Mark 16:2 Cross References - new

  2 G2532 And G3029 exceedingly G4404 early in the morning G3391 of the first G3588 of the G4521 sabbaths, G2064 [G5736] they came G1909 to G3588 the G3419 memorial G393 [G5660] at the rising G3588 of the G2246 sun.

Matthew 28:1

  1 G1161 And G3796 after the end G4521 of the sabbaths, G2020 [G5723] as it began to dawn G1519 into G3391 the first G4521 of the sabbaths, G2064 [G5627] came G3137 Mary G3588 the G3094 Magdalene G2532 and G243 the other G3137 Mary G2334 [G5658] to see G3588 the G5028 burial-places.

Luke 24:1

  1 G1161 Now G3588 on the G3391 first G3588 of the G4521 sabbaths, G901 at the depth G3722 of dawn, G2064 [G5627] they came G1909 upon G3588 the G3418 memorial, G5342 [G5723] bringing G759 the spices G3739 which G2090 [G5656] they had prepared, G2532 and G5100 certain G4862 others with G846 them.

John 20:1

  1 G1161 And G3588 the G3391 first G3588 of the G4521 sabbaths G2064 [G5736] cometh G3137 Mary G3094 Magdalene G4404 early, G5607 [G5752] when it was G2089 yet G4653 dark, G1519 to G3588 the G3419 memorial, G2532 and G991 [G5719] seeth G3588 the G3037 stone G142 [G5772] taken away G1537 from out of G3588 the G3419 memorial.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.