Joshua 6:4-6

  4 H7651 And seven H3548 priests H5375 [H8799] shall bear H6440 at the face of H727 the ark H7651 seven H7782 shofars H3104 of jubilee: H7637 and the seventh H3117 day H5437 [H8799] ye shall march around H5892 the city H7651 seven H6471 times, H3548 and the priests H8628 [H8799] shall blow H7782 with the shofars.
  5 H4900 [H8800] And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long H3104 blast with the jubilee H7161 horn, H8085 [H8800] and when ye hear H6963 the sound H7782 of the shofar, H5971 all the people H7321 [H8686] shall shout H1419 with a great H8643 shout; H2346 and the wall H5892 of the city H5307 [H8804] shall fall down H8478 flat, H5971 and the people H5927 [H8804] shall go up H376 every man straight before him.
  6 H3091 And Joshua H1121 the son H5126 of Nun H7121 [H8799] called H3548 the priests, H559 [H8799] and said H5375 [H8798] to them, Take up H727 the ark H1285 of the covenant, H7651 and let seven H3548 priests H5375 [H8799] bear H7651 seven H7782 shofars H3104 of jubilee H6440 at the face of H727 the ark H3068 of the LORD.