Matthew 7:26 (KJV_Strongs) 26 G2532 And G3956 every one G191 that heareth [G5723] G5128 these G3056 sayings G3450 of mine G2532 , and G4160 doeth [G5723] G846 them G3361 not G3666 , shall be likened [G5701] G3474 unto a foolish G435 man G3748 , which G3618 built [G5656] G846 his G3614 house G1909 upon G285 the sand:
Matthew 7:26 (IGNT) 26 G2532 και And G3956 πας Everyone G3588 ο Who G191 (G5723) ακουων Hears G3450 μου G3588 τους My G3056 λογους Words G5128 τουτους These G2532 και G3361 μη And G4160 (G5723) ποιων Does Not Do G846 αυτους Them, G3666 (G5701) ομοιωθησεται He Shall Be Likened G435 ανδρι To A Man G3474 μωρω Foolish, G3748 οστις Who G3618 (G5656) ωκοδομησεν G3588 την Built G3614 οικιαν G846 αυτου His House G1909 επι Upon G3588 την The G285 αμμον Sand :
Romans 9:27 (KJV_Strongs) 27 G2268 Esaias G1161 also G2896 crieth [G5719] G5228 concerning G2474 Israel G1437 , Though G706 the number G5207 of the children G2474 of Israel G5600 be [G5753] G5613 as G285 the sand G2281 of the sea G2640 , a remnant G4982 shall be saved [G5701] :
Romans 9:27 (IGNT) 27 G2268 ησαιας Isaiah G1161 δε But G2896 (G5719) κραζει Cries G5228 υπερ G3588 του Concerning G2474 ισραηλ Israel, G1437 εαν If Should G5600 (G5753) η Be G3588 ο The G706 αριθμος Number G3588 των Of The G5207 υιων Sons G2474 ισραηλ Of Israel G5613 ως As G3588 η The G285 αμμος Sand G3588 της Of The G2281 θαλασσης Sea, G3588 το The G2640 καταλειμμα Remnant G4982 (G5701) σωθησεται Shall Be Saved :
Hebrews 11:12 (KJV_Strongs) 12 G1352 Therefore G1080 sprang there [G5681] G2532 even G575 of G1520 one G2532 , and G5023 him G3499 as good as dead [G5772] G2531 , so many as G798 the stars G3772 of the sky G4128 in multitude G2532 , and G5616 as G285 the sand G3588 which G3844 is by G2281 the sea G5491 shore G382 innumerable.
Hebrews 11:12 (IGNT) 12 G1352 διο Wherefore G2532 και Also G575 αφ From G1520 ενος One G1080 (G5681) εγεννηθησαν Were Born, G2532 και G5023 ταυτα And That Too G3499 (G5772) νενεκρωμενου Of "one" Having Become Dead, G2531 καθως Even As G3588 τα The G798 αστρα Stars G3588 του Of The G3772 ουρανου Heaven G3588 τω In G4128 πληθει Multitude, G2532 και And G5616 ωσει As G285 αμμος Sand G3588 η Which "is" G3844 παρα By G3588 το The G5491 χειλος Shore G3588 της Of The G2281 θαλασσης Sea G3588 η The G382 αναριθμητος Countless.
Revelation 13:1 (KJV_Strongs) 1 G2532 And G2476 I stood [G5681] G1909 upon G285 the sand G2281 of the sea G2532 , and G1492 saw [G5627] G2342 a beast G305 rise up [G5723] G1537 out of G2281 the sea G2192 , having [G5723] G2033 seven G2776 heads G2532 and G1176 ten G2768 horns G2532 , and G1909 upon G846 his G2768 horns G1176 ten G1238 crowns G2532 , and G1909 upon G846 his G2776 heads G3686 the name G988 of blasphemy.
Revelation 13:1 (IGNT) 1 G2532 (12 - 18) και And G2476 (G5681) εσταθην I Stood G1909 επι Upon G3588 την The G285 αμμον Sand G3588 της Of The G2281 θαλασσης G2532 (13 - 1)[SEA;] και And G1492 (G5627) ειδον I Saw G1537 εκ Out Of G3588 της The G2281 θαλασσης Sea G2342 θηριον A Beast G305 (G5723) αναβαινον Rising G2192 (G5723) εχον Having, G2776 κεφαλας Heads G2033 επτα Seven G2532 και And G2768 κερατα Horns G1176 δεκα Ten, G2532 και And G1909 επι On G3588 των G2768 κερατων G846 αυτου Its Horns G1176 δεκα Ten G1238 διαδηματα Diadems, G2532 και And G1909 επι Upon G3588 τας G2776 κεφαλας G846 αυτου Its Heads G3686 ονομα "the" Name G988 βλασφημιας Of Blasphemy.
Revelation 20:8 (KJV_Strongs) 8 G2532 And G1831 shall go out [G5695] G4105 to deceive [G5658] G1484 the nations G3588 which G1722 are in G5064 the four G1137 quarters G1093 of the earth G1136 , Gog G2532 and G3098 Magog G4863 , to gather G846 them G4863 together [G5629] G1519 to G4171 battle G706 : the number G3739 of whom G5613 is as G285 the sand G2281 of the sea.
Revelation 20:8 (IGNT) 8 G2532 και And G1831 (G5695) εξελευσεται Will Go Out G4105 (G5658) πλανησαι To Mislead G3588 τα The G1484 εθνη Nations G3588 τα Which "are" G1722 εν In G3588 ταις The G5064 τεσσαρσιν Tour G1137 γωνιαις Corners G3588 της Of The G1093 γης G3588 τον Earth, G1136 γωγ Gog G2532 και G3588 τον And G3098 μαγωγ Magog, G4863 (G5629) συναγαγειν To Gather Together G846 αυτους Them G1519 εις Unto G4171 πολεμον War, G3739 ων Of Whom G3588 ο The G706 αριθμος Number "is" G5613 ως As G3588 η The G285 αμμος Sand G3588 της Of The G2281 θαλασσης Sea.