Exodus 36:8-19

Tyndale(i) 8 And all the wyse harted men amonge them that wroughte in the worke of the habytacyon made: euen .x. corteynes of twyned bysse, Iacyncte, scarlet and purple, and made them full of cherubyns with broderd worke. 9 The length of one curtayne was .xxviij. cubettes and the bredth .iiij. and were all off one syse. 10 And they coupled fyue curteyns by them selues, and other fyue by them selues. 11 And they made fyftye louppes of Iacincte alonge by the edge of the vtmost curtayne, euen in the silvege of the couplynge courtayne: And likewise they made on the syde of the vtmost couplinge curtayne on the other syde, 12 fyftye louppes they made in the one curtayne, and fyftye in the edge of the couplynge courtayne on the other syde: so that the loupes were one oueragenst another. 13 And they made fyftye rynges of golde, and coupled the curtaynes one to another with the rynges: and so was it made a dwellinge place. 14 And they made .xi. curtaynes of gootes heere to be a tent 15 ouer the tabernacle xxx. cubettes longe a pece and .iiij. cubettes brode, and they all .xi. of one syse. 16 And they coupled .v. by them selues, and and .vi. by them selues, 17 and they made fyftye louppes alonge by the border of the vtmost couplinge courtayne on the one syde, and fyftye in the edge of the couplynge curtayne on the other syde. 18 And they made fyftye rynges of brasse to couple the tent together that it myghte be one. 19 And they made a couerynge vnto the tent of rammes skynnes red, and yet another of taxus skynnes aboue all.