyued therafter two hundreth yeare, and begat sonnes & doughters. 24 Nahor was nyene and twentye yeare olde, and begat Terah, 25 and lyued herafter an hundreth and nyentene yeare, and begat sonnes and doughters. 26 Terah was seuentie yeare olde, and begat Abram, Nahor and Haran. 27 These are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor and Haran. And Haran begat Lot, 28 but Hara dyed before Terah his father in ye londe where he was borne, at Vr in Chaldea. 29 Then Abram and Nahor toke them wyues. Abrams wife was called Sarai, & Nahors wyfe Milca the doughter of Haran, which was father of Milca and Iisca. 30 But Sarai was baren, and had no childe. 31 Then toke Terah Abra his sonne, & Lot his sonne Harans sonne, & Sarai his doughter in lawe, his sonne Abrams wife, & caried them wt him from Vr in Chaldea, to go in to the lande of Canaan. And they came to Haran, & dwelt there. 32 And Terah was two hundreth & fyue yeare olde, and dyed in Haran.