Exodus 40 Cross References - Tyndale

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge: 2 In the first daye of the first moneth shalt thou sett vp the habitacio of the tabernacle of witnesse, 3 ad put theri the arcke of witnesse, and couer the arcke with the vayle, 4 ad brynge in the table and apparell it, and brynge in the candelsticke and put on his lampes, 5 and sett the censalter of golde before the arcke of witnesse, and put the hangynge of the dore vnto the habitacion. 6 And sett the burntoffrynge alter before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse, 7 ad sett the lauer betwene the tabernacle of witnesse, ad the alter, ad put water theri, 8 and make the court roude aboute, ad set vp the hagynge of the courte gate. 9 And take the anoyntinge oyle and anoynt the habitacion and all that is there in, and halow it and all that belonge there to: that it maye be holye. 10 And anoynte the altar of the burntoffringes and all his vessels, and sanctifye the altar that it maye be most holye. 11 And anoynte also the lauer and his fote, and sanctifye it. 12 Than brynge Aaron and his sonnes vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse, and wash them with water. 13 And put apon Aaron the holye vestmentes. and anoynte him and sanctifye him that he maye ministre vnto me, 14 14 15 that their anoyntige maie be an euerlastinge preasthode vnto the thorow out their generacions. 16 And Moses dyd acordige to all that the Lorde commaunded him. 17 Thus was the tabernacle reared vp the first moneth in the secode yere. 18 And Moses rered vp the tabernacle ad fastened his sokettes, ad set vp the bordes ad put in their barres, ad rered vp the pillers, 19 ad spred abrode the tet ouer the habitacio ad put the coueringe of the tent an hye aboue it: as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 20 And he toke ad put the testimonye in the arke ad sett the staues to the arcke and put the merciseate an hye apon the arcke, 21 and broughte the arcke in to the habitacio and hanged vp the vayle ad couered the arcke of witnesse, as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 22 And he put the table in the tabernacle off witnesse in the north syde of the habitacio without the vayle, 23 and set the bred in ordre before the Lorde, eue as the Lorde had commaunded Moses. 24 And he put the candelsticke in the tabernacle of witnesse ouer agaynst the table in the south syde of the habitacion, 25 and set vp the lampes before the Lorde: as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 26 And he put the golden alter in the tabernacle of witnesse before the vayle, 27 ad brent swete cens there on as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 28 And set vp the hangynge in the dore of the habitacion, 29 and set the burntoffringe alter before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse, and offred burntoffringes and meatofferinges there on as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 30 And he set the lauer betwene the tabernacle of witnesse and the alter, and poured water there in to wash with all. 31 And both Moses Aaron and his sonnes washed their hades and their fete there at: 32 both when they went in to the tabernacle of witnesse, or whe they went to the alter, as the Lorde comaunded Moses. 33 And he rered vp the courte rounde aboute the habitacion and the alter, and set vp the hanginge of the courte gate: and so Moses fynished the worke. 34 And the clowde couered the tabernacle of witnesse, and the glorye of the Lorde fylled the habitacion: 35 so that Moses coude not entre in to the tabernacle of witnesse, because the clowde abode there in, and the glorye of the Lorde fylled the habitacion. 36 When the clowde was taken vp from of the habitacyo, the childern of Israel toke their iornayes as oft as they iornayed. 37 And yf the clowde departed not, they iornayed nott till it departed: 38 for the clowde of the Lorde was apon the habitacion by daye, and fyre by nyghte: in the sighte of all the house of Israel in all their iornayes.

Exodus 12:1-2

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron in the londe of Egipte saynge: 2 This moneth shall be youre chefe moneth: eue the first moneth of the yere shal it be vnto you

Exodus 13:4

4 This daye come ye out of Egipte in the moneth of Abib.

Exodus 26:1

1 And thou shalt make an habitatyo with ten curteynes of twyned bysse, Iacyncte scarlet and purpull, and shalt make them with cherubyns of broderd worke.

Exodus 26:7

7 And thou shalt make .xj. curtaynes of gotes heere, to be a tente to couer the habitacyo

Exodus 26:30

30 And rere vp the habitacion acordinge to the facion ther of that was shewed the in the mount.

Exodus 27:21

21 In the tabernacle of witnesse without the vayle wich is before the wytnesse, shall Aaron ad his sonnes dresse it both even and mornynge before the Lorde: And it shalbe a dewtie for euer vnto youre generacyous after you: to be geuen of the childern of Israel.

Exodus 30:36

36 And beat it to powder and put it before the witnesse in the tabernacle of witnesse, where I will mete the, but let it be vnto you holye.

Exodus 35:11

11 the habitacion and the tent there of with his couerynge ad his rynges, bordes, barres, pilers and sokettes:

Exodus 36:18

18 And they made fyftye rynges of brasse to couple the tent together that it myghte be one.

Exodus 40:6

6 And sett the burntoffrynge alter before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse,

Exodus 40:17-19

17 Thus was the tabernacle reared vp the first moneth in the secode yere. 18 And Moses rered vp the tabernacle ad fastened his sokettes, ad set vp the bordes ad put in their barres, ad rered vp the pillers, 19 ad spred abrode the tet ouer the habitacio ad put the coueringe of the tent an hye aboue it: as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Numbers 1:1

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai in the tabernacle of witnesse the fyrst daye of the seconde moneth ad in the seconde yere after they were come out of ye londe of Egipte sayenge:

Numbers 7:1

1 And when Moses had full sett vp the habitacion and anoynted it ad sanctifyed it and all the apparell there of and had anoynted and sanctifyed ye alter also and all the vessels there of:

Exodus 25:10

10 And they shall make an arke of sethim wodd .ij. cubittes and an halfe longe, a cubite ad an halfe brode and a cubitt and an halfe hye.

Exodus 25:22

22 There I will mete the and will comon with the from apon the mercyseate from betwene the two cherubyns which are apon the arke of witnesse, of all thynge which I will geue the in commaundment vnto the childern of Israel.

Exodus 26:31

31 And thou shalt make a vayle off Iacyncte, of scarlett, purpull and twyned bysse, and shalt make it off broderd worke and full of cherubyns.

Exodus 26:33-34

33 And thou shalt hage vp the vayle with rynges, and shall brynge in within the vayle, the arke of wittnesse. And the vayle shall deuyde the holye from the most holye. 34 And thou shalt put the mercyseate vppon the arcke of witnesse in the holyest place.

Exodus 35:12

12 the arke and the staues thereof with the mercyseate ad the vayle that couereth it:

Exodus 36:35-36

35 And they made an hangynge of Iacincte, of scarlett purple ad twyned bysse with cherubyns of broderd worke. 36 And made thervnto .iiij. pilers of sethim wodd and ouerlayde them with golde. Their knoppes were also of gold, ad they cast for them .iiij. sokettes of syluer.

Exodus 37:1-9

1 And bezaleel made the arcke of sethim wodd two cubettes and an halfe longe and a cubette and a halfe brode, and a cubett and a halfe hye: 2 and ouerlayde it with fyne golde both within and without, and made a crowne of golde to it rounde aboute, 3 and cast for it iiij. rynges of golde for the .iiij. corners of it: twoo rynges for the one syde and two for the other, 4 and made staues of Sethim wodd, and couered them wyth golde, 5 and put the staues in the rynges alonge by the syde of the arcke to bere it with all. 6 And he made the mercyseate of pure golde two cubettes and a halfe longe and one cubette and a halfe brode, 7 and made two cherubyns of thicke golde apon the two endes off the mercyseate: 8 One cherub on the one ende, and another cherub on the other ende of the mercyseate. 9 And the cherubyns spredde out their wynges aboue an hye, and couered the mercyseate therewith, And their faces were one to another: euen to the mercyseate warde, were the faces of the cherubins.

Exodus 40:20-21

20 And he toke ad put the testimonye in the arke ad sett the staues to the arcke and put the merciseate an hye apon the arcke, 21 and broughte the arcke in to the habitacio and hanged vp the vayle ad couered the arcke of witnesse, as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Leviticus 16:14

14 And he shall take of the bloude of the oxe ad sprinkle it with his finger before the mercyseate eastwarde: euen .vij. tymes.

Numbers 4:5

5 And when ye hoste remoueth Aaron ad his sonnes shall come and take doune the vayle and couer the arcke of witnesse there with

Exodus 25:23-39

23 Thou shalt also make a table of sethim wod of two cubittes longe and one cubett brode ad a cubett ad an halfe hye. 24 And couer it with pure golde and make there to a crowne of golde rounde aboute. 25 And make vnto that an whope of .iiij. fyngers brode, rounde aboute, And make a golde crowne also to the whope rounde aboute. 26 And make for it .iiij. rynges of golde and put them in the corners that are on the .iiij. fete therof: 27 eue harde vnder the whope shall the rynges be, to put in staues to bere the table with all. 28 And thou shalt make staues of Sethim wore and ouerleye the with golde, that the table maye be borne with them 29 And thou shalt make his disshes, spones, pottes and flatpeces to poure out withall, of fyne golde. 30 And thou shalt sett apon the table, shewbred before me allwaye. 31 And thou shalt make a candelsticke of pure thicke golde with his shaft, braunches, bolles, knoppes ad floures proceadynge there out 32 Syxe braunches shall procede out of the sydes of the candelsticke .iij. out of the one syde and iij. out of the other. 33 And there shalbe .iij. cuppes like vnto almondes with knoppes ad floures vppon euery one of the .vi. braunches that procede out of the cadelstycke: 34 and in the candelsticke selfe .iiij. cuppes like vnto almondes with their knoppes and floures: 35 that there be a knope vnder eueri .ij. brauches of the syxe that procede out of the cadelstycke. 36 And the knoppes and the braunches shall be altogether, one pece of pure thicke golde. 37 And thou shalt make .vij. lampes and put them an hye there on, to geue lighte vnto the other syde that is ouer agaynst it: 38 with snoffers and fyre pannes of pure golde. 39 And hundred pounde weyghte of fyne golde shall make it with all the apparell.

Exodus 26:35-36

35 And thou shalt put the table without the vayle and candelsticke ouer agaynst the table: vppon the south syde of the habitacion. And put the table on the north syde. 36 And thou shalt make an hangynge for the doore of the tabernacle: of Iacyncte. off scarlett, off purpull and off twyned bysse, wroughte with nedle worke.

Exodus 37:10-24

10 And he made the table of sethim wodd two cubettes longe and a cubette brode, and a cubette and an halfe hyghe, 11 and ouerlayde it with fine golde, and made thereto a crowne of golde rounde aboute, 12 and made thereto an whope of an hande brede rounde aboute, and made vnto the whope a crowne of golde rounde aboute, 13 and cast for it .iiij. rynges of golde ad put the rynges in the .iiij. corners by the fete: 14 euen vnder the whope to put staues in to bere the table with all. 15 And he made staues of Sethim wodd and couered them with golde to bere the table with all, 16 and made the vessels that were on the table of pure golde, the dysshes, spones, flattpeces and pottes to poure with all, 17 And he made the candelsticke of pure thicke golde: both the candelsticke and his shaft: with braunces, bolles, knoppes ad floures procedynge out of it. 18 Sixe braunches procedinge out of the sydes thereof .iij. out of the one syde and .iij. out of the other. 19 And on euery braunche were .iij. cuppes like vnto almondes, wyth knoppes and floures thorow out the sixe braunches that proceded out of the candelsticke. 20 And apon the candelsticke selfe, were .iiij. cuppes after the facyon of almondes with knoppes and floures: 21 vnder eueri two braunches a knoppe. 22 And the knoppes and the braunches proceded out of it, and were all one pece of pure thicke golde. 23 And he made seuen lampes thereto, and the snoffers thereof, ad fyrepanes of pure golde. 24 And hundred weyghte of pure golde, made both it and all that belonged thereto.

Exodus 40:22-25

22 And he put the table in the tabernacle off witnesse in the north syde of the habitacio without the vayle, 23 and set the bred in ordre before the Lorde, eue as the Lorde had commaunded Moses. 24 And he put the candelsticke in the tabernacle of witnesse ouer agaynst the table in the south syde of the habitacion, 25 and set vp the lampes before the Lorde: as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Leviticus 24:5-6

5 And thou shalt take fine floure ad bake .xij wastels thereof, two tenthdeales shall euery wastell be. 6 And make two rowes of them, sixe on a rowe apon the pure table before the Lorde,

Leviticus 24:8

8 Euery Sabbath he shall put them in rowes before the Lorde euer more, geuen off the childern of Israel, that it be an euerlastynge couenaunte.

Exodus 26:36-37

36 And thou shalt make an hangynge for the doore of the tabernacle: of Iacyncte. off scarlett, off purpull and off twyned bysse, wroughte with nedle worke. 37 And thou shalt make for the hangynge, fiue pilers off sethim wodd, and couer both them ad their knoppes with golde, and shalt cast .v. sokettes off brasse for them.

Exodus 30:1-5

1 And thou shalt make an alter to burne cese therin, of sethim wod: 2 a cubet longe, and a cubet brode, euen fouresquare shall it be and two cubettes hye: with hornes procedyng out of it, 3 ad thou shalt ouerlay it with fyne golde both the roffe ad the walles round aboute, ad his hornes also, ad shalt make vnto it a crowne of gold roude aboute, 4 ad .ij. golde ringes on ether syde, euen vnder the croune, to put staues therin for to bere it with all. 5 And thou shalt make the staues of sethim wodd and couer them with golde.

Exodus 35:25-28

25 And all the wemen that were wise herted to worke with their handes, spanne, and brought the sponne worke, both of Iacyncte, scarlet, purpull and bysse. 26 And all the wemen that excelled in wysdome of herte, spane the gotes hayre. 27 And the lordes brought Onix stones and settstones for the Epod, and for the brest lappe, 28 and spyce and oyle: both for the lightes and for the anoyntyng oyle and for the swete cens.

Exodus 37:25-28

25 And he made the cesalter of sethi wodd of a cubett loge ad a cubett brode: eue .iiij. square and two cubettes hye with hornes procedynge out of it. 26 And he couered it with pure golde both the toppe ad the sydes rounde aboute ad the hornes of it, and made vnto it a crowne of golde rounde aboute. 27 And he made two rynges of golde vnto it, euen vnder the croune apon ether syde of it, to put staues in for to bere it with al: 28 and made staues of sethim wodd, ad ouerlayde them with golde.

Exodus 40:26-28

26 And he put the golden alter in the tabernacle of witnesse before the vayle, 27 ad brent swete cens there on as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 28 And set vp the hangynge in the dore of the habitacion,

John 14:6

6 Iesus sayd vnto him: I am ye waye ye truthe and ye life. And no man cometh vnto the father but by me.

Hebrews 9:24

24 For Christ is not entred into the holy places that are made with hondes which are but similitudes of true thynges: but is entred into very heven for to appere now in the syght of God for vs:

Hebrews 10:19-22

19 Seynge brethren that by the meanes of the bloud of Iesu we maye be bolde to enter into that holy place 20 by the newe and livynge waye which he hath prepared for vs through the vayle that is to saye by his flesshe. 21 And seynge also that we have an hye prest which is ruler over ye housse of god 22 let vs drawe nye with a true herte in a full fayth sprynckeled in oure hertes from an evyll conscience and wesshed in oure bodies with pure water

1 John 2:1-2

1 My lytell children these thynges write I vnto you that ye synne not: yf eny man synne yet we have an advocate with ye father Iesus Christ which is righteous: 2 and he it is that obteyneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes only: but also for the synnes of all the worlde.

Exodus 27:1-8

1 And thou shalt make an altare of sethim wodd: fyue cubettes longe ad .v. cubettes brode, that it be fouresquare, and .iij. cubettes hye. 2 And make it hornes proceding out in the .iiij. corners of it, and couer it with brasse. 3 And make his asshepannes, shovels, basens, fleshhokes, fyrepannes and all the apparell there of, of brasse 4 after the fascyon of a net, ad put apon the nette .iiij. rynges: euen in the .iiij. corners of it, 5 and put it beneth vnder the compasse of the altare, and let the net reache vnto the one halfe of the altare, 6 And make staues for the altare of sethim wodd, and couer the wyth brasse, 7 and let them be put in rynges alonge by the sydes off the altare, to bere it with all. 8 And make the altare holowe with bordes: euen as it was shewed the in the mount, so lett them make it,

Exodus 38:1-7

1 And he made the burntoffryngealter of sethim wodd, fiue cubettes longe ad .v cubettes brode: euen .iiij. square, and .iij. cubettes hye. 2 And he made hornes in the .iiij. corners of it procedinge out of it, and ouerlayde it with brasse. 3 And he made all the vessels of the alter: the cauldrons, shovels, basyns, fleshokes and colepannes all of brasse. 4 And he made a brasen gredyren of networke vnto the alter rounde aboute alowe beneth vnder the compasse of the alter: 5 so that it reached vnto halfe the altare, and cast .iiij. rynges of brasse for the .iiij. endes of the gredyren to put staues in. 6 And he made staues of sethim wodd and couered them with brasse, 7 and put the staues in the rynges alonge by the alter syde to bere it with all, and made the alter holowe with bordes.

Exodus 40:29

29 and set the burntoffringe alter before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse, and offred burntoffringes and meatofferinges there on as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Ephesians 1:6-7

6 to ye prayse of the glorie of his grace where with he hath made vs accepted in the beloved. 7 By whom we have redemption thorow his bloude euen the forgevenes of synnes accordynge to the riches of his grace

Hebrews 13:10

10 We have an altre wherof they maye not eate which serve in the tabernacle.

1 John 2:2

2 and he it is that obteyneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes only: but also for the synnes of all the worlde.

1 John 4:9-10

9 In this appered ye love of god to vs ward because that god sent his only begotten sonne into the worlde that we myght live thorow him. 10 Herin is love not that we loved god but that he loved vs and sent his sonne to make agrement for oure sinnes.

Exodus 30:18-21

18 thou shalt make a lauer of brasse and his fote also of brasse to wash with all, and shalt put it betwene the tabernacle of witnesse and the alter and put water therein: 19 that Aaron and hys sonnes maye wesh both their handes ad theyr fete thereout, 20 whe they go in to the tabernacle of witnesse, or whe they goo vnto the altare to ministre and to burne the Lordes offrynge, lest they dye. 21 And it shalbe an ordinaunce for euer vnto him and his seed amonge youre childern after you.

Exodus 38:8

8 And he made the lauer of brasse and the fote of it also of brasse, in the syghte of them that dyd watch before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.

Exodus 40:30-32

30 And he set the lauer betwene the tabernacle of witnesse and the alter, and poured water there in to wash with all. 31 And both Moses Aaron and his sonnes washed their hades and their fete there at: 32 both when they went in to the tabernacle of witnesse, or whe they went to the alter, as the Lorde comaunded Moses.

Titus 3:5

5 not of ye dedes of rightewesnes which we wrought but of his mercie he saved vs by ye foutayne of the newe birth and with the renuynge of the holy goost

Hebrews 10:22

22 let vs drawe nye with a true herte in a full fayth sprynckeled in oure hertes from an evyll conscience and wesshed in oure bodies with pure water

1 John 1:7

7 but and yf we walke in (lyght) even as he is in lyght then have we fellishippe with him and the bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne.

Revelation 1:5-6

5 and from Iesus Christ which is a faythfull witnes and fyrst begotte of the deed: and Lorde over the kinges of the erth. Vnto him that loved vs and wesshed vs fro synnes in his awne bloud 6 and made vs kinges and Prestes vnto God his father be glory and dominion for ever more. Amen.

Exodus 27:9-19

9 And thou shalt make a courte vnto the habitacion, which shall haue in the south syde hagynges of twyned bysse, beyng an hundred cubettes longe, 10 and .xx. pilers thereof with there xx. sokettes of brasse: but the knoppes of the pilers and their whopes shalbe syluer. 11 In like wise on the north syde there shalbe hagynges of an hundred cubettes longe and .xx. pilers with their sokettes of brasse, and the knoppes and the whopes of syluer. 12 And in the bredth of the courte westwarde, there shalbe hangynges of fyftye cubettes longe, and .x. pilers with their .x. sokettes. 13 And in the bredth of the courte eastwarde towarde the rysynge of the sonne, shalbe hangynges of .l. cubyttes. 14 Hagynges of .xv. cubittes in the one syde of it with iij. pilers and .iij. sokettes: 15 and likewise on the other syde shalbe hangynges of .xv. cubettes with .iij. pilers and .iij. sokettes. 16 And in the gate of the courte shalbe a vayle of .xx. cubettes: of Iacyncte, scarlet, purpul and twyned bysse wroughte with nedle worke, and .iiij. pilers with their .iiij. sokettes. 17 All the pilers rounde aboute the courte shalbe whoped with syluer, and their knoppes of syluer, and their sokettes of brasse. 18 The length of the courte, shall be an hundred cubettes, and the bredth fiftye, and the heygth fyue, and the hangynges shalbe of twyned bysse and the sokettes of brasse. 19 And all the vessels of the habitacion to all maner seruyce ad the pynnes there of: ye and the pynne also of the courte, shalbe brasse.

Exodus 38:9-20

9 And he made the courte with hangynges of twyned bysse of an hundred cubettes longe vppon the southsyde, 10 ad .xx. pilers with .xx. sokettes of brasse: but the knoppes of the pilers, ad the whoopes were syluer. 11 And on the north syde the hanginges were an hundred cubettes longe with .xx. pilers and .xx. sokettes of brasse, but the knoppes and the whopes of the pilers were of syluer. 12 And on the west syde, were hangynges of .l. cubettes longe, and .x. pilers with their .x. sokettes, and the knoppes ad the whoopes of the pilers were syluer. 13 And on the east syde towarde the sonne rysynge, were hangynges of .l. cubettes: 14 the hangynges of the one syde of the gate were .xv. cubettes longe, and their pilers .iij. with their .iij, sokettes. 15 And off the other syde of the court gate, were hanginges also of .xv. cubettes longe, and their pilers iij. with .iij. sokettes. 16 Now all the hanginges of the courte rounde aboute, were of twyned bysse, 17 ad the sokettes of the pilers were brasse: but the knoppes ad the whoopes of the pilers were syluer, and the heedes were ouerlayde wyth syluer, ad all the pilers of the courte were whoped aboute with syluer. 18 And the hanginge of the gate of the courte was nedleworke: of Iacincte, scarlet, purple, and twyned bysse .xx. cubettes longe and fiue in the bredth, acordynge to the hangynges of the courte. 19 And the pilers were .iiij. with .iiij. sokettes of brasse, ad the knoppes of syluer, ad the heedes ouerlayde with syluer and whoped aboute with syluer, 20 ad all the pynnes of the tabernacle ad of the courte rounde aboute were brasse.

Exodus 40:33

33 And he rered vp the courte rounde aboute the habitacion and the alter, and set vp the hanginge of the courte gate: and so Moses fynished the worke.

Matthew 16:18

18 And I saye also vnto the yt thou arte Peter: and apon this rocke I wyll bylde my congregacion. And the gates of hell shall not prevayle ageynst it.

1 Corinthians 12:28

28 And God hath also ordeyned in the congregacion fyrst the Apostels secodarely prophetes thyrdly teachers then the that do miracles: after that the gyftes of healynge helpers governers diversite of tonges.

Ephesians 4:11-12

11 And the very same made some Apostles some prophetes some Evangelistes some Sheperdes some Teachers: 12 yt the sainctes might have all thinges necessarie to worke and minister with all to the edifyinge of the body of christ

Exodus 30:23-33

23 take principall spices: of pure myrre fiue hundred sycles, of swete cynamome halfe so moch two hundred and fyftie sicles: 24 of swete calamyte, two hundred and .l. Of cassia, two hundred and .l. after the holye sycle, and of oyle olyue an hin. 25 And make of them holye anoyntynge oyle euen an oyle compounde after the crafte of the apoticarye. 26 And noynte the tabernacle off wytnesse therewyth, and the arcke of witnesse, 27 and the table with all his apparell, and the candelsticke with all his ordinaunce, and the alter of incense, 28 and the alter of burntsacrifice and all his vessels, and the lauer and his fote. 29 And sacrifie them that they maye be most holye: so that no man twyche them but they that be halowed. 30 And anoynte Aaron and his sonnes and consecrate the to ministre vnto me. 31 And thou shalt speake vnto the childre of Israel saynge: this shalbe an holye oyntynge oyle vnto me, thorow out youre generacions. 32 No mans flesh shalbe anoynted therewith: nether shall ye make any other after the makynge of it for it is holye, se therfore that ye take it for holye 33 33. whosoeuer maketh like that, or whosoeuer putteth any of it apon a straunger, shall perysh from amonge his people.

Exodus 37:29

29 And he made the holy anoyntinge oyle and the swete pure inces after the apothecarys crafte.

Exodus 39:39

39 ad the brasen alter, and the gredyern of brasse longynge therevnto with his barres and all hys vessels, and the lauer with his fote,

Leviticus 8:10

10 And Moses toke the anoyntynge oyle and anoynted the habitacion and all that was therein and sanctified them,

Matthew 3:16

16 And Iesus assone as he was baptised came strayght out of ye water. And lo heue was ope over hym: and Ihon sawe the spirite of God descende lyke a doue and lyght vpon hym.

John 3:34

34 For he whom God hath sent speaketh the wordes of God. For God geveth not the sprete by measure.

2 Corinthians 1:4

4 which comforteth vs in all oure tribulacio in so moche yt we are able to coforte them which are troubled in whatsoever tribulacion it be with the same comforte wher with we oure selves are coforted of God.

2 Corinthians 1:22

22 which hath also sealed vs and hath geven the ernest of the sprete into oure hertes.

1 John 2:20

20 And ye have an oyntment of ye holy gost and ye knowe all thynges.

Exodus 29:36-37

36 and offre euery daye an oxe for a synneoffrynge for to recocyle with all. And thou shalt halowe the alter when thou reconcyclest it, and shalt anoynte it to sanctifie it. 37 Seue dayes thou shalt reconcyle the alter and sanctifie it, that it maye be an alter most holye: so that no ma maye twich it but thei that be consecrate.

Leviticus 8:11

11 and sprynkled thereof apon the alter .vij. tymes and anoynted the alter and all his vessels, and the lauer with hys fote, to sanctifie them.

Luke 1:35

35 And ye angell answered and sayd vnto her: The holy goost shall come apon the and ye power of ye hyest shall over shaddowe ye. Therfore also yt holy thinge which shalbe borne shalbe called ye sonne of god.

John 17:19

19 and for their sakes sanctify I my selfe that they also myght be sanctified thorowe the trueth.

1 Corinthians 1:30

30 And vnto him partayne ye in Christ Iesu which of God is made vnto vs wysdome and also rightewesnes and saunctifyinge and redempcion.

2 Corinthians 5:21

21 for he hath made him to be synne for vs which knewe no synne that we by his meanes shuld be that rightewesnes which before God is aloved.

Hebrews 7:26

26 Soche an hye prest it became vs to have which is wholy harmlesse vndefyled separat from synners and made hyar then heven.

Exodus 29:1-35

1 This is the thinge that thou shalt doo vnto them when thou halowest them to be my preastes. Take one oxe and two rammes that are without blemysh, 2 ad vnleueded bred and cakes of swete bred tempered with oyle and wafers of swete bred anoynted with oyle (of wheten floure shalt thou make them) 3 and put them in a maunde and brynge the in the maunde with the oyle and the .ij. rammes. 4 And brynge Aaron ad his sonnes vnto the doore of the tabernacle of wytnesse, ad wassh them with water, 5 and take the garmentes, and put apon Aaron: the strayte cote, and the tunycle of the Ephod, and the Ephod ad the brestlappe: and gerth the to him with the brodered girdel of the Ephod. 6 And put the mitre vppo his heed and put the holy crowne vpon the mytre. 7 Then take the anoyntynge oyle and poure it apon his heed and anoynte him. 8 And brynge his sonnes and put albes apon them, 9 ad gerth them with girdels: as well Aaron as his sonnes, And put the bonettes on them that the preastes office maye be theirs for a perpetuall lawe.And fyll the handes of Aaron and of hys sonnes, 10 and brynge the oxe before the tabernacle of witnesse. And let Aaro ad his sones put their hades apo his heed 11 ad kyll hi before the Lord in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse 12 And take of the bloud of the oxe ad put it apo the hornes of the alter with thi finger ad poure all the bloude apon the botome of the alter, 13 ad take all the fatt that couereth the inwardes, ad the kall that is on the lyuer and the .ij. kydneys with the fatt that is apo the: and burne the apo the alter. 14 But the flesh of the oxe and his skynne and his donge, shalt thou burne with fyre, without the hoste. For it is a synneofferynge. 15 Then take one of the rammes, ad let Aaron and his sonnes put their hondes apon the heade of the ram, 16 and cause him to be slayne, ad take of his bloude and sprenkell it rounde aboute apon the alter, 17 and cutt the ram in peces and whesh the inwardes of him and his legges, ad put them vnto the peces ad vnto his heed 18 18, ad burne the hole ram apon the alter. For it is a burntofferyng vnto the Lorde, and a swete sauoure of the Lordes sacrifice. 19 And take the other ram and let Aaron and hys sonnes, put their hondes apon hys heed 20 and let him than be kylled. And take of his bloude and put it apon the typpe of the righte eare of Aaron and of his sonnes, and apon the thombe of their righte handes, and apon the great too of their ryghte fete: and sprenkell the bloude apon the alter rounde aboute. 21 Than take of the bloude that is apon the alter and of the anoyntynge oyle, ad sprekell it apon Aaron and his vestimetes, ad apo his sonnes ad apo their garmetes also. Tha is he ad his clothes holy ad his sonnes ad their clothes holye also 22 Than take the fatt of the ram and hys rompe and the fatt that couereth the inwardes and the kall of the lyuer and the two kydneys and the fatt that is apon them and the righte shulder (for that ram is a fulloffrynge) 23 and a symnell of bred ad a cake of oyled bred ad a wafer out of the baskett of swete bred that is before the Lorde, 24 and put all apon the handes of Aaron and on the handes of his sonnes: and waue the in ad out a waueoffrynge vnto the Lorde. 25 Than take it from of their handes and burne it apon the alter: euen apon the burntoffringe, to be a sauoure of swetnesse before the Lorde. For it is a sacrifice vnto the Lorde. 26 Then take the brest of the ram that is Aarons fulloffrynge and waue it a waueoffrynge before the Lorde, ad let that be thy parte. 27 And sanctifie the brest of the waueoffrynge and the shulder of the heueoffrynge whiche is waued and heued vp of the ram whiche is the fulloffrynge of Aaron ad of his sonnes. 28 And it shalbe Aarons ad his sonnes dutye for euer, of the childre of Israel: for it is an heueoffrynge. And the heueoffrynge shalbe the Lordes dutie of the childern of Israel: euen of the sacrifice of their peaceoffrynges which they heue vnto the Lorde. 29 And the holye garmentes of Aaron shalbe his sonnes after him, to anoynte them therin, and to fyll their handes therin. 30 And that sonne that is preast in his stede after him, shall put them on seuen dayes: that he goo in to the tabernacle of witnesse, to ministre in the holye place. 31 Tha take the ram that is the fullofferyng ad seth his flesh in an holye place. 32 And Aaro and his sonnes shall eate the flesh of hi, ad the bred that is in the basket: euen in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse. 33 And they shall eat the, because the attonmet was made therewith to fyll their handes and to sanctifie the: but a straunger shal not eate therof, because they are holie 34 Yf oughte of the flesh of the fulloffrynges, or of the bred remayne vnto the mornyng, thou shalt burne it with fyre: for it shall not be eaten, because it is holye. 35 And se thou do vnto Aaron and his sonnes: euen so in all thynges as I haue commaunded the: that thou fyll their handes seuen dayes

Leviticus 8:1-13

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge: 2 take Aaron and his sonnes with hi, and the vestures and the anoyntinge oyle, and an oxe for a synneofferynge and two rammes ad a baskett of swete bred: 3 ad gather all the comentye together vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse. 4 And Moses dyd as the Lorde commaunded him, and the people gathered them selues togither vnto the doore of the tabernacle of witnesse. 5 And Moses sayde vnto the people: this is the thinge which the Lorde commaunded to do. 6 And Moses broughte Aaron and his sonnes, and wasshed them with water, 7 and put apon him the albe and gyrde him with a girdel and put apon him the tunycle and put the Ephod thereon, and gyrded him with the broderd girdel of the Ephod, and bounde it vnto him therewith. 8 And he put the brestlappe thereon, ad put in the brestlappe lighte ad perfectnesse. 9 And he put the myter apon his heed ad put apo the myter eue apo the forefrot of it, the golden plate of the holy croune, as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 10 And Moses toke the anoyntynge oyle and anoynted the habitacion and all that was therein and sanctified them, 11 and sprynkled thereof apon the alter .vij. tymes and anoynted the alter and all his vessels, and the lauer with hys fote, to sanctifie them. 12 And he poured of the anoyntynge oyle apon Aarons heed and anoynted him to sanctifie him. 13 And he broughte Aarons sonnes and put albes apon them, and gyrde them with gyrdels, ad put bonettes apo their heedes: as the Lorde comaunded Moses

Leviticus 9:1-24

1 And the .viij. daye Moses called Aaron and his sonnes and the elders of Israel, 2 and sayde vnto Aaron: take a calfe for a synneoffrynge, and a ram for a burntoffrynge: both without blemish, and brynge them before the Lorde. 3 And vnto the childern of Israel he spake sayenge: take ye an he goote for a synneofferynge, and a calfe and a lambe bothe two of a yere olde, and without blemysh for a burntsacrifice, 4 and an oxe and a ram for peaceoffrynges, to offer before the Lorde, and a meateofferyng myngled with oyle, for to daye the Lorde will appere vnto you. 5 And they brought that which Moses commaunded vnto the tabernacle of witnesse, ad all the people came and stode before the Lorde. 6 And Moses sayde, this is the thynge which the Lorde commaunded that ye shulde do: ad then the glorye of the Lorde shall appere vnto you. 7 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: go vnto the alter and offer thy synneofferynge, and make an attonement for the and for the people: and then offer the offerynge of the people and reconcyle them also, as the Lorde comaunded Moses. 8 And Aaron went vnto the alter, and slewe the calfe that was his synneoffrynge. 9 And the sonnes of Aaron broughte the bloude vnto him, and he dypte his finger in the bloude and put it apon the hornes of the alter, and poured the bloude vnto the botome of the alter. 10 And the fatt and the two kydneyes with the kall of the lyuer of the synneoffrynge, he burnt vppon the alter, as the Lorde commaunded Moses: 11 but the flesh and the hyde he burnt with fyre without the hoste. 12 After warde he slewe the burntofferynge, ad Aarons sonnes brought the bloude vnto him, and he sprinkled it rounde aboute apon the alter. 13 And they brought the burntofferynge vnto him in peces and the heed also and he burnt it apon the alter 14 and dyd wasshe the inwardes and the legges and burnt them also apon the burntofferynge in the alter. 15 And than he broughte the peoples offerynge and toke the goote that was the peoples synneofferynge and slewe it and offered it for a synofferynge: as he dyd the first. 16 And then broughte the burntofferynge and offered it as the maner 17 was and broughte the meatofferynge and fylled his hande thereof, and burnt it apon the alter besydes the burntsacrifyce in the mornynge: 18 Then he slewe the oxe and the ram that were the peoples peaseofferynges and Aarons sonnes broughte the bloude vnto him and he sprinkled it apon the alter rounde aboute, 19 and toke the fatt of the oxe and of the ram: the rope and the fatt that couereth the inwardes and the kydneyes and the kall of the lyuer: 20 and put them apon the brestes and burnt it apon the alter: 21 but the brestes and the righte shulders Aaron waued before the Lorde as the Lorde comaunded Moses. 22 And Aaron lifte vpp his hande ouer the people and blessed the, and came doune from offerynge of synofferynges burntofferynges ad peaseofferynges. 23 Then Moses and Aaron wet in to the tabernacle of witnesse and came out agayne and blessed the people and the glorye of the Lorde apered vnto all the people. 24 And there came a fyre out from before the Lorde and consumed apon the alter: the burntofferynge and the fatt. And all the people sawe it and showted, and fell on their faces.

Romans 8:3

3 For what the lawe coulde not doo in as moche it was weake because of the flesshe: that performed God and sent his sonne in the similitude of synfull flesshe and by synne daned synne in ye flesshe:

Galatians 4:4

4 But when the tyme was full come God sent his sonne borne of a woman and made bonde vnto ye lawe

Exodus 28:41

41 and thou shalt put them vppon Aaron thy brother ad on his sonnes with him and shalt anoynte them and fyll theyr handes and consecrate them that they maye mynistre vnto me.

Hebrews 10:10

10 By the which will we are sanctified by the offeringe of the body of Iesu Christe once for all.

Hebrews 10:29

29 Of how moche sorer punyshment suppose ye shall he be counted worthy which treadeth vnderfote the sonne of god: and counteth the bloude of the testament as an vnholy thynge wherwith he was sanctified and doth dishonoure to the sprete of grace.

1 John 2:27

27 And ye anoyntynge which ye have receaved of him dwelleth in you. And ye nede not that eny man teache you: but as ye annoyntynge teaheth you all thynges and is true and is no lye: and as it taught you even so byde therin.

John 1:16

16 And of his fulnes have all we receaved even (grace) for grace.

Romans 8:30

30 Morover which he apoynted before them he also called. And which he called them also he iustified which he iustified them he also glorified.

Romans 13:14

14 but put ye on the Lorde Iesus Christ. And make not provision for the flesshe to fulfyll ye lustes of it.

1 Corinthians 1:9

9 ffor god is faythfull by whom ye are called vnto ye fellishyppe of his sonne Iesus Christe oure lorde

Exodus 12:14

14 And this daye shall be vnto you a remebraunce, ad ye shall kepe it holie vnto the Lorde: euen thorow out youre generacions after you shall ye kepe it holie daye, that it be a custome for euer.

Exodus 29:9

9 ad gerth them with girdels: as well Aaron as his sonnes, And put the bonettes on them that the preastes office maye be theirs for a perpetuall lawe.And fyll the handes of Aaron and of hys sonnes,

Exodus 30:31

31 And thou shalt speake vnto the childre of Israel saynge: this shalbe an holye oyntynge oyle vnto me, thorow out youre generacions.

Exodus 30:33

33 33. whosoeuer maketh like that, or whosoeuer putteth any of it apon a straunger, shall perysh from amonge his people.

Numbers 25:13

13 and he shall haue it and his seed after him euen the couenaunte of the preastis office for euer because he was gelous for his Gods sake and made an atonement for the childern of Israel.

Hebrews 5:1-14

1 For every hye prest that is taken from amoge men is ordeyned for men in thynges pertaynynge to god: to offer gyftes and sacryfyses for synne: 2 which can have compassion on the ignoraunt and on them that are out of the waye because that he him silfe also is compased with infirmitie: 3 For the which infirmities sake he is bounde to offer for synnes as well for hys awne parte as for the peoples. 4 And no man taketh honour vnto him silfe but he that is called of God as was Aaron. 5 Even so lykewise Christ glorified not him silfe to be made the hye prest: but he that sayde vnto him: thou arte my sonne this daye begat I the glorified him. 6 As he also in another place speaketh: Thou arte a prest for ever after the order of Melchisedech. 7 Which in the dayes of his flesshe did offer vp prayers and sup plicacions with stronge cryinge and teares vnto him that was able to save him from deeth: and was also hearde because of his godlines. 8 And though he were Goddes sonne yet learned he obediece by tho thynges which he suffered 9 and was made parfaite and the cause of eternall saluacion vnto all them that obey him: 10 and is called of God an hye prest after the order of Melchisedech. 11 Wherof we have many thynges to saye which are harde to be vttered: because ye are dull of hearinge. 12 For when as cocerninge ye tyme ye ought to be teachers yet have ye nede agayne that we teache you the fyrst principles of the worde of god: and are become soche as have nede of mylke and not of stronge meate: 13 For every man that is feed with mylke is inexperte in the worde of rightewesnes. For he is but a babe. 14 But stronge meate belongeth to them that are parfecte which thorow custome have their wittes exercised to iudge both good and evyll also.

Hebrews 7:3

3 with out father wt out mother with out kynne and hath nether begynnynge of his tyme nether yet ende of his lyfe: but is lykened vnto the sonne of god and cotinueth a preste for ever.

Hebrews 7:7

7 And no man denyeth but that which is lesse receaveth blessinge of yt which is greater.

Hebrews 7:17-24

17 (For he testifieth: Thou arte a prest forever after the order of Melchysedech) 18 Then the commaundmet that went a fore is disanulled because of hir weaknes and vnproffitablenes. 19 For the lawe made nothynge parfecte: but was an introduccion of a better hope by which hope we drawe nye vnto god. 20 And for this cause it is a better hope that it was not promysed with out an othe. 21 Those prestes were made wt out an oth: but this prest with an oth by him that saide vnto him The lorde sware and will not repent: Thou arte a prest for ever after the order of Melchisedech. 22 And for that cause was Iesus a stablyssher of a better testament. 23 And amonge them many were made prestes because they were not suffred to endure by the reason of deeth. 24 But this man because he endureth ever hath an everlastinge presthod.

Hebrews 8:1-10

1 Of the thynges which we have spoke this is the pyth: that we have soche an hye preste that is sitten on ye right honde of the seate of maieste in heven 2 and is a minister of holy thynges and of the very tabernacle which God pyght and not ma. 3 For every hye prest is ordeyned to offer gyftes and sacryfises wherfore it is of necessitie that this man have somewhat also to offer. 4 For he were not a preste yf he were on ye erth where are prestes that acordynge to ye lawe 5 offer giftes which prestes serve vnto ye ensample and shadowe of hevenly thynges: even as the answer of God was geven vnto Moses when he was about to fynnishe the tabernacle: Take hede (sayde he) that thou make all thynges accordynge to the patrone shewed to the in the mount. 6 Now hath he obtayned a more excellent office in as moche as he is the mediator of a better testament which was made for better promyses. 7 For yf that fyrst testament had bene fautelesse: then shuld no place have bene sought for the seconde. 8 For in rebukynge them he sayth: Beholde the dayes will come (sayth the lorde) and I will fynnyshe apon the housse of Israhel, and apon the housse of Iuda, a newe testament: 9 not lyke the testament that I made with their fathers at that tyme, when I toke them by the hondes, to lede them oute of the londe of Egipte, for they continued not in my testament, and I regarded them not sayth the lorde.
10 For this is the testament that I will make with the housse of Israhell: After those dayes sayth the lorde: I will put my lawes in their myndes, and in their hertes I will wryte them, and I wilbe their God, and they shalbe my people.

Exodus 23:21-22

21 Beware of him and heare his voyce and angre him not: for he wyll not spare youre mysdedes, yee and my name is in him. 22 But and yf thou shalt herken vnto his voyce ad kepe all that I shall tell the, the I wilbe an enimye vnto thyne enimies and an aduersarie vnto thine aduersaries.

Exodus 39:42-43

42 acordyng to: all that the Lorde commaunded Moses: euen so the childern of Israel made all the worke. 43 And Moses behelde all the worke: and se, they had done it euen as the Lorde commaunded: and tha Moses blessed them.

Exodus 40:17-32

17 Thus was the tabernacle reared vp the first moneth in the secode yere. 18 And Moses rered vp the tabernacle ad fastened his sokettes, ad set vp the bordes ad put in their barres, ad rered vp the pillers, 19 ad spred abrode the tet ouer the habitacio ad put the coueringe of the tent an hye aboue it: as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 20 And he toke ad put the testimonye in the arke ad sett the staues to the arcke and put the merciseate an hye apon the arcke, 21 and broughte the arcke in to the habitacio and hanged vp the vayle ad couered the arcke of witnesse, as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 22 And he put the table in the tabernacle off witnesse in the north syde of the habitacio without the vayle, 23 and set the bred in ordre before the Lorde, eue as the Lorde had commaunded Moses. 24 And he put the candelsticke in the tabernacle of witnesse ouer agaynst the table in the south syde of the habitacion, 25 and set vp the lampes before the Lorde: as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 26 And he put the golden alter in the tabernacle of witnesse before the vayle, 27 ad brent swete cens there on as the Lorde commaunded Moses. 28 And set vp the hangynge in the dore of the habitacion, 29 and set the burntoffringe alter before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse, and offred burntoffringes and meatofferinges there on as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Deuteronomy 4:1

1 And now herken Israel vnto the ordinaunces ad lawes which I teache you, for to doo them, that ye maye lyue ad goo ad conquere the londe which the Lorde God of youre fathers geueth you.

Deuteronomy 12:32

32 But what soeuer I commaunde you that take hede ye do: ad put nought thereto, nor take ought there from.

Matthew 28:20

20 Teachinge them to observe all thynges what soever I comcommaunded you. And lo I am with you all waye even vntyll the ende of the worlde.

1 Corinthians 4:2

2 Furthermore it is requyred of the disposers that they be founde faithfull.

Exodus 40:1-2

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge: 2 In the first daye of the first moneth shalt thou sett vp the habitacio of the tabernacle of witnesse,

Numbers 9:1

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai in the fyrste moneth of the seconde yere after they were come out of the londe of Egipte sayeng:

Exodus 26:15-30

15 And thou shalt make bordes for the habitacion of sethim wod to stonde vp righte: 16 ten cubettes longe shall euery borde be, ad a cubette and an halfe brode. 17 Two fete shall one borde haue to couple them together with all, and so thou shalt make vnto all the bordes of the habitacion. 18 And thou shalt make .xx. bordes for the habitacion on the south syde, 19 and thou shalt make, xl. sokettes of syluer ad put them vnder the .xx. bordes: two sokettes vnder euery borde, for their two fete. 20 In lyke maner in the northsyde of the habitacyon there shalbe .xx. bordes 21 ad .xl. sokettes off syluer: two sokettes vnder euery borde. 22 And for the west ende off the habitacyon, shalt thou make syxe bordes, 23 ad two bordes moo for the two west corners of the habitacio: 24 so that these two bordes be coupled to gether beneth and lykewyse aboue with clampes. And so shall it be in both the corners. 25 And so there shalbe .viij. bordes in all and .xvi. solettes of syluer: ij. sokettes vnder euery borde. 26 And thou shalt make barres off sethimwod fiue for the bordes of the one side of the tabernacle, 27 and fyue for the other syde, and fyue for the bordes off the west ende. 28 And the mydle barre shall goo alonge thorowe the myddes of the bordes and barre them together fro the one ende vnto the other. 29 And thou shalt couer the bordes with golde and make golden rynges for them to put the barres thorow, ad shalt couer the barres with golde also. 30 And rere vp the habitacion acordinge to the facion ther of that was shewed the in the mount.

Exodus 36:20-34

20 And they made bordes for the dwellynge place of sethim wodd that stode 21 vpright euery borde .x. cubetes longe and a cubet ad an halfe brode. 22 And they made .ij. fete to euery boorde of the dwellinge place ioyninge one to another. 23 And they made .xx. boordes for the south syde of the habytacyon, 24 and .xl. sokettes of syluer vnder the .xx. boordes .ij. sokettes vnder euery boorde, euen for the .ij. fete of the. 25 And for the other syde of the dwellynge towarde the north, they made other .xx. boordes 26 with xl. sokettes of syluer .ij. sokettes vnder euery boorde. 27 And behynde in the ende of the tabernacle towarde the west, they made .vi. boordes 28 and .ij. other bordes for the corners of the habitacyon behynde, 29 and they were ioyned closse both beneth and also aboue with clampes, and thus they dyd to both the corners: 30 so they were in all .viij. boordes and .xvi. sokettes, vnder euery borde two sokettes. 31 And they made barres of sethim wodd .v. for the bordes of the one syde of the habitacion 32 and .v. for the other, ad fiue for the bordes of the west ende of the habitacion. 33 And they made the myddell barre to shote thorowe the bordes: euen from the one ende to the other, 34 and ouerlayde the bordes with golde, and made the rynges of golde to thrust the barres thorow, and couered the barres with golde.

Exodus 40:2

2 In the first daye of the first moneth shalt thou sett vp the habitacio of the tabernacle of witnesse,

Leviticus 26:11

11 I will make my dwellynge place amonge you, and my soule shall not loothe you.

John 1:14

14 And the worde was made flesshe and dwelt amonge vs and we sawe the glory of it as the glory of the only begotten sonne of ye father which worde was full of grace and verite.

1 Timothy 3:15

15 but and yf I tarie longe yt then thou mayst yet have knowledge how thou oughtest to behave thy silfe in the housse of God which is the congregacion of the livinge God the pillar and grounde of trueth.

1 Peter 1:5

5 which are kept by the power of God thorow fayth vnto salvacion which salvacion is prepared all redy to be shewed in the last tyme

Revelation 21:3

3 And I herde a grett voyce out of heaven sayinge: beholde the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with the And they shalbe his people and God him sylffe shalbe with the and be their god.

Exodus 26:1-14

1 And thou shalt make an habitatyo with ten curteynes of twyned bysse, Iacyncte scarlet and purpull, and shalt make them with cherubyns of broderd worke. 2 The lenghte of a curtayne shalbe .xxviij. cubyttes, and the bredth .iiij. and they shalbe all of one measure: 3 fyue curtaynes shalbe coupled together one to another: and the other fyue likewise shalbe coupled together one to another. 4 Then shalt thou make louppes of Iacyncte coloure, a longe by the edge of the one curtayne even in the selvege of the couplinge courtayne. And likewise shalt thou make in the edge of the vtmost curtayne that is coupled therwith on the other syde. 5 Fyftie louppes shalt thou make in the one curtayne, ad fiftie in the edge of the other that is couppled therwith on the other syde: so that the louppes be one ouer agenste a nother. 6 And thou shalt make fyftie buttons of golde, and couple the curtaynes together with the buttons: that it maye be an habitacyon. 7 And thou shalt make .xj. curtaynes of gotes heere, to be a tente to couer the habitacyo 8 The lenght of a curtayne shalbe .xxx. cubettes, and the bredth .iiij. ad they shalbe all .xi. of one measure. 9 And thou shalt couple .v. by the selues, and the other sixe by them selues, ad shalt double the sixte in the forefront of the tabernacle, 10 And thou shalt make fyftie loupes in the edge of the vtmost curtayne on the one syde: euen in the couplynge courtayne, and as many in the edge of the couplynge curtayne on the other syde. 11 And thou shalt make fyftie buttones off brasse and put them on the louppes, and couple the tent together with all: that there may be one tabernacle. 12 And the remnaunt that resteth in the curtaynes of the tente: eue the bredeth of halfe a curtayne that resteth, shalbe lefte on the backe sydes of the habitacyon: 13 a cubite on the one side and a cubite on the other syde, of that that remayneth in the length of the curtaynes off the tabernacle, which shall remayne of ether syde of the habitacion to couer it with all. 14 And thou shalt make another coueringe for the tente of rams skynnes dyed red: ad yet another aboue all of taxus skynnes.

Exodus 36:8-19

8 And all the wyse harted men amonge them that wroughte in the worke of the habytacyon made: euen .x. corteynes of twyned bysse, Iacyncte, scarlet and purple, and made them full of cherubyns with broderd worke. 9 The length of one curtayne was .xxviij. cubettes and the bredth .iiij. and were all off one syse. 10 And they coupled fyue curteyns by them selues, and other fyue by them selues. 11 And they made fyftye louppes of Iacincte alonge by the edge of the vtmost curtayne, euen in the silvege of the couplynge courtayne: And likewise they made on the syde of the vtmost couplinge curtayne on the other syde, 12 fyftye louppes they made in the one curtayne, and fyftye in the edge of the couplynge courtayne on the other syde: so that the loupes were one oueragenst another. 13 And they made fyftye rynges of golde, and coupled the curtaynes one to another with the rynges: and so was it made a dwellinge place. 14 And they made .xi. curtaynes of gootes heere to be a tent 15 ouer the tabernacle xxx. cubettes longe a pece and .iiij. cubettes brode, and they all .xi. of one syse. 16 And they coupled .v. by them selues, and and .vi. by them selues, 17 and they made fyftye louppes alonge by the border of the vtmost couplinge courtayne on the one syde, and fyftye in the edge of the couplynge curtayne on the other syde. 18 And they made fyftye rynges of brasse to couple the tent together that it myghte be one. 19 And they made a couerynge vnto the tent of rammes skynnes red, and yet another of taxus skynnes aboue all.

Exodus 16:34

34 as the Lorde commaunded Moses. And Aaron layed it vppe before the testimonye there to be kepte.

Exodus 25:16-21

16 And thou shalt put in the arke, the wytnesse which I shall geue the. 17 And thou shalt make a merciseate of pure golde .ij. cubytes and an halfe longe and a cubete and an halfe brode. 18 And make .ij. cherubyns off thicke golde on the .ij. endes of the mercyseate: 19 and sett the one cherub on the one ende and the other on the other ende of the mercyseate: so se that thou make them on the ij. endes there of. 20 And the cherubyns shall stretch their wynges abrode ouer an hye, ad couer the mercy seate with their wynges, and theyr faces shall loke one to another: eue to the mercyseate warde, shall the faces of the cherubyns be. 21 And thou shalt put the mercyseate aboue apon the arke, ad in the arke thou shalt put the wytnesse which I will geue the.

Exodus 31:18

18 And whe he had made an end of comening with Moses vppon the mounte Sinai, he gaue him two tables of witnesse: which were of stone and written with the finger of God.

Exodus 40:3

3 ad put theri the arcke of witnesse, and couer the arcke with the vayle,

Deuteronomy 10:5

5 And I departed ad came doune fro the hyll and put the tables in the arcke which I had made: ad there they remayned, as the Lorde commaunded me

Matthew 3:15

15 Iesus answered and sayd to hym: Let it be so now. For thus it becommeth vs to fulfyll all rightwesnes. Then he suffred hym.

Romans 3:25

25 whom God hath made a seate of mercy thorow faith in his bloud to shewe ye rightewesnes which before him is of valoure in yt he forgeveth ye synnes yt are passed which God dyd suffre

Romans 10:4

4 For Christ is the ende of the lawe to iustifie all that beleve.

Hebrews 4:16

16 Let vs therfore goo boldely vnto the seate of grace that we maye receave mercy and fynde grace to helpe in tyme of nede.

Hebrews 9:4

4 which had the golden senser and the arcke of the testamet overlayde round about with golde wherin was the golden pot with manna and Aarons rodde that spronge and the tables of the testament.

Hebrews 10:19-21

19 Seynge brethren that by the meanes of the bloud of Iesu we maye be bolde to enter into that holy place 20 by the newe and livynge waye which he hath prepared for vs through the vayle that is to saye by his flesshe. 21 And seynge also that we have an hye prest which is ruler over ye housse of god

Exodus 26:33

33 And thou shalt hage vp the vayle with rynges, and shall brynge in within the vayle, the arke of wittnesse. And the vayle shall deuyde the holye from the most holye.

Hebrews 10:19-20

19 Seynge brethren that by the meanes of the bloud of Iesu we maye be bolde to enter into that holy place 20 by the newe and livynge waye which he hath prepared for vs through the vayle that is to saye by his flesshe.

Exodus 26:35

35 And thou shalt put the table without the vayle and candelsticke ouer agaynst the table: vppon the south syde of the habitacion. And put the table on the north syde.

Exodus 40:24

24 And he put the candelsticke in the tabernacle of witnesse ouer agaynst the table in the south syde of the habitacion,

John 6:53-57

53 Then Iesus sayde vnto them: Verely verely I saye vnto you except ye eate ye flesshe of ye sonne of man and drinke his bloude ye shall not have lyfe in you 54 54. Whosoever eateth my flesshe and drinketh my bloude hath eternall lyfe: and I will rayse him vp at the last daye. 55 For my flesshe is meate in dede: and my bloude is drynke in dede. 56 He that eateth my flesshe and drynketh my bloude dwelleth in me and I in him. 57 As the lyvinge father hath sent me even so lyve I by my father: and he that eateth me shall live by me.

Ephesians 3:8

8 Vnto me the lest of all sayntes is this grace geven that I shuld preache amonge the gentyls the unsearchable ryches of Christ

Exodus 25:30

30 And thou shalt sett apon the table, shewbred before me allwaye.

Exodus 40:4

4 ad brynge in the table and apparell it, and brynge in the candelsticke and put on his lampes,

Matthew 12:4

4 How he entred into the housse of God and ate ye halowed loves which were not lawfull for him to eate nether for the which were wt him but only for ye prestes.

Hebrews 9:2

2 For there was a fore tabernacle made wherin was the candlesticke and the table and the shewe breed which is called wholy.

Exodus 25:31-35

31 And thou shalt make a candelsticke of pure thicke golde with his shaft, braunches, bolles, knoppes ad floures proceadynge there out 32 Syxe braunches shall procede out of the sydes of the candelsticke .iij. out of the one syde and iij. out of the other. 33 And there shalbe .iij. cuppes like vnto almondes with knoppes ad floures vppon euery one of the .vi. braunches that procede out of the cadelstycke: 34 and in the candelsticke selfe .iiij. cuppes like vnto almondes with their knoppes and floures: 35 that there be a knope vnder eueri .ij. brauches of the syxe that procede out of the cadelstycke.

John 1:1

1 In the beginnynge was the worde and the worde was with God: and the worde was God.

John 1:5

5 and the lyght shyneth in the darcknes but the darcknes comprehended it not.

John 1:9

9 That was a true lyght which lyghteth all men that come into the worlde.

John 8:12

12 Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them sayinge: I am the light of the worlde. He that foloweth me shall not walke in darcknes: but shall have the light of lyfe.

Revelation 1:20

20 and ye mystery of the vii. starres which thou sawest in my ryght honde and the vii. golden candelstyckes. The vii. stares are the messengers of the vii. congregacios: And the vii. candlestyckes which thou sawest are the vii. congregacions.

Revelation 2:5

5 Remember therfore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the fyrst workes. Or elles I wyll come vnto the shortly and will remove thy candlestyke out of his place excepte thou repent.

Exodus 25:37

37 And thou shalt make .vij. lampes and put them an hye there on, to geue lighte vnto the other syde that is ouer agaynst it:

Revelation 4:5

5 And out of the seate proceded lightnynges and thundrynges and voyces and there wer vii. lampes of fyre burninge before ye seate which are the vii. sprettes of God.

Exodus 30:1-10

1 And thou shalt make an alter to burne cese therin, of sethim wod: 2 a cubet longe, and a cubet brode, euen fouresquare shall it be and two cubettes hye: with hornes procedyng out of it, 3 ad thou shalt ouerlay it with fyne golde both the roffe ad the walles round aboute, ad his hornes also, ad shalt make vnto it a crowne of gold roude aboute, 4 ad .ij. golde ringes on ether syde, euen vnder the croune, to put staues therin for to bere it with all. 5 And thou shalt make the staues of sethim wodd and couer them with golde. 6 And thou shalt put it before the vayle that hangeth before the arcke of witnesse, and before the mercyseate that is before the witnesse, where I will mete the. 7 And Aaron shall burne thereon swete cense euery mornynge when he dresseth the lampes: and lykewyse at euen 8 when he setteth vpp the lampes he shall burne cense perpetually before the Lorde thorow out youre generacions 9 Ye shall put no straunge cense thereon, nether burntsacrifice nor meateoffrynge: nether poure any drynkeoffrynge thereon. 10 And Aaron shall reconcyle his hornes once in a yere, wyth the bloude of the synneoffrynge of reconcylige: euen once in the yere shall he reconcyle it thorow youre generacions. And so is it most holye vnto the Lorde.

Exodus 40:5

5 and sett the censalter of golde before the arcke of witnesse, and put the hangynge of the dore vnto the habitacion.

Matthew 23:19

19 Ye foles and blinde: whether is greater ye offeringe or ye aultre which sanctifieth ye offeringe?

John 11:42

42 I wot that thou hearest me all wayes: but because of the people that stonde by I sayde it yt they maye beleve that thou hast sent me.

John 17:1-26

1 These wordes spake Iesus and lyfte vp his eyes to heven and sayde: father the houre is come: glorify thy sonne that thy sonne maye glorify the: 2 as thou hast geve him power over all fleshe that he shuld geve eternall lyfe to as many as thou hast geven him. 3 This is lyfe eternall that they myght knowe the that only very God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. 4 I have glorified ye on the erth. I have fynysshed ye worke which thou gavest me to do. 5 And now glorify me thou father wt thyn awne selfe with the glory which I had with ye yerre ye worlde was. 6 I have declared thy name vnto ye men which thou gavest me out of the worlde. Thyne they were and thou gavest them me and they have kept thy sayinges. 7 Now they knowe that all thinges whatsoever thou hast geven me are of the. 8 For I have geven vnto them the wordes which thou gavest me and they have receaved them and knowe surely that I came out from the: and doo beleve that thou dyddest send me. 9 I praye for them and praye not for the worlde: but for the which thou hast geve me for they are thyne. 10 And all myne are thyne and thyne are myne and I am glorified in the. 11 And now am I no moare in the worlde but they are in the worlde and I come to ye. Wholy father kepe in thyne awne name the which thou hast geven me that they maye be one as we are. 12 Whyll I was with the in ye worlde I kepte the in thy name. Those yt thou gavest me have I kepte and none of the is lost but that lost chylde that the scripture myght be fulfilled. 13 Now come I to the and these wordes speake I in the worlde that they myght have my ioye full in the. 14 I have geven them thy wordes and the worlde hath hated them because they are not of the worlde even as I am not of the worlde. 15 I desyre not that thou shuldest take the out of the worlde: but that thou kepe them from evyll. 16 They are not of the worlde as I am not of the worlde. 17 Sanctify the wt thy truth. Thy sayinge is truth. 18 As thou dyddest send me into the worlde even so have I sent them into the worlde 19 and for their sakes sanctify I my selfe that they also myght be sanctified thorowe the trueth. 20 I praye not for them alone: but for them also which shall beleve on me thorowe their preachynge 21 that they all maye be one as thou father arte in me and I in the that they maye be also one in vs that the worlde maye beleve that thou hast sent me. 22 And that glory that thou gavest me I have geven them that they maye be one as we are wone. 23 I in them and thou in me that they maye be made perfecte in one and that the worlde maye knowe that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me. 24 Father I will that they which thou hast geven me be with me where I am that they maye se my glory which thou hast geven me. For thou lovedest me before the makynge of the worlde. 25 O ryghteous father ye very worlde hath not knowen the: but I have knowen the and these have knowen that thou hast sent me. 26 And I have declared vnto them thy name and will declare it that the love wher wt thou hast loved me be in them and that I be in them.

Hebrews 7:25

25 Wherfore he is able also ever to save them that come vnto god by him seynge he ever lyveth to make intercession for vs.

Hebrews 10:1

1 For the lawe which hath but the shadowe of good thynges to come and not the thynges in their awne fassion can never with ye sacryfises which they offer yere by yere continually make the comers thervnto parfayte.

1 John 2:1

1 My lytell children these thynges write I vnto you that ye synne not: yf eny man synne yet we have an advocate with ye father Iesus Christ which is righteous:

Exodus 30:7

7 And Aaron shall burne thereon swete cense euery mornynge when he dresseth the lampes: and lykewyse at euen

Exodus 38:9-19

9 And he made the courte with hangynges of twyned bysse of an hundred cubettes longe vppon the southsyde, 10 ad .xx. pilers with .xx. sokettes of brasse: but the knoppes of the pilers, ad the whoopes were syluer. 11 And on the north syde the hanginges were an hundred cubettes longe with .xx. pilers and .xx. sokettes of brasse, but the knoppes and the whopes of the pilers were of syluer. 12 And on the west syde, were hangynges of .l. cubettes longe, and .x. pilers with their .x. sokettes, and the knoppes ad the whoopes of the pilers were syluer. 13 And on the east syde towarde the sonne rysynge, were hangynges of .l. cubettes: 14 the hangynges of the one syde of the gate were .xv. cubettes longe, and their pilers .iij. with their .iij, sokettes. 15 And off the other syde of the court gate, were hanginges also of .xv. cubettes longe, and their pilers iij. with .iij. sokettes. 16 Now all the hanginges of the courte rounde aboute, were of twyned bysse, 17 ad the sokettes of the pilers were brasse: but the knoppes ad the whoopes of the pilers were syluer, and the heedes were ouerlayde wyth syluer, ad all the pilers of the courte were whoped aboute with syluer. 18 And the hanginge of the gate of the courte was nedleworke: of Iacincte, scarlet, purple, and twyned bysse .xx. cubettes longe and fiue in the bredth, acordynge to the hangynges of the courte. 19 And the pilers were .iiij. with .iiij. sokettes of brasse, ad the knoppes of syluer, ad the heedes ouerlayde with syluer and whoped aboute with syluer,

John 10:9

9 I am the dore: by me yf eny man enter in he shalbe safe and shall goo in and out and fynde pasture.

Ephesians 2:18

18 For thorow him we both have an open waye in in one sprete vnto the father.

Exodus 29:38-46

38 This is that which thou shalt offre vpo the alter: ij. lambes of one yere olde daye by daye for euer, 39 the one thou shalt offre in the morninge and the other at euen. 40 And vnto the one labe take a tenth deale of floure myngled wyth the fourth parte of an hin of beaten oyle, and the fourt parte of an hin of wyne, for a drinckeoffrynge. 41 And the other lambe thou shalt offer at euen and shall doo thereto acordynge to the meateoffrynge and drinkeoffrynge in the mornynge, to be an odoure of a swete sauoure of the sacrifice of the Lorde. 42 And it shalbe a continuall burntoffrynge amonge youre children after you, in the doore of the tabernacle of witnesse before the Lorde, where I will mete you to spake vnto you there. 43 There I will mete wyth the childern of Israel, and wilbe sanctified in myne honoure. 44 And I will sanctifie the tabernacle of witnesse and the alter: and I will sanctifie also both Aaron and his sonnes to be my preastes. 45 And moreouer I will dwell amoge the children of Israel and wilbe their God. 46 And they shal knowe that I am the Lorde their God that broughte them out of the lond of Egipte for to dwell amonge them: euen I the Lorde their God,

Romans 3:24-26

24 but are iustified frely by his grace through the redemcion that is in Christ Iesu 25 whom God hath made a seate of mercy thorow faith in his bloud to shewe ye rightewesnes which before him is of valoure in yt he forgeveth ye synnes yt are passed which God dyd suffre 26 to shewe at this tyme ye rightewesnes yt is alowed of him yt he myght be couted iuste and a iustifiar of him which belevith on Iesus.

Hebrews 9:12

12 nether by the bloud of gotes and calves: but by his awne bloud we entred once for all into the holy place and founde eternall redemcion.

Hebrews 13:5-6

5 Let youre conversacion be with out coveteousnes and be contet with that ye have all redy. For he verely sayd: I will not fayle the nether forsake the: 6 that we maye boldly saye: the lorde is my helper and I will not feare what man doeth vnto me.

Exodus 40:7

7 ad sett the lauer betwene the tabernacle of witnesse, ad the alter, ad put water theri,

Exodus 30:19-20

19 that Aaron and hys sonnes maye wesh both their handes ad theyr fete thereout, 20 whe they go in to the tabernacle of witnesse, or whe they goo vnto the altare to ministre and to burne the Lordes offrynge, lest they dye.

John 13:10

10 Iesus sayde to him: he that is wesshed nedeth not save to wesshe his fete and is clene every whit. And ye are clene: but not all.

1 John 1:9

9 Yf we knowledge oure synnes he is faythfull and iust to forgeve vs oure synnes and to clense vs from all vnrightewesnes.

Exodus 40:19

19 ad spred abrode the tet ouer the habitacio ad put the coueringe of the tent an hye aboue it: as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Exodus 27:9-16

9 And thou shalt make a courte vnto the habitacion, which shall haue in the south syde hagynges of twyned bysse, beyng an hundred cubettes longe, 10 and .xx. pilers thereof with there xx. sokettes of brasse: but the knoppes of the pilers and their whopes shalbe syluer. 11 In like wise on the north syde there shalbe hagynges of an hundred cubettes longe and .xx. pilers with their sokettes of brasse, and the knoppes and the whopes of syluer. 12 And in the bredth of the courte westwarde, there shalbe hangynges of fyftye cubettes longe, and .x. pilers with their .x. sokettes. 13 And in the bredth of the courte eastwarde towarde the rysynge of the sonne, shalbe hangynges of .l. cubyttes. 14 Hagynges of .xv. cubittes in the one syde of it with iij. pilers and .iij. sokettes: 15 and likewise on the other syde shalbe hangynges of .xv. cubettes with .iij. pilers and .iij. sokettes. 16 And in the gate of the courte shalbe a vayle of .xx. cubettes: of Iacyncte, scarlet, purpul and twyned bysse wroughte with nedle worke, and .iiij. pilers with their .iiij. sokettes.

Exodus 39:32

32 Thus was all the worke of the habitacyon of the tabernacle of witnesse, finysshed. And the childern of Israel dyd, acordyng to all that the Lorde had commaunded Moses.

Exodus 40:8

8 and make the court roude aboute, ad set vp the hagynge of the courte gate.

Numbers 1:50

50 But thou shalt appoynte the leuites vnto the habitacio of witnesse and to all the apparell thereof and vnto all that longeth thereto. For they shall bere the tabernacle and all the ordinaunce thereof and they shall ministre it and shall pitche their tentes rounde aboute it.

Matthew 16:8

8 When Iesus vnderstode that he sayd vnto the. O ye of lytell faith why are youre mindes cumbred because ye have brought no breed?

John 4:34

34 Iesus sayde vnto them: my meate is to doo the will of him that sent me. And to fynnysshe his worke.

John 17:4

4 I have glorified ye on the erth. I have fynysshed ye worke which thou gavest me to do.

1 Corinthians 12:12

12 For as the body is one and hath many mebres and all the membres of one body though they be many yet are but one body: even so is Christ.

Ephesians 4:11-13

11 And the very same made some Apostles some prophetes some Evangelistes some Sheperdes some Teachers: 12 yt the sainctes might have all thinges necessarie to worke and minister with all to the edifyinge of the body of christ 13 tyll we every one (in the vnitie of fayth and knowledge of the sonne of god) growe vp vnto a parfayte man after ye measure of age of the fulnes of Christ.

2 Timothy 4:7

7 I have fought a good fight and have fulfilled my course and have kept the fayth.

Hebrews 3:2-5

2 which was faythfull to him that made him even as was Moses in all his housse. 3 And this man was counted worthy of more glory then Moses: In as moche as he which hath prepared the housse hath most honoure in the housse. 4 Every housse is prepared of some man. But he that ordeyned all thinges is god. 5 And Moses verely was faythfull in all his housse as a minister to beare witnes of tho thinges which shuld be spoken afterwarde.

Hebrews 4:14-16

14 Seynge then that we have a great hye prest whych is entred into heven (I meane Iesus the sonne of God) let vs holde oure profession. 15 For we have not an hye prest which can not have compassion on oure infirmities: but was in all poyntes tempted lyke as we are: but yet with out synne. 16 Let vs therfore goo boldely vnto the seate of grace that we maye receave mercy and fynde grace to helpe in tyme of nede.

Hebrews 9:6-7

6 When these thynges were thus ordeyned the prestes went all wayes into the fyrst tabernacle and executed the service of god. 7 But into the seconde went the hye prest alone once every yeare: and not with out bloud which he offered for him silfe and for the ignoraunce of ye people.

Exodus 13:21-22

21 And the Lorde went before them by daye in a piler of a cloude to lede them the waye: and by nyghte in a piler of fyre to geue the lighte: that they myghte goo both by day ad nyghte. 22 And the piler of the cloude neuer departed by daye nor the piler of fyre by nyghte out of the peoples sighte.

Exodus 14:19-20

19 And the angell of God which went before the hoste of Israel, remoued ad went behinde them. And the cloudepiler that was before them remoued ad stode behinde them 20 ad wet betwene the hoste of the Egiptians ad the hoste of Israel. Yt was a darke clowde, and gaue lighte by nyghte: so that all the nyghte long the one coude not come at the other.

Exodus 14:24

24 And in the mornynge watch, the Lorde loked vnto the hoste of the Egiptias out of the fyery and clowdie piler, and troubled their hoste

Exodus 25:8

8 And they shall make me a sanctuarye that I maye dwell amonge them.

Exodus 25:21-22

21 And thou shalt put the mercyseate aboue apon the arke, ad in the arke thou shalt put the wytnesse which I will geue the. 22 There I will mete the and will comon with the from apon the mercyseate from betwene the two cherubyns which are apon the arke of witnesse, of all thynge which I will geue the in commaundment vnto the childern of Israel.

Exodus 29:43

43 There I will mete wyth the childern of Israel, and wilbe sanctified in myne honoure.

Exodus 33:9

9 And as sone as Moses was entred in to the tabernacle, the clouden piler descended and stode in the dore of the tabernacle, ad he talked with Moses.

Leviticus 16:2

2 And he sayde vnto Moses: speake vnto Aaron thy brother that he go not at all tymes in to the holy place, that is whithin the vayle that hangeth before the mercyseate which is apon the arcke that he dye not. For I will appeare in a clowde vpon the mercyseate.

Numbers 9:15-23

15 And the same daye that the habitacio was reered vpp a cloude couered it an hye apon the tabernacle of witnesse: and at euen there was apon the habitacyon as it were the symilitude of fyre vntyll the mornynge. 16 And so it was allwaye that the cloude couered it by daye and the symylitude of fyre by nyghte. 17 And when the cloude was taken vpp from of the tabernacle then the childern of Israel iurneyed: and where the cloude abode there the childern of Israel pitched their tentes. 18 At the mouthe of the Lorde the childern of Israell iurneyed and at the mouthe of the Lorde they pitched. And as longe as the cloude abode apon the habitacion they laye styll 19 and when the cloude taryed still apon the habitacion longe tyme the childern of Israell wayted apon the Lorde and iurneyed not. 20 Yf it chaunched that the cloude abode any space of tyme apon the habitacion then they kepte their tentes at the mouth of the Lorde: and they iurneyed also at the commaundement of the Lorde. 21 And yf it happened that the cloude was apon the habitacion from euen vnto mornynge and was taken vpp in ye mornynge then they iurneyed. Whether it was by daye or by nyghte that ye cloude was taken vpp they iurneyed. 22 But when ye cloude taryed two dayes or a moneth or a longe season apon the habitacion as longe as it taried thereon the childern of Israel kepte their tentes and iurneyed not. And as soone as the cloude was taken vpp they iurneyed. 23 At the mouth of the Lorde they rested and at the commaundment of the Lorde they iurneyed. And thus they kepte the wayte of the Lorde at the commaundement of the Lorde by the hande of Moses.

Revelation 15:8

8 And the temple was full of the smoke of the glory of God and of his power and no man was able to entre into the temple tyll the seven plages of the seven angels were fulfilled.

Revelation 21:23-24

23 and the cite hath no nede of the sonne nether of the mone to lyghten it. For the bryghtnes of God dyd light it: and the lambe was the light of it. 24 And the people which are saved shall walke in the light of it: and the kynges of the erth shall brynge their glory vnto it.

Numbers 9:17

17 And when the cloude was taken vpp from of the tabernacle then the childern of Israel iurneyed: and where the cloude abode there the childern of Israel pitched their tentes.

Numbers 10:11-13

11 And it came to passe the .xx. daye of the seconde moneth in ye seconde yere that the cloude was take vpp from of the habitacion of witnesse. 12 And the childern of Israel toke their iurney out of the deserte of Sinai and the cloude rested in ye wildernesse of Para. 13 And ye first toke their iurney at the mouth of the Lorde by the honde of Moses:

Numbers 10:33-36

33 And they departed from the mount of the Lorde .iij. dayes iurney and the arcke of the testament of the Lorde went before them in the .iij. dayes iurney to serche out a restynge place for them. 34 And the cloude of the Lorde was ouer them by daye when they went out of the tentes. 35 And when the arcke went forth Moses sayde Ryse vp Lorde and lat thine enemies be scatered and let them that hate the flee before the. 36 And when the arcke rested he sayde returne Lorde vnto the many thousandes of Ysrael.

Numbers 19:17-22

17 And they shall take for an vncleane persone of the burnt asshes of the synofferynge and put runnynge water thereto in to a vessell. 18 And a cleane persone shall take Isope and dyppe it in the water and sprynkle it apon ye tent and apon all the vessells and on the soules that were there and apon him that twyched a bone or a slayne persone or a deed body or a graue. 19 And the cleane persone shall sprynkle apon the vncleane the thyrde daye and the seuenth daye. And the seuenth daye he shall purifie him selfe and wasshe his clothes and bathe him selfe in water and shalbe cleane at euen. 20 Yf any be vncleane and sprynkle not him selfe the same soule shalbe destroyed fro amoge the congregacion: for he hath defyled the holy place of the Lorde. And he that sprynkleth ye sprynklynge water shall wassh his clothes. 21 And he that twicheth the sprynklynge water shalbe vncleane vntill eue. 22 And what soeuer ye vncleane persone twicheth shalbe vncleane. And the soule that twicheth it shalbe vncleane vntill the euen.

1 Corinthians 10:1

1 Brethren I wolde not that ye shuld be ignoraunt of this how yt oure fathers were all vnder a cloude and all passed thorow the see

2 Corinthians 5:19-20

19 For god was in Christ and made agrement bitwene the worlde and hym sylfe and imputed not their synnes vnto them: and hath comitted to vs the preachynge of ye atonmet. 20 Now then are we messengers in the roume of Christ: even as though God did beseche you thorow vs: So praye we you in Christes stede that ye be atone with God:

Numbers 9:19-22

19 and when the cloude taryed still apon the habitacion longe tyme the childern of Israell wayted apon the Lorde and iurneyed not. 20 Yf it chaunched that the cloude abode any space of tyme apon the habitacion then they kepte their tentes at the mouth of the Lorde: and they iurneyed also at the commaundement of the Lorde. 21 And yf it happened that the cloude was apon the habitacion from euen vnto mornynge and was taken vpp in ye mornynge then they iurneyed. Whether it was by daye or by nyghte that ye cloude was taken vpp they iurneyed. 22 But when ye cloude taryed two dayes or a moneth or a longe season apon the habitacion as longe as it taried thereon the childern of Israel kepte their tentes and iurneyed not. And as soone as the cloude was taken vpp they iurneyed.

Exodus 13:21

21 And the Lorde went before them by daye in a piler of a cloude to lede them the waye: and by nyghte in a piler of fyre to geue the lighte: that they myghte goo both by day ad nyghte.

Numbers 9:15

15 And the same daye that the habitacio was reered vpp a cloude couered it an hye apon the tabernacle of witnesse: and at euen there was apon the habitacyon as it were the symilitude of fyre vntyll the mornynge.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.