2 Corinthians 12:16 Cross References - WEB_Strongs

  16 G1161 But G1473 be it G2077 so, G1473 I G2599 did G3756 not G2599 myself burden G5209 you. G5225 But, being G3835 crafty, G2983 I caught G5209 you G1388 with deception.

2 Corinthians 1:12

  12 G1063 For G2257 our G2746 boasting G2076 is G3778 this: G3142 the testimony G2257 of our G4893 conscience, G3754 that G1722 in G572 holiness G2532 and G1505 sincerity G2316 of God, G3756 not G1722 in G4559 fleshly G4678 wisdom G235 but G1722 in G5485 the grace G2316 of God G390 we behaved G1722 ourselves in G2889 the world, G1161 and G4056 more abundantly G4314 toward G5209 you.

2 Corinthians 4:2

  2 G235 But G550 we have renounced G2927 the hidden things G152 of shame, G3361 not G4043 walking G1722 in G3834 craftiness, G3366 nor G1389 handling G3056 the word G2316 of God G1389 deceitfully; G235 but G5321 by the manifestation G225 of the truth G4921 commending G1438 ourselves G4314 to G3956 every G444 man's G4893 conscience G1799 in the sight of G2316 God.

2 Corinthians 7:2

  2 G5562 Open your hearts G2248 to us. G91 We wronged G3762 no one. G5351 We corrupted G3762 no one. G4122 We took advantage G3762 of no one.

2 Corinthians 10:2-3

  2 G1161 Yes, G1189 I beg G2292 you that I may G3361 not, G3918 when present, G2292 show courage G4006 with the confidence G3049 with which I intend G5111 to be bold G1909 against G5100 some, G3739 who G3049 consider G2248 us G5613 to be G4043 walking G2596 according to G4561 the flesh.
  3 G1063 For G4043 though we walk G1722 in G4561 the flesh, G4754 we G3756 don't G4754 wage war G2596 according G4561 to the flesh;

2 Corinthians 11:9-10

  9 G2532   G3918 When I was present G4314 with G5209 you G2532 and G5302 was in need, G3756 I wasn't G2655 a burden on G3762 anyone, G1063 for G80 the brothers, G2064 when they came G575 from G3109 Macedonia, G4322 supplied G3450 the measure of my G5303 need. G2532   G1722 In G3956 everything G5083 I kept G1683 myself G4 from being burdensome G5213 to you, G2532 and G5083 I will continue to do so.
  10 G3754 As G225 the truth G5547 of Christ G2076 is G1722 in G1698 me, G3756 no one G4972 will stop G1691 me G3778 from this G2746 boasting G1722 in G2824 the regions G1519 of Achaia.

2 Corinthians 12:13

  13 G1063 For G5101 what G2076 is G3739 there in which G2274 you were made inferior G5228 to G3062 the rest G1577 of the assemblies, G1487 unless G3361   G3754 it is that G3361 I G846 myself G2655 was G3756 not G2655 a burden G5216 to you? G5483 Forgive G3427 me G3778 this G93 wrong.

1 Thessalonians 2:3

  3 G1063 For G2257 our G3874 exhortation G3756 is not G1537 of G4106 error, G3761 nor G1537 of G167 uncleanness, G3777 nor G1722 in G1388 deception.

1 Thessalonians 2:5

  5 G1063 For G3777 neither G1096 were we G4218 at any time G3056 found using words G2850 of flattery, G2531 as G1492 you know, G3777 nor G4392 a cloak G4124 of covetousness G2316 (God G3144 is witness),

1 Peter 2:3

  3 G1512 if indeed G1089 you have tasted G3754 that G2962 the Lord G5543 is gracious:

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.