1 And the Lorde called Moses, And spake vnto him oute off the tabernacle of witnesse sayenge.
2 Speake vnto the childern of Israel, and saye vnto them. Who soeuer of you shall bringe a gifte vnto the Lorde, shall bringe it of the catell: euen of the oxen and of the shepe.
3 Yf he brynge a burntoffrynge of the oxen he shall offre a male without blimesh, and shal brynge him to the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse, that he maye be accepted before the Lorde.
4 And let him put his hande apon the heed of the burntsacrifice, and fauoure shalbe geuen him to make an attonemet for hym,
5 ad let him kyll the oxe before the Lorde. And let the preastes Aarons sonnes brynge the bloude and let them sprinckell it rounde aboute apon the alter that is before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse,
6 And let the burntoffrynges be strypped and hewed in peces.
7 And the let the sonnes of Aaron the preast put fire apo the alter and put wodd apon the fire,
8 and let them laye the peces with the heed and the fatte, apon the wod that is on the fire in the alter.
9 But the inwardes ad the legges they shall wash in water, and the preast shall burne altogither apon the alter, that it be a burntsacrifice, and an offerynge of a swete odoure vnto the Lorde.
10 Yf he will offer a burntsacrifice of the shepe whether it be of the lambes or of the gootes: he shall offer a male without blimesh.
11 And let him kyll it on the north syde of the alter, before the Lorde. And let the preastes Aarons sonnes sprinkle the bloude of it, rounde aboute apon the alter.
12 And let it be cut in peces: euen with his heed and his fatte, and let the preast putte them apon the wodd that lyeth apon the fire in the alter.
13 But let him wash the inwardes and the legges with water, and than bringe altogether and burne it apon the alter: that is a burntoffrynge and a sacrifice of swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
14 Yf he will offer a burntoffrynge of the foules he shall offer eyther of the turtyll doues or of the ionge pigeons.
15 And the preast shall brynge it vnto the alter, and wrynge the necke a sundre of it, and burne it on the alter, and let the bloude runne out apon the sydes of the alter,
16 ad plucke awaye his croppe ad his fethers, ad cast the besyde the alter on the east parte vppo the hepe of asshes,
17 ad breke his winges but plucke the not a sundre. And the let the preast burne it vpo the alter, eue apo the wodd that lyeth apo the fire, a burntsacrifice ad an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
Leviticus Cross References - Tyndale
Exodus 19:3
3 And Moses went vpp vnto God.And the Lorde called to him out of the mountayne saynge: thus saye vnto the housse of Iacob and tell the childern of Israel,
Exodus 24:1-2
Exodus 24:12
12 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: come vpp to me in to the hyll and be there, ad I will geue the tables of stone and a lawe and commaundmentes, which I haue written to teach them.
Exodus 25:22
22 There I will mete the and will comon with the from apon the mercyseate from betwene the two cherubyns which are apon the arke of witnesse, of all thynge which I will geue the in commaundment vnto the childern of Israel.
Exodus 29:42
42 And it shalbe a continuall burntoffrynge amonge youre children after you, in the doore of the tabernacle of witnesse before the Lorde, where I will mete you to spake vnto you there.
Exodus 33:7
7 And Moses toke the tabernacle ad pitched it without the hoste a ferre of fro the hoste, ad called it the tabernacle of wytnesse. And al that wold axe any questio of the Lorde, went out vnto the tabernacle of wytnesse which was without the hoste.
Exodus 39:32
32 Thus was all the worke of the habitacyon of the tabernacle of witnesse, finysshed. And the childern of Israel dyd, acordyng to all that the Lorde had commaunded Moses.
Exodus 40:34-35
Numbers 7:89
89 And when Moses was gone in to the tabernacle of witnesse to speke with hi he harde the voyce of one speakinge vnto him from of the mercy seate that was apon the arcke of witnesse: euen from betwene the two cherubyns he spake vnto him.
John 1:17
17 For the lawe was geven by Moses but grace and truthe came by Iesus Christ.
Genesis 4:3
3 And it fortuned in processe of tyme that Cain brought of the frute of the erth: an offerynge vnto the LORde.
Genesis 4:5
5 but vnto Cain and vnto his offrynge looked he not. And Cain was wroth exceadingly and loured.
Leviticus 22:18-19
18 speake vnto Aaron and his sonnes and vnto all the childern of Israel and saye vnto them what soeuer he be of the housse of Israel or straunger in Israel that will offer his offerynge: what soeuer vowe or frewillofferynge it be which they will offer vnto the Lorde for a burntofferynge
19 to reconcyle them selues it must be a male without blemysh of the oxen shepe or gootes.
Romans 12:1
1 I beseche you therfore brethre by ye mercyfulnes of God that ye make youre bodyes aquicke sacrifise holy and acceptable vnto God which is youre resonable seruynge of god.
Romans 12:6
6 that we have dyvers gyftes accordynge to the grace that is geven vnto vs: yf eny man have ye gyft of prophesye let him have it that it be agreynge vnto the fayth.
Ephesians 5:2
2 and walke in love even as Christ loved vs and gave him silfe for vs an offerynge and a sacrifyce of a swete saver to god.
Genesis 8:20
20 And Noe made an aulter vnto the LORDE and toke of all maner of clene beastes and all maner of clene foules and offred sacrifyce vppon the aulter.
Genesis 22:2
2 And he sayde: take thy only sonne Isaac whome thou louest and get the vnto the lande of Moria and sacrifyce him there for a sacrifyce vpon one of the mountayns which I will shewe the
Genesis 22:8
8 And Abraham sayde: my sonne God wyll prouyde him a shepe for sacrifyce. So went they both together.
Genesis 22:13
13 And Abraham lyfted vp his eyes and loked aboute: and beholde there was a ram caught by the hornes in a thykette. And he went and toke the ram and offred him vp for a sacrifyce in the steade of his sonne
Exodus 12:5
5 A shepe with out spott and a male of one yere olde shall it be, and from amonge the lambes ad the gootes shall ye take it.
Exodus 24:5
5 ad sent yonge men of the childern of Israel to sacryfyce burntoffrynges ad to offre peaceoffrynges of oxen vnto the Lorde.
Exodus 29:4
4 And brynge Aaron ad his sonnes vnto the doore of the tabernacle of wytnesse, ad wassh them with water,
Exodus 29:18
18 18, ad burne the hole ram apon the alter. For it is a burntofferyng vnto the Lorde, and a swete sauoure of the Lordes sacrifice.
Exodus 32:6
6 And they rose vp in the mornynge and offred burntoffrynges, and brought offrynges of attonement also. And than they satt them doune to eate and drynke, and rose vpp agayne to playe.
Exodus 35:5
5 Geue fro amoge you an heueoffringe, vnto the Lorde. All thatt are willynge in their hartes, shall brynge heueoffringes vnto the Lorde: golde, syluer, brasse:
Exodus 35:21
21 And they went (as many as their hartes coraged them and as many as their spirites made them willynge) and broughte heueoffrynges vnto the Lord, to the makynge of the tabernacle of wytnesse and for all his vses and for the holy vestmentes.
Exodus 35:29
29 And the childern of Israel brought wyllynge offrynges vnto the Lorde, both men ad women: as many as their hartes made the wyllynge to brynge, for all maner workes which the Lorde had commaunded to make by the hande of Moses.
Exodus 36:3
3 And they receaued of Moses all the heueoffrynges which the childern of Israel had brought for the worke of the holye service to make it with all. And they brought besyde that wyllyngeoffringes euery mornyng.
Exodus 38:1
1 And he made the burntoffryngealter of sethim wodd, fiue cubettes longe ad .v cubettes brode: euen .iiij. square, and .iij. cubettes hye.
Leviticus 3:1
1 Yf any man brynge a peaceofferynge of the oxen: whether it be male or female, he shall brynge such as is without blemysh, before the Lorde,
Leviticus 4:23
23 when his synne is shewed vnto him which he hath synned, he shall brynge for hys offerynge an he goote without blemysh
Leviticus 6:9-13
9 Commaunde Aaron and his sonnes saynge: this is the lawe of the burntoffrynge. The burntofferynge shalbe apon the herth of the alter all nyghte vnto the mornynge, and the fire of the alter shall burne therein.
10 And the preast shall put on his lynen albe and his lynen breches apon his flesh, and take awaye the asshes whiche the fire of the burntsacrifice in the altare hath made, and put them besyde the alter,
11 ad the put off his raymet ad put on other and carye the asshes out without the hoste vnto a clene place.
12 The fire that is apon the alter shall burne therein and not goo out. And the preast shall put wodd on the fire euery morninge ad put the burntsacrifice apon it, and he shall burne thereon the fatt of the peaceofferynges.
13 The fire shall euer burne apon the alter and neuer goo out.
Leviticus 7:16
16 Yf it be a vowe or a fre willofferynge that he bryngeth, the same daye that he offereth it, it shalbe eaten, and that which remayneth may be eaten on the morowe:
Leviticus 8:18
18 And he broughte the ram of the burntofferynge, and Aaron ad his sonnes put their handes apon the heed of the ram,
Leviticus 8:21
21 ad wasshed the inwardes ad the legges in water, and burnt the ram euery whitt apo the alter. That was a burntsacrifice of a swete sauoure ad an offrynge vnto the Lorde, as the Lorde comaunded Moses.
Leviticus 16:7
7 And he shall take the two gootes and present them before the Lorde in the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse.
Leviticus 17:4
4 and bryngeth the not vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse, to offer an offerynge vnto the Lorde before the dwellynge place of the Lorde, bloude shalbe imputed vnto that man as though he had shed bloude and that man shall perysh from amonge his people.
Leviticus 17:9
9 and bryngeth it not vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse to offer vnto the Lorde, that felow shall perysh from amonge his people.
Leviticus 22:19-24
19 to reconcyle them selues it must be a male without blemysh of the oxen shepe or gootes.
20 let them offer nothynge that is deformed for they shall gett no fauoure there with.
21 Yf a man will offer a peaseoffrynge vnto the Lorde and separate a vowe or a frewill offerynge of the oxen or the flocke it must be without deformyte that it maye be accepted. There maye be no blemysh therein:
22 whether it be blide, broke, wounded or haue a wen, or be maunge or scabbed. se that ye offre no soch vnto the Lorde, nor put an offerynge of any soch apon the alter vnto the Lorde.
23 An oxe or a shepe that hath any membre out of proporcion, mayst thou offer for a frewillofferynge: but in a vowe it shal not accepted.
24 Thou shalt not offer vnto the Lorde that which hath his stones broosed broke, plucked out or cutt awaye, nether shalt make any soch in youre lande,
Numbers 23:3
3 And Balam sayed vnto Balac: stonde by the sacrifyce whyle I goo to wete whether the Lorde will come ad mete me: and what soeuer he sheweth me I will tell the and he went forthwith.
Numbers 23:10-11
10 Who can tell the dust of Iacob and the numbre of the fourth parte of Israel. I praye God that my soule maye dye the deeth of the righteous ad that my last ende maye be like his.
11 And Balac sayed vnto Balam what hast thou done vnto me? I fett ye to curse myne enemyes: and beholde thou blessest them.
Numbers 23:19
19 The Lorde is not a ma that he can lye nether the sonne of a ma that he can repent: shulde he saye and not doo or shulde he speake and not make it good?
Numbers 23:23-24
23 vnto them for there is no sorcerer in Iacob nor sothsayer in Israel. When the tyme cometh it wylbe sayed of Iacob and of Israel what God hath wrought
24 Beholde ye people shall ryse vp as a lyonesse and heue vpp hym selfe as a lion and shall not lye downe agayne vntill he haue eaten of the praye and dronke of the bloude of them that are slayne.
Numbers 23:27
27 And Balac sayed vnto Balam: come I praye the I will brynge the yet vnto another place: so perauenture it shall please God that thou mayst curse the there.
Numbers 23:30
30 And Balac dyd as Balam had sayed and offered a bollocke and a ram on euery alter.
Numbers 29:8-11
8 And ye shall offer a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde of a swete sauoure: one bollocke and a ram and .vij. lambes of a yere olde a pece without faute
9 and their meatofferynges of floure myngled with oyle: iij. tenthdeales to a bollocke ad .ij. to a ra
10 and all waye a tenthdeale vnto a lambe thorow out the .vij. lambes
11 And one he goote for a synofferynge besyde ye synofferynge of atonement and the dayly burntofferynge and ye meate and drynkofferynges that longe to the same.
Numbers 29:13
13 And ye shall offer a burntofferynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde: xiij. bollockes .ij. rammes and .xiiij. labes which are yerelynges
Deuteronomy 12:5-6
5 but ye shall enquere the place which the Lorde youre God shall haue chosen out of all youre trybes to put his name there and there to dwell.
6 And thyther thou shalt come, and thyther ye shall brynge youre burntsacryfices and youre offerynges, youre tithes and heueofferynges off youre handes, youre vowes and frewillofferynges and thy fyrst borne off youre oxen and off youre shepe.
Deuteronomy 12:13-14
Deuteronomy 12:27
27 and thou shalt offer thy burntoffrynges, both flesh ad bloude apon the alter of the Lorde thy God, and the bloude of thine offrynges thou shalt poure out vppon the alter of the Lorde thy God, and shalt eate the flesh.
Deuteronomy 15:21
21 Yf there be any deformyte there in, whether it be lame or blinde or what soeuer euell fauerednesse it hath, thou shalt not offer it vnto the Lorde thi God:
Deuteronomy 17:1
1 Thou shalt offer vnto the Lorde thy God no oxe or shepe where in is any deformyte, what soeuer euell fauerednesse it be: for that is an abhominacion vnto the Lorde thi God.
Luke 1:35
John 10:7
7 Then sayde Iesus vnto them agayne. Verely verely I saye vnto you: I am the dore of the shepe.
John 10:9
9 I am the dore: by me yf eny man enter in he shalbe safe and shall goo in and out and fynde pasture.
2 Corinthians 8:12
12 For if ther be fyrst a willynge mynde it is accepted accordynge to that a man hath and not accordinge to that he hath not.
2 Corinthians 9:7
7 And let every man do accordynge as he hath purposed in his herte not groudgyngly or of necessite. For god loveth a chearfull gever.
Ephesians 2:18
18 For thorow him we both have an open waye in in one sprete vnto the father.
Ephesians 5:27
27 to make it vnto him selfe a glorious congregacion with oute spot or wrynckle or eny soche thinge: but that it shuld be holy and with out blame.
Hebrews 7:26
26 Soche an hye prest it became vs to have which is wholy harmlesse vndefyled separat from synners and made hyar then heven.
Hebrews 9:14
14 How moche more shall the bloud of Christ (which thorow the eternall sprete offered him silfe with out spot to God) pourdge youre consciences from deed workes for to serve the livynge god?
Hebrews 10:8-10
8 Above when he had sayed sacrifice and offerynge and burnt sacrifices and synne offerynges thou woldest not have nether hast alowed (which yet are offered by the lawe)
9 and then sayde: Lo I come to do thy will o god: he taketh awaye the fyrst to stablisshe the latter.
10 By the which will we are sanctified by the offeringe of the body of Iesu Christe once for all.
1 Peter 1:18-19
Exodus 29:10
10 and brynge the oxe before the tabernacle of witnesse. And let Aaro ad his sones put their hades apo his heed
Exodus 29:15
15 Then take one of the rammes, ad let Aaron and his sonnes put their hondes apon the heade of the ram,
Exodus 29:19
19 And take the other ram and let Aaron and hys sonnes, put their hondes apon hys heed
Leviticus 3:2
2 and let him put his hande apon the heed of his offerynge, and kyll it before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse. And Aarons sonnes the preastes, shall sprinkle the bloude apon the alter rounde aboute.
Leviticus 3:8
8 and put his hande apon his offrynges heede and kyll it in the doore off the tabernacle off wytnesse and Aarons sonnes shall sprinkle the bloude thereof rounde aboute the alter.
Leviticus 3:13
13 and put his hande apon the head of it and kyll it before the tabernacle of witnesse and the sonnes of Aaron shall sprinkle the bloude thereof apon the alter rounde aboute.
Leviticus 4:4
4 And he shall brynge the oxe vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse before the Lorde, and shall put his hande apon the oxes heade and kyll him before the Lorde.
Leviticus 4:15
15 and the elders of the multitude shall put their handes apon his heed before the Lorde
Leviticus 4:20
20 and shall do with his oxe as he dyd wyth the synneoffryngeoxe. And the preast shal make an attonement for them, ad so it shalbe forgeuen them.
Leviticus 4:24
24 and laye his hande apon the heed of it, and kyll it in the place where the burntofferynges are kylled before the Lorde: this is a synneoffrynge.
Leviticus 4:26
26 and burne all his fatt apon the alter as he doth the fatt of the peaceofferynges. And the preast shall make an attonement for him as concernynge his synne, and so it shalbe forgeuen him.
Leviticus 4:29
29 and laye his hande apon the heed of the synneofferynge ad slee it in the place of burntoffrynges.
Leviticus 4:31
31 ad shall take awaye all his fatt as the fatt of the peaceoffrynges is take awaye. And the preast shal burne it apo the alter for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde, and the preast shall make an attonemet for him ad it shalbe forgeuen him.
Leviticus 4:35
35 And he shall take awaye all the fatt thereof, as the fatte of the shepe of the peaceoffringes was take awaye. And the preast shall burne it apo the alter for the lordes sacrifice, and the preast shal make an attonemet for his synne, and it shalbe forgeuen him.
Leviticus 5:6
6 and shall bringe his trespaceofferynge vnto the Lorde for his synne which he hath synned. A female from the flocke, whether it be an yewe or a she goote, for a synneofferynge. And the preast shall make an attonement for him for his synne.
Leviticus 6:7
7 And the prest shall make an atonemet for him before the Lorde, ad it shall be forgeue hi in what soeuer thinge it be that a ma doth ad trespaceth therein.
Leviticus 8:14
14 And the synneoffrynge was brought. And Aaron and his sonnes put their handes apon the heed of the oxe of the synneoffryng.
Leviticus 8:22
22 And he broughte the other ram that was the fullofferynge, and Aaron and his sonnes put their hades apo the heed of the ram:
Leviticus 9:7
7 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: go vnto the alter and offer thy synneofferynge, and make an attonement for the and for the people: and then offer the offerynge of the people and reconcyle them also, as the Lorde comaunded Moses.
Leviticus 16:21
21 ad let Aaro put both his handes apon the heede of the lyue goote, and confesse ouer him all the mysdeades of the childern of Israell, and all their trespaces, and all their synnes: and let him put them apo the heed of the goote ad sende him awaye by the handes of one that is acoynted in the wyldernesse.
Leviticus 16:24
24 And let him wasshe his flesh with water in the holy place, and put on his owne rayment and then come out and offer his burntofferynge and the burntofferynge of the people, and make an atonemet for him selfe ad for the people,
Leviticus 22:21
21 Yf a man will offer a peaseoffrynge vnto the Lorde and separate a vowe or a frewill offerynge of the oxen or the flocke it must be without deformyte that it maye be accepted. There maye be no blemysh therein:
Leviticus 22:27
27 when an oxe, a shepe or a goote is brought forth, it shalbe seue dayes vnder the damme. And from the .viij. daye forth, it shalbe accepted vnto a gifte in the sacrifice of the Lorde.
Numbers 8:12
12 And let the leuites put their handes vpo the heedes of the bollockes and then offer them: the one for a synneofferynge and the other for a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde to make an attonement for the leuites.
Numbers 15:25
25 And the preast shall make an atonement for all the multitude of ye childern of Israel ad it shalbe forgeuen the for it was ignoraunce. And they shall brynge their giftes vnto the offerynge of the Lorde and their synofferynge before the Lorde for their ignoraunce.
Numbers 15:28
28 And the preast shall make an atonement for the soule that synned ignorauntly with the synofferynge before the Lorde and reconsyle him and it shalbe forgeuen him.
Numbers 25:13
13 and he shall haue it and his seed after him euen the couenaunte of the preastis office for euer because he was gelous for his Gods sake and made an atonement for the childern of Israel.
Romans 3:25
25 whom God hath made a seate of mercy thorow faith in his bloud to shewe ye rightewesnes which before him is of valoure in yt he forgeveth ye synnes yt are passed which God dyd suffre
Romans 5:11
11 Not only so but we also ioye in God by the meanes of oure Lorde Iesus Christ by whom we have receavyd the attonment.
2 Corinthians 5:20-21
20 Now then are we messengers in the roume of Christ: even as though God did beseche you thorow vs: So praye we you in Christes stede that ye be atone with God:
21 for he hath made him to be synne for vs which knewe no synne that we by his meanes shuld be that rightewesnes which before God is aloved.
Philippians 4:18
18 I receaved all and have plentie. I was even filled after that I had receaved of Epaphroditus that which came from you an odour that smelleth swete a sacrifice accepted and plesaunt to God.
Hebrews 10:4
4 For it is vnpossible that the bloud of oxen and of gotes shuld take awaye synnes.
1 John 2:2
2 and he it is that obteyneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes only: but also for the synnes of all the worlde.
Exodus 24:6-8
6 And Moses toke halfe of the bloude and put it in basens, and the otherhalfe he sprenkeld on the alter.
7 And he toke the boke of the appoyntment and red it in the audience of the people. And they seyde. All that the Lorde hath sayde, we will do and heare.
8 And Moses toke the bloude ad sprinkeld it on the people ad sayde: beholde, this is the bloude of the appoyntment which the Lorde hath made wyth you apon all these wordes.
Exodus 29:16
16 and cause him to be slayne, ad take of his bloude and sprenkell it rounde aboute apon the alter,
Leviticus 1:11
11 And let him kyll it on the north syde of the alter, before the Lorde. And let the preastes Aarons sonnes sprinkle the bloude of it, rounde aboute apon the alter.
Leviticus 1:15
15 And the preast shall brynge it vnto the alter, and wrynge the necke a sundre of it, and burne it on the alter, and let the bloude runne out apon the sydes of the alter,
Leviticus 16:15
15 Then shall he kyll the goote that is the peoples synneofferynge, and brynge hys bloude within the vayle, and doo with his bloude as he dyd with the bloude of the oxe, and let him sprinkle it toward the mercyseate and before the mercyseate:
Numbers 18:17
17 But the firstborne of oxen shepe and gootes shall not be redemed. For they are holy and thou shalt sprinkle their bloud apon the alter and shalt burne their fatt to be a sacrifyce of a swete sauoure vnte the Lorde.
Hebrews 10:11
11 And every prest is redy dayly ministrynge and ofte tymes offereth one maner of offerynge which can never take awaye synnes.
Hebrews 12:24
24 and to Iesus the mediator of the newe testament and to the spryncklynge of bloud that speaketh better then the bloud of Abell.
1 Peter 1:2
2 by ye forknowledge of God ye father thorow the sanctifyinge of the sprete vnto obedience and springklinge of the bloud of Iesus Christ. Grace be with you and peace be multiplyed.
Genesis 3:21
21 And the LORde God made Adam and hys wyfe garmentes of skynnes and put them on them.
Leviticus 7:8
8 And the preast that offered a mans burntofferynge, shall haue the skyn of the burntofferynge which he hath offered.
Genesis 22:9
9 And when they came vnto the place which God shewed him Abraha made an aulter there and dressed the wodd ad bownde Isaac his sonne and layde him on the aulter aboue apon the wodd.
Leviticus 9:24-10:1
24 And there came a fyre out from before the Lorde and consumed apon the alter: the burntofferynge and the fatt. And all the people sawe it and showted, and fell on their faces.
Exodus 29:17-18
Leviticus 1:12
12 And let it be cut in peces: euen with his heed and his fatte, and let the preast putte them apon the wodd that lyeth apon the fire in the alter.
Leviticus 8:18-21
18 And he broughte the ram of the burntofferynge, and Aaron ad his sonnes put their handes apon the heed of the ram,
19 and it was kylled. And Moses sprinkled the bloud apo the alter roude aboute,
20 ad cutt the ram in peces ad burnt the heed, the peces ad the fatte,
21 ad wasshed the inwardes ad the legges in water, and burnt the ram euery whitt apo the alter. That was a burntsacrifice of a swete sauoure ad an offrynge vnto the Lorde, as the Lorde comaunded Moses.
Leviticus 9:13-14
Genesis 8:21
21 And the LORDE smellyd a swete savoure and sayd in his hert: I wyll henceforth no more curse the erth for mannes sake for the imagynacion of mannes hert is evell even from the very youth of hym. Morover I wyll not destroy from henceforth all that lyveth as I haue done.
Exodus 29:25
25 Than take it from of their handes and burne it apon the alter: euen apon the burntoffringe, to be a sauoure of swetnesse before the Lorde. For it is a sacrifice vnto the Lorde.
Leviticus 1:13
13 But let him wash the inwardes and the legges with water, and than bringe altogether and burne it apon the alter: that is a burntoffrynge and a sacrifice of swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
Leviticus 1:17
17 ad breke his winges but plucke the not a sundre. And the let the preast burne it vpo the alter, eue apo the wodd that lyeth apo the fire, a burntsacrifice ad an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
Leviticus 3:11
11 And the preast shall burne them apon the alter to fede the Lordes offrynge withall.
Leviticus 9:14
14 and dyd wasshe the inwardes and the legges and burnt them also apon the burntofferynge in the alter.
Numbers 15:8-10
8 When thou offerist an oxe to a burntofferynge or in any speciall vowe or peaseofferinge vnto the Lorde
9 then thou shalt brynge vnto an oxe a meateofferynge of .iij. tenth deales of floure myngled with halfe an hin of oyle.
10 And thou shalt brynge for a drynkofferynge halfe an hin of wyne that is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.
Matthew 23:25-28
25 Wo be to you scribes and pharises ypocrites which make clene ye vtter syde of the cuppe and of the platter: but within they are full of brybery and excesse.
26 Thou blinde Pharise clense fyrst the outsyde of the cup and platter that the ynneside of them maye be clene also.
27 Wo be to you Scribe and Pharises ypocrite for ye are lyke vnto paynted tombes which appere beautyfull outwarde: but are wt in full of deed bones and of all fylthynes.
28 So are ye for outwarde ye appere righteous vnto me when within ye are full of ypocrisie and iniquite.
2 Corinthians 2:15
15 For we are vnto God the swete savoure of Christ both amoge them that are saved and also amoge them which perisshe.
Genesis 4:4
4 And Abell he brought also of the fyrstlynges of hys shepe and of the fatt of them. And the LORde loked vnto Abell and to his offeynge:
Leviticus 1:2-3
2 Speake vnto the childern of Israel, and saye vnto them. Who soeuer of you shall bringe a gifte vnto the Lorde, shall bringe it of the catell: euen of the oxen and of the shepe.
3 Yf he brynge a burntoffrynge of the oxen he shall offre a male without blimesh, and shal brynge him to the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse, that he maye be accepted before the Lorde.
Leviticus 22:19
19 to reconcyle them selues it must be a male without blemysh of the oxen shepe or gootes.
John 1:29
29 The nexte daye Iohn sawe Iesus commyge vnto him and sayde: beholde the lambe of God which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde.
Exodus 40:22
22 And he put the table in the tabernacle off witnesse in the north syde of the habitacio without the vayle,
Leviticus 1:5
5 ad let him kyll the oxe before the Lorde. And let the preastes Aarons sonnes brynge the bloude and let them sprinckell it rounde aboute apon the alter that is before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse,
Leviticus 1:7-9
7 And the let the sonnes of Aaron the preast put fire apo the alter and put wodd apon the fire,
8 and let them laye the peces with the heed and the fatte, apon the wod that is on the fire in the alter.
9 But the inwardes ad the legges they shall wash in water, and the preast shall burne altogither apon the alter, that it be a burntsacrifice, and an offerynge of a swete odoure vnto the Lorde.
Leviticus 6:25
25 speake vnto Aaron and vnto his sonnes and saye. This is the lawe of the synneoffrynge, In the place where the burntofferynge is kylled, shall the synneofferynge be kylled also before the Lorde, for it is most holy.
Leviticus 7:2
2 In the place where the burntoffrynge is kylled, the trespaceoffrynge shalbe kylled also: ad his bloude shalbe sprikled rounde aboute apon the alter.
Leviticus 9:12-14
12 After warde he slewe the burntofferynge, ad Aarons sonnes brought the bloude vnto him, and he sprinkled it rounde aboute apon the alter.
Leviticus 1:9
9 But the inwardes ad the legges they shall wash in water, and the preast shall burne altogither apon the alter, that it be a burntsacrifice, and an offerynge of a swete odoure vnto the Lorde.
Genesis 15:9
9 And he sayde vnto him: take an heyfer of .iij. yere olde and a she gotte of thre yeres olde and a thre yere olde ram a turtill doue and a yonge pigeon.
Leviticus 5:7
7 But yf he be not able to brynge a shepe, then let him brynge for his trespace which he hath synned, two turtyll doues or two yonge pygeons vnto the Lorde one for a synneoffrynge and another for a burntofferynge.
Leviticus 12:8
8 But and yf she be not able to bringe a shepe, then let her brynge two turtyls or two yonge pigeons: the one for the burntofferynge, and the other for the synneofferynge. And the preast shall make an attonement for her, ad she shalbe clene.
Matthew 11:29
29 Take my yoke on you and lerne of me for I am meke and lowly in herte: and ye shall fynd rest vnto youre soules.
Luke 2:24
24 and to offer (as it ys sayde in the lawe of the Lorde) a payre of turtle doves or two yonge pigions.
Leviticus 5:8-9
8 And he shall brynge them vnto the preast, which shall offer the synneoffrynge first and wringe the necke a sundre of it, but plucke it not clene of.
9 And let him sprinkle of the bloude of the synneofferynge apon the syde of the alter, and let the reste of the bloude blede apon the botome of the alter, and than it is a synneofferynge.
Matthew 26:1-27
1 And it came to passe when Iesus had fynisshed all these sayinges he sayd vnto his disciples:
2 Ye knowe that after ii. dayes shalbe ester and the sonne of man shalbe delyvered to be crucified.
3 Then assembled togedder the chefe prestes and the scribes and the elders of the people to the palice of the hye preste called Cayphas
4 and heelde a counsell how they mygt take Iesus by suttelte and kyll him.
5 But they sayd not on the holy daye lest eny vproure aryse amonge the people.
6 When Iesus was in Bethany in the house of Symon the leper
7 ther came vnto him a woman which had an alablaster boxe of precious oyntment and powred it on his heed as he sate at the bourde.
8 When his disciples sawe that they had indignacion sayinge: what neded this wast?
9 This oyntmet myght have bene well solde and geven to the povre.
10 When Iesus vnderstod that he sayde vnto the: why trouble ye the woman? She hath wrought a good worke apon me.
11 For ye shall have povre folcke alwayes with you: but me shall ye not have all wayes.
12 And in yt she casted this oyntment on my bodye she dyd it to burye me wt all.
13 Verely I saye vnto you wheresoever this gospell shalbe preached throughoute all the worlde there shall also this that she hath done be tolde for a memoriall of her.
14 Then one of the twelve called Iudas Iscarioth went vnto the chefe prestes
15 and sayd: what will ye geve me and I will deliver him vnto you? And they apoynted vnto him thirty peces of sylver.
16 And from that tyme he sought oportunite to betraye him.
17 The fyrst daye of swete breed ye disciples cam to Iesus sayinge vnto him: where wylt thou that we prepare for ye to eate ye paschall lambe?
18 And he sayd: Go into the cite vnto soche a man and saye to him: the master sayeth my tyme is at hande I will kepe myne ester at thy housse with my disciples.
19 And the disciples did as Iesus had apoynted them and made redy the esterlambe.
20 When the even was come he sate doune wt the .xii.
21 And as they dyd eate he sayde: Verely I saye vnto you that one of you shall betraye me.
22 And they were excedinge sorowfull and beganne every one of the to saye vnto him: is it I master?
23 He answered and sayde: he yt deppeth his honde wt me in ye disshe the same shall betraye me.
24 The sonne of ma goeth as it is written of him: but wo be to yt ma by whom ye sonne of man shalbe betrayed. It had bene good for that man yf he had never bene borne.
25 Then Iudas wich betrayed him answered and sayde: is it I master? He sayde vnto him: thou hast sayde.
26 As they dyd eate Iesus toke breed and gave thankes brake it and gave it to the disciples and sayde: Take eate this is my body.
27 And he toke the cup and thanked and gave it them sayinge: drinke of it every one.
1 John 2:27
27 And ye anoyntynge which ye have receaved of him dwelleth in you. And ye nede not that eny man teache you: but as ye annoyntynge teaheth you all thynges and is true and is no lye: and as it taught you even so byde therin.
Leviticus 4:12
12 shall he carye altogither out of the hoste vnto a clene place: euen where the asshes are poured out, and burne hi on wodd with fyre: euen apon the heape of asshes.
Leviticus 6:10-11
10 And the preast shall put on his lynen albe and his lynen breches apon his flesh, and take awaye the asshes whiche the fire of the burntsacrifice in the altare hath made, and put them besyde the alter,
11 ad the put off his raymet ad put on other and carye the asshes out without the hoste vnto a clene place.
Leviticus 16:27
27 And the oxe of the synofferynge and the goote of the synofferynge (whose bloude was brought in to make an atonemet in the holy place) let one carye out without the hoste and burne with fyre: both their skynnes, their flesh ad their donge.
Hebrews 13:11-14
11 For ye bodies of those beastes whose bloud is brought into the holy place by the hie prest to pourge sinne are burnt with out the tentes.
12 Therfore Iesus to sanctifye the people with his awne bloud suffered with out the gate.
13 Let vs goo forth therfore out of the tentes and suffer rebuke with him.
14 For here have we no continuynge citie: but we seke one to come.
Genesis 15:10
10 And he toke all these and devyded them in the myddes and layde euery pece one over agenst a nother. But the foules devyded he not.
Leviticus 1:9-10
9 But the inwardes ad the legges they shall wash in water, and the preast shall burne altogither apon the alter, that it be a burntsacrifice, and an offerynge of a swete odoure vnto the Lorde.
10 Yf he will offer a burntsacrifice of the shepe whether it be of the lambes or of the gootes: he shall offer a male without blimesh.
Leviticus 5:8
8 And he shall brynge them vnto the preast, which shall offer the synneoffrynge first and wringe the necke a sundre of it, but plucke it not clene of.
Matthew 27:50
50 Iesus cryed agayne with a lowde voyce and yelded vp the goost.
John 19:30
30 Assone as Iesus had receaved of the veneger he sayd: It is fynesshed and bowed his heed and gaue vp the goost.
Romans 4:25
25 Which was delivered for oure synnes and rose agayne forto iustifie vs.
Hebrews 10:6-12
6 In sacrifices and synne offerynges thou hast no lust.
7 Then I sayde: Lo I come in the chefest of the boke it is written of me that I shuld doo thy will o god.
8 Above when he had sayed sacrifice and offerynge and burnt sacrifices and synne offerynges thou woldest not have nether hast alowed (which yet are offered by the lawe)
9 and then sayde: Lo I come to do thy will o god: he taketh awaye the fyrst to stablisshe the latter.
10 By the which will we are sanctified by the offeringe of the body of Iesu Christe once for all.
11 And every prest is redy dayly ministrynge and ofte tymes offereth one maner of offerynge which can never take awaye synnes.
12 But this man after he had offered one sacrifyce for synnes sat him doune for ever on the right honde of god
Hebrews 13:15-16
1 Peter 1:19-21
19 but with the precious bloud of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled and withouten spot
20 which was ordeyened before the worlde was made: but was declared in the last tymes for youre
21 sakes which by his meanes have beleved on god that raysed him from deth and glorified him that youre fayth and hope myght be in god.
1 Peter 3:18
18 For as moche as Christ hath once suffered for synnes ye iuste for ye vniuste forto bringe vs to God and was kylled as pertayninge to the flesshe: but was quyckened in the sprete.