Genesis 7:1-11:32

Wycliffe(i) 1 Also the Lord seide to Noe, Entre thou and al thin hous in to the schip, for Y seiy thee iust bifore me in this generacioun. 2 Of alle clene lyuynge beestis thou schalt take bi seuene and bi seuene, male and female; forsothe of vnclene lyuynge beestis thou schalt take bi tweyne and bi tweyne, male and female; 3 but also of volatils of heuene thou schalt take, bi seuene and bi seuene, male and female, that her seed be saued on the face of al erthe. 4 For yit and aftir seuene daies Y schal reyne on erthe fourti daies and fourti nyytis, and Y schal do awey al substaunce which Y made, fro the face of erthe. 5 Therfor Noe dide alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide to hym. 6 And he was of sixe hundrid yeer, whanne the watris of the greet flood flowiden on erthe. 7 And Noe entride in to the schip, and hise sones, and hise wijf, and the wyues of his sones, entriden with him for the watris of the greet flood. 8 And of lyuynge beestis clene and vnclene, and of briddis of heuene, and of ech beeste which is moued on erthe, 9 bi tweyne and bi tweyne, male and female entriden to Noe in to the schip, as the Lord comaundide to Noe. 10 And whanne seuene daies hadden passid, the watris of the greet flood flowiden on erthe. 11 In the sixe hundrid yeer of the lijf of Noe, in the secunde moneth, in the seuententhe dai of the moneth, alle the wellis of the greet see weren brokun, and the wyndowis of heuene weren opened, 12 and reyn was maad on erthe fourti daies and fourti nyytis. 13 In the ende of that dai Noe entride, and Sem, Cham, and Japheth, hise sones, his wijf, and the wyues of hise sones, entriden with hem into the schip. 14 Thei entriden, and ech beeste bi his kynde, and alle werk beestis in her kynde, and ech beeste which is moued on erthe in his kynde, and ech volatil bi his kynde; alle briddis and alle volatils entriden to Noe in to the schip, 15 bi tweyne and bi tweyne of ech fleisch in whiche the spirit of lijf was. 16 And tho that entriden, entriden male and female of ech fleisch, as God comaundide to hym. And the Lord encloside hym fro with out-forth. 17 And the greet flood was maad fourti daies and fourti niytis on erthe, and the watris weren multiplied, and reiseden the schip on hiy fro erthe. 18 The watris flowiden greetli, and filliden alle thingis in the face of erthe. Forsothe the schip was borun on the watris. 19 And the watris hadden maistrie greetli on erthe, and alle hiye hillis vndur alle heuene weren hilid; 20 the watyr was hiyere bi fiftene cubitis ouer the hilis whiche it hilide. 21 And ech fleisch was wastid that was moued on erthe, of briddis, of lyuynge beestis, of vnresonable beestis, and of alle `reptilis that crepen on erthe. 22 Alle men, and alle thingis in whiche the brething of lijf was in erthe, weren deed. 23 And God dide awei al substaunce that was on erthe, fro man til to beeste, as wel a crepynge beeste as the briddis of heuene; and tho weren doon awei fro erthe. Forsothe Noe dwellide aloone, and thei that weren with hym in the schip. 24 And the watris of the greet flood ouereyeden the erthe an hundrid and fifti daies. 8 1 Forsothe the Lord hadde mynde of Noe, and of alle lyuynge beestis, and of alle werk beestis, that weren with hym in the schip; and brouyte a wynd on the erthe. 2 And watris weren decreessid, and the wellis of the see weren closid, and the wyndowis of heuene weren closid, and reynes of heuene weren ceessid. 3 And watrys turneden ayen fro erthe, and yeden ayen, and bigunnen to be decreessid aftir an hundrid and fifti daies. 4 And the schip restide in the seuenthe monthe, in the seuene and twentithe dai of the monthe, on the hillis of Armenye. 5 And sotheli the watrys yeden and decresiden til to the tenthe monethe, for in the tenthe monethe, in the firste dai of the monethe, the coppis of hillis apperiden. 6 And whanne fourti daies weren passid, Noe openyde the wyndow of the schip which he hadde maad, and sente out a crowe, 7 which yede out, and turnede not ayen til the watris weren dried on erthe. Also Noe sente out a culuer aftir hym, to se if the watris hadden ceessid thanne on the face of erthe; 9 and whanne the culuer foond not where hir foot schulde reste, sche turnede ayen to hym in to the schip, for the watris weren on al erthe; and Noe helde forth his hoond, and brouyte the culuer takun in to the schip. 10 Sotheli whanne othere seuene daies weren abedun aftirward, eft he leet out a culuer fro the schip; 11 and sche cam to hym at euentid, and bare in hir mouth a braunche of olyue tre with greene leeuys. Therfor Noe vndirstood that the watris hadden ceessid on erthe; 12 and neuerthelesse he abood seuene othere daies, and sente out a culuer, which turnede `no more ayen to hym. 13 Therfor in the sixe hundrid and o yeer of the lijf of Noe, in the firste monethe, in the firste day of the monethe, watris weren decreessid on erthe; and Noe openede the roof of the schip, and bihelde and seiy that the face of the erthe was dried. 14 In the secunde monethe, in the seuene and twentithe dai of the monethe, the erthe was maad drie. 15 Sotheli the Lord spak to Noe; 16 and seide, Go out of the schip, thou, and thi wijf, thi sones, and the wyues of thi sones with thee; 17 and lede out with thee alle lyuynge beestis that ben at thee of ech fleisch, as wel in volatilis as in vnresonable beestis, and alle `reptils that crepen on erthe; and entre ye on the erthe, encreesse ye, and be ye multiplied on erthe. 18 Therfor Noe yede out, and hise sones, and his wijf, and the wyues of hise sones with hym; 19 but also alle lyuynge beestis, and werk beestis, and `reptils that crepen on erthe, bi her kynde, yeden out of the schip. 20 Forsothe Noe bildide an auter to the Lord, and he took of alle clene beestis and briddis, and offride brent sacrifices on the auter. 21 And the Lord sauerede the odour of swetnesse, and seide to hym, Y schal no more curse the erthe for men, for the wit and thouyt of mannus herte ben redi in to yuel fro yong wexynge age; therfor Y schal no more smyte ech lyuynge soule as Y dide; 22 in alle the daies of erthe, seed and ripe corn, coold and heete, somer and wyntir, nyyt and dai, shulen not reste. 9 1 And God blisside Noe and hise sones, and seide to hem, Encreesse ye, and be ye multiplied, and fille ye the erthe; 2 and youre drede and tremblyng be on alle vnresonable beestis of erthe, and on alle briddis of heuene, with alle thingis that ben moued in erthe; alle fischis of the see ben youun to youre hond. 3 And al thing which is moued and lyueth schal be to you in to mete; Y have youe to you alle thingis as greene wortis, 4 outakun that ye schulen not ete fleisch with blood, 5 for Y schal seke the blood of youre lyues of the hoond of alle vnresonable beestis and of the hoond of man, of the hoond of man and of hys brother Y schal seke the lijf of man. 6 Who euere schedith out mannus blood, his blood schal be sched; for man is maad to the ymage of God. 7 Forsothe encreesse ye, and be ye multiplied, and entre ye on erthe, and fille ye it, Also the Lord seide thes thingis to Noe, 8 and to his sones with him, Lo! 9 Y schal make my couenaunt with you, and with your seed after you, 10 and to ech lyuynge soule which is with you, as wel in briddis as in werk beestis and smale beestis of erthe, and to alle thingis that yeden out of the schip, and to alle vnresonable beestis of erthe. 11 Y schal make my couenaunt with you, and ech fleisch schal no more be slayn of the watris of the greet flood, nethir the greet flood distriynge al erthe schal be more. 12 And God seide, This is the signe of boond of pees, which Y yyue bitwixe me and you, and to ech lyuynge soule which is with you, in to euerlastynge generaciouns. 13 Y schal sette my bowe in the cloudis, and it schal be a signe of boond of pees bitwixe me and erthe; 14 and whanne Y schal hile heuene with cloudis, my bowe schal appere in the cloudis, 15 and Y schal haue mynde of my boond of pees which Y made with you, and with ech soule lyuynge, that nurschith fleisch; and the watris of the greet flood schulen no more be to do awey al fleish. 16 And my bowe schal be in the cloudis, and Y schal se it, and Y schal haue mynde of euerlastynge boond of pees, which is maad bitwixe God and man, and ech soul lyuynge of al fleisch which is on erthe. 17 And God seide to Noe, This schal be a signe of boond of pees, which Y made bitwixe me and ech fleisch on erthe. 18 Therfore thei that yeden out of the schip weren Noe, Sem, Cham, and Japheth; forsothe Cham, thilke is the fadir of Chanaan. 19 These thre weren the sones of Noe, and al the kynde of men was sowun of hem on al erthe. 20 And Noe, an erthe tiliere, bigan to tile the erthe, and he plauntide a viner, 21 and he drank wyn, and was drunkun; and he was nakid, and lay in his tabernacle. 22 And whanne Cham, the fadir of Chanaan, hadde seien this thing, that is, that the schameful membris of his fadir weren maad nakid, he telde to hise tweye britheren with out forth. 23 And sotheli Sem and Jafeth puttiden a mentil on her schuldris, and thei yeden bacward, and hileden the schameful membris of her fadir, and her faces weren turned awei, and thei sien not the priuy membris of her fadir. 24 And forsothe Noe wakide of the wyn, and whanne he hadde lerned what thingis his lesse sone hadde do to hym, 25 he seide, Cursid be the child Canaan, he schal be seruaunt of seruauntis to hise britheren. 26 And Noe seide, Blessid be the Lord God of Sem, 27 and Chanaan be the seruaunt to Sem; God alarge Jafeth, and dwelle in the tabernaclis of Sem, and Chanaan be seruaunt of hym. 28 Forsothe Noe lyuede aftir the greet flood thre hundrid and fifti yeer; 29 and alle the daies of hym weren fillid nyn hundrid and fifty yeer, and he was deed. 10 1 These ben the generaciouns of the sones of Noe, Sem, Cham, and Jafeth. And sones weren borun to hem aftir the greet flood. 2 The sones of Jafeth weren Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Jauan, and Tubal, and Mosoth, and Thiras. 3 Forsothe the sones of Gomer weren Asseneth, and Rifath, and Thogorma. 4 Forsothe the sones of Jauan weren Helisa, and Tharsis, Cethym, and Dodanym; 5 of these sones the ylis of hethen men weren departid in her cuntrees, ech bi his langage and meynees, in hise naciouns. 6 Sotheli the sones of Cham weren Thus, and Mesraym, and Futh, and Chanaan. 7 Forsothe the sones of Thus weren Saba, and Euila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabatacha. The sones of Regma weren Saba, and Dadan. 8 Forsothe Thus gendride Nemroth; he bigan to be myyti in erthe, 9 and he was a strong huntere of men bifore the Lord; of hym a prouerbe yede out, as Nemroth, a strong huntere bifore the Lord. 10 Sotheli the bigynnyng of his rewme was Babiloyne, and Arach, and Archad, and Thalamye, in the lond of Sennaar. 11 Assur yede out of that lond, and bildide Nynyue, `and stretis of the citee, 12 and Chale, and Resen bitwixe Nynyue and Chale; this is a greet citee. 13 And sotheli Mesraym gendride Ludym, and Anamym, and Laabym, Neptuym, and Ferrusym, and Cesluym; 14 of which the Filisteis and Capturym camen forth. 15 Forsothe Chanaan gendride Sidon, his firste gendride sone, Ethei, and Jebusei, 16 and Amorrei, Gergesei, 17 Euei, and Arathei, 18 Ceney, and Aradie, Samarites, and Amathei; and puplis of Chananeis weren sowun abrood bi these men. 19 And the termes of Chanaan weren maad to men comynge fro Sidon to Gerara, til to Gasa, til thou entre in to Sodom and Gomore, and Adama, and Seboyne, til to Lesa. 20 These weren the sones of Cham, in her kynredis, and langagis, and generaciouns, and londis, and folkis. 21 Also of Sem weren borun the fadris of alle the sones of Heber, and Japhet was the more brother. 22 The sones of Sem weren Elam, and Assur, and Arfaxath, and Lud, and Aram. 23 The sones of Aram weren Vs, and Hul, and Gether, and Mes. 24 And sotheli Arfaxath gendride Sale, of whom Heber was borun. 25 And twei sones weren borun to Heber, the name to o sone was Faleg, for the lond was departid in hise daies; and the name of his brothir was Jectan. 26 And thilke Jectan gendride Elmodad, and Salech, 27 and Asamoth, Jare, and Adhuram, and Vsal, 28 and Deda, and Ebal, and Abymahel, Saba, and Ofir, and Euila, and Jobab; 29 alle these weren the sones of Jectan. 30 And the habitacioun of hem was maad fro Messa, as `me goith til to Sefar, an hil of the eest. 31 These ben the sones of Sem, bi kynredis, and langagis, and cuntrees, in her folkis. 32 These ben the meynees of Noe, bi her puplis and naciouns; folkis in erthe weren departid of these aftir the greet flood. 11 1 Forsothe the lond was of o langage, and of the same speche. 2 And whanne thei yeden forth fro the eest, thei fonden a feeld in the lond of Sennaar, and dwelliden ther ynne. 3 And oon seide to his neiybore, Come ye, and make we tiel stonys, and bake we tho with fier; and thei hadden tiel for stonus, and pitche for morter; 4 and seiden, Come ye, and make we to vs a citee and tour, whos hiynesse stretche `til to heuene; and make we solempne oure name bifor that we be departid in to alle londis. 5 Forsothe the Lord cam down to se the citee and tour, which the sones of Adam bildiden. 6 And he seide, Lo! the puple is oon, and o langage is to alle, and thei han bigunne to make this, nethir thei schulen ceesse of her thouytis, til thei fillen tho in werk; therfor come ye, go we doun, 7 and scheende we there the tunge of hem, that ech man here not the voys of his neiybore. 8 And so the Lord departide hem fro that place in to alle londis; and thei cessiden to bielde a cytee. 9 And therfor the name therof was clepid Babel, for the langage of al erthe was confoundide there; and fro thennus the Lord scaterede hem on the face of alle cuntrees. 10 These ben the generaciouns of Sem. Sem was of an hundrid yeer whanne he gendride Arfaxath, twey yeer aftir the greet flood. 11 And Sem lyuede aftir that he gendride Arfaxath fyue hundrid yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 12 Forsothe Arfaxath lyuede fyue and thretti yeer, and gendride Sale; 13 and Arfaxath lyuede aftir that he gendride Sale thre hundride and thre yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 14 Also Sale lyuede thretti yeer, and gendride Heber; 15 and Sale lyuede after that he gendride Heber foure hundrid and thre yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 16 Sotheli Heber lyuede foure and thretti yeer, and gendride Falech; 17 and Heber lyuede aftir that he gendride Falech foure hundrid and thretti yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 18 Also Falech lyuede thretti yeer, and gendride Reu; 19 and Falech lyuede aftir that he gendride Reu two hundrid and nyne yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 20 And Reu lyuede two and thretti yeer, and gendride Saruch; 21 and Reu lyuede aftir that he gendride Saruch two hundrid and seuene yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 22 Sotheli Saruch lyuede thretti yeer, and gendride Nachor; 23 and Saruch lyuede aftir that he gendride Nacor two hundrid yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 24 Forsothe Nachor lyuede nyne and twenti yeer, and gendride Thare; 25 and Nachor lyuede after that he gendride Thare an hundrid and nynetene yeer, and gendride sones and douytris. 26 And Thare lyuede seuenti yeer, and gendride Abram, and Nachor, and Aran. 27 Sotheli these ben the generaciouns of Thare. Thare gendride Abram, Nachor, and Aran. Forsothe Aran gendride Loth; 28 and Aran diede bifore Thare, his fadir, in the lond of his natiuite, in Vr of Caldeis. 29 Forsothe Abram and Nachor weddiden wyues; the name of the wijf of Abram was Saray, and the name of the wiif of Nachor was Melcha, the douyter of Aran, fadir of Melcha and fadir of Jescha. 30 Sotheli Saray was bareyn, and hadde no children. 31 And so Thare took Abram, his sone, and Loth, the sone of Aran his sone, and Saray, his douyter in lawe, the wijf of Abram, his sone, and ledde hem out of Vr of Caldeis, that thei schulen go in to the lond of Chanaan; and thei camen `til to Aran, and dwelliden there. 32 And the daies of Thare weren maad two hundrid yeer and fyue, and he was deed in Aran.