Numbers Cross References - Tyndale

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai in the tabernacle of witnesse the fyrst daye of the seconde moneth ad in the seconde yere after they were come out of ye londe of Egipte sayenge: 2 take ye the summe of al the multitude of the childern of Israel in their kynredes and housholdes of their fathers and numbre the by name all that are males polle by polle 3 fro .xx. yere and aboue: euen all yt are able to goo forthe in to warre in Israell thou and Aaro shall nubre the in their armies 4 and with you shalbe of euery trybe a heed man in the house of his father. 5 And these are the names of ye me yt shall stode with you: in Rube Elizur ye sonne of Sedeur: 6 In Simeo Selumiel ye sonne of Suri Sadai: 7 In ye trybe of Iuda Nahesson ye sonne of Aminadab: 8 In Isachar Nathaneel ye sonne of Zuar: 9 In Sebulo Eliab ye sonne of Helo. 10 Amoge ye childern of Ioseph: In Ephrai Elisama ye sonne of Amihud: In Manasse Gamaliel ye sone of Pedazur: 11 In Be Iamin Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni: 12 In Dan Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai: 13 In Asser Pagiel the sonne of Ochran: 14 In Gad Eliasaph the sone of Deguel: 15 In Naphtaly Ahira the sonne of Enan. 16 These were councelers of the congregacion and lordes in the trybes of their fathers and captaynes ouer thousandes in Israel. 17 And Moses and Aaron toke these men aboue named 18 and gathered all the congregacion together the fyrst daye of the seconde moneth and rekened them after their byrth and kinredes and houses of their fathers by name fro .xx. yere and aboue hed by hed: 19 as the Lorde comaunded Moses eue so he numbred them in ye wildernesse of Sinai. 20 And the childern of Ruben Israels eldest sonne in their generacions kynredes ad houses of their fathers whe they were numbred euery man by name all that were males fro xx. yere and aboue as many as were able to goo forth in warre: 21 were numbred in the trybe off Ruben xlvi. thousande and fyue hundred. 22 Among the childern of Simeon: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of their fathers (when euery mans name was tolde) of all the males from .xx. yeres and aboue whatsoeuer was mete for the warre: 23 were numbred in the trybe of Simeon .lix. thousande and .iij. hundred. 24 Amonge the childern of Gad: their generacion in their kynredes and housholdes of their fathers when thei were tolde by name fro xx. yere and aboue all that were mete for the warre: 25 were numbred in the tribe of Gad .xlv. thousande sixe hundred and fyftie. 26 Amonge the childern of Iuda: their generacion in their kinredes and housses of their fathers (by the numbre of names) from .xx. yere and aboue all that were able to warre 27 were tolde in the trybe of Iuda .lxxiiij. thousande and sixe hundred. 28 Amonge the childern of Isachar: their generacion in their kinredes and houses of their fathers (when their names were counted) from .xx. yere ad aboue what soeuer was apte for warre: 29 were numbred in ye trybe of Isachar .liiij. thousande and .iiij. hundred. 30 Among the childern of Sebulon: their generacion in their kynredes and houses of their fathers (after the numbre of names) from xx. yere and aboue whosoeuer was mete for the warre: 31 were counted in ye trybe of Sebulo lvij. thousande and .iiij. hundred. 32 Amonge the childern of Ioseph: fyrst amoge the childern of Ephraim: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of theyre fathers (when the names of all that were apte to the warre were tolde) from .xx. yeres and aboue: 33 were in numbre in the trybe off Ephraim xl. thousande and syxe hundred. 34 Amonge the childern of Manasse: their generacion in their kynredes and houses of their fathers (when the names of all yt were apte to warre 35 were tolde) from .xx. and aboue were numbred in the tribe of Manasse .xxxij thousand and two hundred. 36 Amonge the childern of Ben Iamin: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of their fathers (by the tale of names) from twentye yere and aboue of all that were mete for warre 37 were numbred in the trybe off Ben Iamin .xxxv. thousande and .iiij. hundred. 38 Amonge the childern of Dan: their generacion in theyr kynreddes and housses off theyr fathers (in the summe of names) off all that was apte to warre 39 from twentye yere and aboue were numbred in the trybe of Dan .lxij. thousande and .vij. hundred. 40 Amonge the childern of Aser: their generacyon in their kynredes and houses of their fathers (when thei were summed by name) from .xx. yeres and aboue all that were apte to warre 41 were numbred in the tribe of Aser .xli. thousande and .v. hundred. 42 Amoge the childern of Nepthali: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of their fathere (when their names were tolde) from xx. yeres ad aboue what soeuer was mete to warre: 43 were numbred in the trybe of Nephtali .liij. thousande and .iiij. hundred. 44 These are the numbres which Moses ad Aaro numbred with ye .xij. princes of Israel: of euery housse of their fathers a man. 45 And all the numbres of the childern of Israel in the housses of their fathers from twentye yere and aboue what soeuer was mete for the warre in Israell 46 drewe vnto the summe of syxe hundred thousande fyue hundred and .l. 47 But the leuites in the tribe off their fathers were not numbred amonge them. 48 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge: 49 only se that thou numbre not the trybe of Leui nether take the summe of them amonge the childern of Israel. 50 But thou shalt appoynte the leuites vnto the habitacio of witnesse and to all the apparell thereof and vnto all that longeth thereto. For they shall bere the tabernacle and all the ordinaunce thereof and they shall ministre it and shall pitche their tentes rounde aboute it. 51 And when the tabernacle goeth forth the leuites shall take it doune: and when the tabernacle is pitched they shall sett it vpp: for yf any straunger come nere he shall dye. 52 And the childern of Israel shall pitch their tentes euery man in his owne companye and euery ma by his awne standert thorow out all their hostes. 53 But the leuites shall pitche rounde aboute the habitacion of witnesse that there fall no wrath vpon the congregacion of the childre of Israel and the leuites shall wayte apon the habitacion of witnesse. 54 And the childern of Israel dyd acordinge to all that the Lord commaunded Moses.

Exodus 19:1

1 The thyrde moneth after the childern of Israel were gone out of Egipte: the same daye they came in to the wildernesse of Sinai.

Exodus 25:22

22 There I will mete the and will comon with the from apon the mercyseate from betwene the two cherubyns which are apon the arke of witnesse, of all thynge which I will geue the in commaundment vnto the childern of Israel.

Exodus 40:2

2 In the first daye of the first moneth shalt thou sett vp the habitacio of the tabernacle of witnesse,

Exodus 40:17

17 Thus was the tabernacle reared vp the first moneth in the secode yere.

Leviticus 1:1

1 And the Lorde called Moses, And spake vnto him oute off the tabernacle of witnesse sayenge.

Leviticus 27:34

34 These are the commaundmentes whiche the Lorde gaue Moses in charge to geue vnto the childern of Israel in mount Sinai.

Numbers 9:1

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai in the fyrste moneth of the seconde yere after they were come out of the londe of Egipte sayeng:

Numbers 10:11-12

11 And it came to passe the .xx. daye of the seconde moneth in ye seconde yere that the cloude was take vpp from of the habitacion of witnesse. 12 And the childern of Israel toke their iurney out of the deserte of Sinai and the cloude rested in ye wildernesse of Para.

Genesis 49:1-3

1 And Iacob called for his sonnes ad sayde: come together that I maye tell you what shall happe you in the last dayes. 2 Gather you together and heare ye sonnes of Iacob and herken vnto Israel youre father. 3 Ruben thou art myne eldest sonne my myghte and the begynnynge of my strength chefe in receauynge and chefe in power.

Exodus 1:1-5

1 These are the names of the children of Israel, which came to Egipte with Iacob euery man with his housholde: 2 Rube, Simeon, Leui, Iuda, 3 Isachar, Zabulon, Beniamin, 4 Dan, Neptali, Gad ad Aser. 5 All the soules that came out of the loynes of Iacob, were .lxx. and Ioseph was in Egipte all redie.

Exodus 6:14-19

14 These be the heedes of their fathers housses. The children of Ruben the eldest sonne of Israel are these: Hanoh, Pallu, Hezron, Charmi, these be the housholders of Ruben. 15 The childern of Symeon ar these: Gemuel, Iamin, Ohad, Iachin. Zohar, and Saul the sonne of a Cananytesh wife: these are the kynreddes of Symeon 16 These are the names of the childern of Leui in their generations: Gerson, Kahath and Merari. And Leui lyued an hundred and. xxxvij. yere. 17 The sonnes of Gerson: Libni ad Semei in their kinreddes. 18 The childern of Kahath: Amram, Iesear, Hebron and Vsiel. And Kahath lyued an hundred and .xxxiij. yere. 19 The children of Merari are these: Mahely and Musi: these are the kynreddes of Leui in their generations.

Exodus 30:12

12 when thou takest the summe of the childern of Israel ad tellest them, they shall geue euery ma a reconcylinge of his soule vnto the Lorde, that there be no plage amonge them when thou tellest them.

Exodus 38:26

26 Euery man offrynge halfe a sycle after the weyght of the holye sycle amonge them that went to be nombred from .xx. yere olde and aboue, amonge .vj. hundred thousande ad .iij. thousande ad v. hundred ad .l. men.

Numbers 1:18

18 and gathered all the congregacion together the fyrst daye of the seconde moneth and rekened them after their byrth and kinredes and houses of their fathers by name fro .xx. yere and aboue hed by hed:

Numbers 1:22

22 Among the childern of Simeon: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of their fathers (when euery mans name was tolde) of all the males from .xx. yeres and aboue whatsoeuer was mete for the warre:

Numbers 1:26-54

26 Amonge the childern of Iuda: their generacion in their kinredes and housses of their fathers (by the numbre of names) from .xx. yere and aboue all that were able to warre 27 were tolde in the trybe of Iuda .lxxiiij. thousande and sixe hundred. 28 Amonge the childern of Isachar: their generacion in their kinredes and houses of their fathers (when their names were counted) from .xx. yere ad aboue what soeuer was apte for warre: 29 were numbred in ye trybe of Isachar .liiij. thousande and .iiij. hundred. 30 Among the childern of Sebulon: their generacion in their kynredes and houses of their fathers (after the numbre of names) from xx. yere and aboue whosoeuer was mete for the warre: 31 were counted in ye trybe of Sebulo lvij. thousande and .iiij. hundred. 32 Amonge the childern of Ioseph: fyrst amoge the childern of Ephraim: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of theyre fathers (when the names of all that were apte to the warre were tolde) from .xx. yeres and aboue: 33 were in numbre in the trybe off Ephraim xl. thousande and syxe hundred. 34 Amonge the childern of Manasse: their generacion in their kynredes and houses of their fathers (when the names of all yt were apte to warre 35 were tolde) from .xx. and aboue were numbred in the tribe of Manasse .xxxij thousand and two hundred. 36 Amonge the childern of Ben Iamin: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of their fathers (by the tale of names) from twentye yere and aboue of all that were mete for warre 37 were numbred in the trybe off Ben Iamin .xxxv. thousande and .iiij. hundred. 38 Amonge the childern of Dan: their generacion in theyr kynreddes and housses off theyr fathers (in the summe of names) off all that was apte to warre 39 from twentye yere and aboue were numbred in the trybe of Dan .lxij. thousande and .vij. hundred. 40 Amonge the childern of Aser: their generacyon in their kynredes and houses of their fathers (when thei were summed by name) from .xx. yeres and aboue all that were apte to warre 41 were numbred in the tribe of Aser .xli. thousande and .v. hundred. 42 Amoge the childern of Nepthali: their generacion in their kynredes and housses of their fathere (when their names were tolde) from xx. yeres ad aboue what soeuer was mete to warre: 43 were numbred in the trybe of Nephtali .liij. thousande and .iiij. hundred. 44 These are the numbres which Moses ad Aaro numbred with ye .xij. princes of Israel: of euery housse of their fathers a man. 45 And all the numbres of the childern of Israel in the housses of their fathers from twentye yere and aboue what soeuer was mete for the warre in Israell 46 drewe vnto the summe of syxe hundred thousande fyue hundred and .l. 47 But the leuites in the tribe off their fathers were not numbred amonge them. 48 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge: 49 only se that thou numbre not the trybe of Leui nether take the summe of them amonge the childern of Israel. 50 But thou shalt appoynte the leuites vnto the habitacio of witnesse and to all the apparell thereof and vnto all that longeth thereto. For they shall bere the tabernacle and all the ordinaunce thereof and they shall ministre it and shall pitche their tentes rounde aboute it. 51 And when the tabernacle goeth forth the leuites shall take it doune: and when the tabernacle is pitched they shall sett it vpp: for yf any straunger come nere he shall dye. 52 And the childern of Israel shall pitch their tentes euery man in his owne companye and euery ma by his awne standert thorow out all their hostes. 53 But the leuites shall pitche rounde aboute the habitacion of witnesse that there fall no wrath vpon the congregacion of the childre of Israel and the leuites shall wayte apon the habitacion of witnesse. 54 And the childern of Israel dyd acordinge to all that the Lord commaunded Moses.

Numbers 26:2-4

2 take the number of all the multitude of the childern of Israel from .xx. yere ad aboue thorow out their fathers housses all that are able to goo to warre in Israel. 3 And Moses and Eleazer the preast tolde them in the feldes of Moab by Iordane fast by Iericho 4 from xx. yere and aboue as the Lorde commaunded Moses. And the childern of Israel that came out of Egipte were.

Numbers 26:63-64

63 These are the numbres of the childern of Israel which Moses and Eleazer the preast numbred in the feldes of Moab fast by Iordane nye to Iericho. 64 And amonge these there was not a man of the numbre of the children of Israel which Moses and Aaron tolde in the wildernesse of Sinai.

Exodus 12:17

17 And see that ye kepe you to vnleueded breed.For vppo that same daye I will brynge youre armyes out off the londe of Egipte, therfore ye shall obserue this daye and all youre childern after you, that yt be a custume for euer.

Exodus 30:14

14 And all that are numbred of the that are .xx. yere olde and aboue shall geue an heueoffrynge vnto the Lorde.

Numbers 14:29

29 Youre carkasses shall lye in this wildernesse nether shall any of these numbres which were numbred from .xx. yere and aboue of you which haue murmured agenst me

Numbers 26:2

2 take the number of all the multitude of the childern of Israel from .xx. yere ad aboue thorow out their fathers housses all that are able to goo to warre in Israel.

Numbers 32:11

11 None of the men that came out of Egipte fro twentye yere olde and aboue shall se the londe whiche I swore vnto Abraham Isaac and Iacob because they haue not continually folowed me:

Numbers 33:1

1 These are the iurneyes of the childern of Israel which went out of the lande of Egipte with their armies vnder Moses ad Aaron.

Deuteronomy 3:18

18 And I commaunded you the same tyme (ye Ruben ad Gad) sayeng: the Lorde your God hath geuen you this londe to enioye it: se that ye go harnessed before youre brethern the childern of Israel, all that are me of warre amonge you.

Deuteronomy 24:5

5 When a man taketh a newe wyfe, he shall not goo a warrefare nether shalbe charged wyth any busynesse: but shalbe fre at home one yere and reioyse with his wife whiche he hath taken.

Exodus 18:21

21 Morouer seke out amonge all the people, men of actiuite which feare God and men that are true ad hate covetuousnes: and make them heedes ouer the people, captaynes ouer thousandes, ouer hundredes, ouer fyftie, and ouer ten.

Exodus 18:25

25 and chose actyue men out of all Israel and made them heedes ouer the people, captaynes ouer thousandes, ouer hundreds, ouer fiftie and ouer ten

Numbers 1:16

16 These were councelers of the congregacion and lordes in the trybes of their fathers and captaynes ouer thousandes in Israel.

Numbers 2:3-31

3 On the east syde towarde the rysynge of ye sonne shall they of the standert of the hoste of Iuda pitch with their armes: And Nahesson the sonne of Aminabab shalbe captaine ouer the sonnes of Iuda. 4 And his hoste and the numbre of them .lxxiiij. thousande and .vi hundred. 5 And nexte vnto him shall the trybe of Isachar pitche and Nathaneel the sonne of Zuar captayne ouer ye childre of Isachar: 6 his hoste and the numbre of them .liiij. thousande and .iiij. hundred. 7 And than the trybe of Zabulon: with Eliab the sonne of Helon captayne ouer the childern of Zabulon 8 and his hoste in the numbre of them: lvij. thousande and .iiij. hundred. 9 So that all they that perteyne vnto the host of Iuda are an hundred thousande .lxxxvi. thousande ad .iiij. hundred in their companies: and these shall goo in the forefront wen they iurney. 10 And on the southsyde the standert of the hoste of Ruben shall lye with their companyes and the captayne ouer the sonnes of Ruben Elizur the sonne of Sedeur 11 ad his hoste and the numbre of them .xlvi. thousande and .v. hundred. 12 And fast by him shall ye trybe of Simeon pitche and the capteyne ouer ye sonnes of Simeon. Selumiel the sonne of zuri Sadai 13 and his hoste and the nubre of them lix thousande and .iij. hundred 14 And the trybe of Gad also: And the captayne ouer the sonnes of Gad Eliasaph the sonne of Deguel 15 and his hoste and the numbre of them .xlv. thousande .vi. hundred and .l. 16 So that all ye numbre that pertayne vnto the hoste of Ruben are an hundred thousande .li. thousande iiij. hundred and fyftie with their companyes and they shall be the seconde in the iourney 17 And the tabernacle of witnesse with the hoste of the leuites shall goo in the myddes of ye hostes: as they lye in their tetes euen so shall they procede in the iurney euery man in his quarter aboute their standertes 18 On the west syde the standarte and the hoste of Ephraim shall lye with their companies. And the captayne ouer the sonnes of Ephraim Elisama the sonne of Anuhud: 19 and his hoste and the numbre of them .xl. thousande and v. hundred. 20 And fast by him the trybe of Manasse and the captayne ouer the sonnes of Manasse Gamaleel ye sonne of Pedazur 21 and his hoste and the numbre of them .xxxij. thousande and .ij. hundred. 22 And the trybe of Ben Iamin also: and the captayne ouer the sonnes of Ben Iamin Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni 23 ad his hoste and the numbre of the xxxv. thousande and .iiij. hundred. 24 All the nubre that perteyned vnto the hoste of Ephraim were an hundred thousand .viij. thousande and an hundred in their hostes: and they shalbe the thryde in the iurneye 25 And the standert and the hoste of Dan shall lye on the north syde with their companyes: and the captayne ouer ye childre of Dan Ahiezer the sonne of Ammi Sadai: 26 and his hoste and the nubre of them .lxij. thousande and vij. hundred. 27 And fast by him shall the trybe of Asser pitche: and the captayne ouer the sones of Asser Pagiel the sonne of Ochran: 28 and his hoste and the nubre of them .xli. thousande and v. hundred. 29 And the trybe of Naphtali also and the captayne ouer ye childern of Naphtali: Ahira the sonne of Enan: 30 and his hoste and the nubre of them .liij. thousande and iiij. Hudred 31 So yt the hole nubre of all that perteyned vnto ye hoste of Dan was an hudred thousande lvij. thousande and .vi. hudred. And they shalbe the last in yt iurney with their stadertes.

Numbers 7:10-83

10 And the princes offered vnto the dedycatynge of the alter in the daye yt it was anoynted and brought their giftes before the alter 11 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: let the priches brynge their offerynges euery daye one prynce vnto the dedicatynge of the alter. 12 He that offered his offerynge ye first daye was Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab of the trybe of Iuda. 13 And his offerynge was: a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weight: and a syluer boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle both of them full of fyne whete floure myngled with oyle for a meat offerynge: 14 and a spone of .x. sicles of golde full of cens: 15 and an oxe a ram ad a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges 16 and an he goote for a synofferynge: 17 and for pease offerynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of a yere olde, and this was the gifte of Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab. 18 The seconde daye dyd Nathaneel offer ye sonne of Zuar captayne ouer Yfachar. 19 And his offerynge which he broughte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyght and a syluern boule of lxx. sicles of ye holy sicle: 20 and a golden spone of .x. sicles full of cens: 21 and an oxe a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges: 22 (OMITTED TEXT) 23 ad for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was ye offerynge of Nathaneel the sonne of Zuar. 24 The thyrde daye Eliab the sonnne of Helon the chefest amonge the childern of Zabulon brought his offerynge. 25 And his offerynge was a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx sicles weyghte and a siluern boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meat offerynge: 26 and a golden spone of .x. sicles full of ces: 27 and an oxe and a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges 28 and an he goote for a synofferynge: 29 and for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Eliab the sonne of Helon. 30 The fourtdaye Elizur the sonne of Sedeur chefelorde amonge the childern of Ruben broughte his offerynge. 31 And his gifte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx sicles weyghte and a syluern boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 32 and a golden spone of .x. sicles full of cens: 33 and an oxe a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges 34 and an he goote for a synofferynge: 35 and for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Elizur the sonne of Sedeur. 36 The fyfth daye Selumiel ye sonne of Zuri Sadai chefe lorde amonge the childern of Simeon offered. 37 whose gifte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyghte: and a syluer boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle: ad both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 38 and a golden spone of x. sicles full of cens. 39 And an oxe a ram ad a labe of a yere olde for burntofferynges 40 ad an he goote for a synofferynge: 41 and for peaseofferiges .ij. oxen .v. rames .v. he gootes ad .v. labes of a yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Selumiel the sonne of Zuri Sadai. 42 The sixte daye Eliasaph ye sonne of Seguel the chefe lorde amonge the childern of Gad offered. 43 whose gifte was: a syluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyghte: and a syluern boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle: and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 44 and a golden spone of .x. sicles full of cens. 45 And an oxe a ram ad a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges 46 and an he goote for a synofferynge: 47 And for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. labes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Eliasaph the sonne of Seguel. 48 The seuenth daye Elisama the sonne of Amiud ye chefelorde of ye childern of Ephraim offered. 49 And his gifte was: a siluern charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyght: ad a syluern boule of lxx. sicles of the holy sicle: ad both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 50 and a golden spone of .x sicles full of cens. 51 And an oxe a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges 52 ad an he goote for a synofferynge: 53 and for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and v. lambes of a yere olde. And this was ye offerynge of Elisama the sonne of Amiud. 54 The .viij. daye offered Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur the chefe lorde of the childern of Manasse. 55 And his gifte was: a sylueren charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyght: and a syluern boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle: ad both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 56 and a golden spone of .x. sycles full of ces. 57 And an oxe a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges 58 and an he goote for a synofferynge: 59 and for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes fyue he gootes and fyue labes of a yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur. 60 The .ix. daye Abidan ye sonne of Gedeoni ye chefelord amoge ye childern of Ben Iamin offered. 61 And his gifte was: a syluern charger of an hundred and .xxx. sicles weyght: and a syluern boule of .lxx. sicles of the holy sicle and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 62 and a golden spone of x. sicles full of cens. 63 and an oxe a ram and a lambe of one yere olde for burntofferynges: 64 and an he goote for a synofferynge: 65 and for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni. 66 The .x. daye Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai chefelorde amoge ye childern of Dan offered. 67 And his gifte was: a syluern charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyght: a syluern boule of seuentye sicles of the holy sycle: and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 68 and a golden spone of .x. sicles full of cens: 69 and an oxe a ra and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges 70 and an he goote for a synofferynge: 71 and for peaseofferynges .ij. oxen .v. rammes fyue he gootes and fyue labes of a yere olde. And this was the offrynge of Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai. 72 The .xi. daye Pagiel the sonne of Ochran the chefe Lorde amonge the childern of Asser offered: 73 And his gifte was: a syluere charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyghte: a sylueren boule of .lxx. sycles of the holy sycle and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meateoffrynge: 74 and a golden spone of .x. sycles full of cens. 75 And an oxe a ram and a lambe of one yere olde for burntofferinges: 76 and an he goote for a synneofferynge: 77 ad for peaceofferynges: two oxen fyue rammes v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Pagiel ye sonne of Ochran. 78 The .xij. daye Ahira the sonne of Enan chefe lorde amonge the childern of Nephtali offered. 79 And his gifte was: a sylueren charger of an hundred and .xxx. sycles weyghte: a sylueren boule of .lxx. sycles of the holye sycle both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 80 and a golden spone of twentye sycles full of cens. 81 And an oxe a ram and a lambe of one yere olde for burntofferynges: 82 and an he goote for a synneofferinge: 83 and for peaceofferynges two oxen .v. rames .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Ahira the sonne of Enan.

Numbers 10:14-27

14 euen the standerte of ye hoste of Iuda remoued first with their armies whose captayne was Nahesson ye sonne of Aminadab. 15 And ouer the hoste of ye trybe of the childern of Isachar was Nathaneel the sonne of zuar. 16 And ouer the hoste of ye trybe of the childern of Zabulon was Eliab the sonne of Helon. 17 And the habitacion was taken doune: and the sonnes of Gerson and Merari went forth bearynge the habitacion 18 Then the standert of the hoste of Ruben went forth with their armies whose captayne was Elizur the sonne of Sedeur. 19 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of ye childern of Simeon was Selumiel 20 the sonne of Deguel. 21 Then the Cahathites went forwarde and bare the holy thynges and the other dyd set vp the habitacion agenst they came. 22 Then the standert of the hoste of the childern of Ephraim went forth with their armies whose captayne was Elisama the sonne of Amiud. 23 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the sonnes of Manasse was Samaleel the sonne of Pedazur. 24 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the sonnes of Ben Iamin was Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni. 25 And hynmost of all the hoste came the standert of the hoste of the childern of Dan with their armies: whose captayne was Ahiezar the sonne of Ammi Sadai. 26 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the childern of Asser was Pagiel the sonne of Ochran. 27 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the childern of Naphtali was Ahira the sonne of Enan

Numbers 13:2-15

2 Sende men out to serche the londe of Canaan which I geue vnto the childern of Israel: of euery trybe of their fathers a man and let them all be soche as are melars amonge them. 3 And Moses at the commaundement of the Lorde sent forth out of the wildernesse of Pharan: soche men as were all herdes amonge the childern of Israel whose names are these. 4 In the trybe of Ruben Sammua ye sonne of Zacur: 5 In the trybe of Symeon Saphat the sonne of Hori. 6 In the trybe of Iuda Caleph the sonne of Iephune. 7 In the trybe of Isachar Igeal the sonne of Ioseph. 8 In the trybe of Ephraim Hosea the sonne of Nun. 9 In the trybe of Ben Iamin Paltithe sonne of Raphu. 10 In the trybe of Zabulon Gadiel the sonne of Sodi. 11 In the trybe of Ioseph: In the trybe of Manasse Gaddi the sonne of Susi. 12 In the trybe of Dan Amiel the sonne of Gemali. 13 In the trybe of Asser Sethur the sonne of Micheel. 14 In the trybe of Nephtali Nahebi the sonne of Vaphsi. 15 In the trybe of Gad Guel the sonne of Machi.

Numbers 17:3

3 And wryte Aarons name apon the staffe of Leui: for euery heedman ouer the housses of their fathers shall haue a rod.

Numbers 25:4

4 and sayed vnto Moses: take all ye heedes of the people and hange them vp vnto ye Lorde agenst the sonne that the wrath of the Lorde maye turne awaye from Israel.

Numbers 25:14

14 The name of the Israelite which was smytten with the Madianitish wife was Simri the sonne of Salu a lorde of an aunciet housse amonge the Simeonites.

Numbers 34:18-28

18 And ye shall take also a lorde of euery trybe to deuyde the londe 19 whose names are these: In the trybe of Iuda Caleb ye sonne of Iephune. 20 And in ye trybe of ye childern of Simeon Demuel ye sone of Amiud 21 ad in ye tribe of BeIamin Elidad the sonne of Cislon. 22 And the intrybe of ye childern of Dan the lorde Bucki the sonne of Iagli. 23 And amonge the childern of Ioseph: in the trybe of the childern of Manasse the lorde Haniel the sonne of Ephod. 24 And in the trybe of the childern of Ephraim ye lorde Cemuel the sonne of Siphtan. 25 And in the trybe of the sonnes of Zabulon ye lorde Elizaphan the sonne of Parnac. 26 And in the trybe of the childern of Isachar the lorde Palthiel ye sonne of Asan. 27 And in the trybe of the sonnes of Asser the lorde Ahihud ye sonne of Selomi. 28 And in the trybe of the childern of Naphtali the lorde Peda El the sonne of Ammihud.

Deuteronomy 1:15

15 And then I toke the heedes of youre trybes, men of wysdome and that were expert, and made them ruelers ouer you: captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hundredes ouer fyftye and ouer ten, and officers amonge youre trybes.

Genesis 29:32-35

32 And Lea conceaued and bare a sonne ad called his name Rube for she sayde::the LORde hath loked apon my tribulation. And now my husbonde will loue me. 33 And she conceaued agayne and bare a sonne and sayde: the LORde hath herde that I am despised ad hath therfore geuen me this sonne also and she called him Simeon. 34 And she conceaued yet and bare a sonne ad sayde: now this once will my husbonde kepe me company because I haue borne him .iij. sonnes: and therfore she called his name Levi. 35 And she conceaued yet agayne and bare a sonne saynge? Now will I prayse the LORde: therfore she called his name Iuda and left bearynge.

Genesis 30:5-20

5 And Bilha conceaued and bare Iacob a sonne. 6 Than sayde Rahel. God hath geuen sentece on my syde and hath also herde my voyce and hath geuen me a sonne. Therfore called she him Dan. 7 And Bilha Rahels mayde coceaued agayne and bare Iacob a nother sonne. 8 And Rahel sayde. God is turned and I haue made achaunge with my sister and haue gote ye vpper hade. And she called his name Nepthali 9 Whe Lea sawe that she had left bearinge she toke Silpha hir mayde and gaue her Iacob to wiffe. 10 And Silpha Leas made bare Iacob a sonne. 11 Than sayde Lea: good lucke: and called his name Gad. 12 And Silpha Leas mayde bare Iacob another sonne. 13 Tha sayd Lea: happy am I for the doughters will call me blessed. And called his name Asser. 14 And Rube wet out in the wheat haruest and foude mandragoras in the feldes and brought the vnto his mother Lea. Than sayde Rahel to Lea geue me of thy sonnes madragoras. 15 And Lea answered: is it not ynough yt thou hast take awaye my housbode but woldest take awaye my sonnes mandragoras also? Than sayde Rahel well let him slepe with the this nyghte for thy sonnes mandragoras. 16 And whe Iacob came from the feldes at euen Lea went out to mete him and sayde: come into me for I haue bought the with my sonnes mandragoras.And he slepte with her that nyghte. 17 And God herde Lea yt she coceaued and bare vnto Iacob yt .v. sonne. 18 Than sayde Lea. God hath geue me my rewarde because I gaue my mayde to my housbod and she called him Isachar. 19 And Lea coceaued yet agayne and bare Iacob the sexte sonne. 20 Than sayde she: God hath endewed me with a good dowry. Now will my housbond dwell with me because I haue borne him .vi. sonnes: and called his name Zabulo.

Genesis 35:17-26

17 And as she was in paynes of hir laboure the mydwyfe sayde vnto her: feare not for thou shalt haue this sonne also. 18 Then as hir soule was a departinge that she must dye: she called his name Ben Oni. But his father called him Ben Iamin. 19 And thus dyed Rahel ad was buryed in the waye to Ephrath which now is called Bethlehem. 20 And Iacob sett vp a piller apon hir graue which is called Rahels graue piller vnto this daye. 21 And Israell went thece and pitched vp his tent beyonde the toure of Eder. 22 And it chaunced as Israel dwelt in that lande that Ruben went and laye with Bilha his fathers concubyne and it came to Israels eare. The sonnes of Iacob were .xij. in nombre. 23 The sonnes of Lea. Ruben Iacobs eldest sonne and Simeo Leui Iuda Isachar and Zabulon 24 The sonnes of Rahel: Ioseph and Ben Iamin. 25 The sonnes of Bilha Rahels mayde: Dan and Nepthali. 26 The sonnes of Zilpha Leas mayde Gad and Aser. Thes are the sones of Iacob which were borne him in Mesopotamia.

Genesis 46:8-24

8 These are the names of the childern of Israel which came in to Egipte both Iacob and his sonnes: Rube Iacobs first sonne. 9 The childern of Ruben: Hanoch Pallu Hezron and Charmi. 10 The childern of Simeon: Iemuel Iamin Ohad Iachin Zohar and Saul the sonne of a Cananitish woman 11 The childern of Leui: Gerson Rahath and Merari. 12 The childern of Iuda: Er Onan Sela Pharez and Zerah but Er and Onan dyed in the lande of Canaan. The childern of Pharez Hezro and Hamul. 13 The childern of Isachar: Tola Phuva Iob and Semnon. 14 The childern of Sebulon: Sered Elon and Iaheleel. 15 These be the childern of Lea which she bare vnto Iacob in Mesopotamia with his doughter Dina. All these soulles of his sonnes and doughters make .xxx and .vi. 16 The childern of Gad: Ziphion Haggi Suni Ezbon Eri Arodi and Areli. 17 The childern of Asser: Iemna Iesua Iesui Brya and Serah their sister. And the childern of Brya were Heber and Malchiel. 18 These are the childern of Silpha whom Laba gaue to Lea his doughter. And these she bare vnto Iacob in nombre xvi. soules. 19 The childern of Rahel Iacobs wife: Ioseph and ben Iamin. 20 And vnto Ioseph in the lode of Egipte were borne: Manasses and Ephraim which Asnath the doughter of Potiphera preast of On bare vnto him. 21 The childern of BenIamin: Bela Becher Asbel Gera Naeman Ehi Ros Mupim Hupim and Aro. 22 These are the childern of Rahel which were borne vnto Iacob: xiiij. soules all to gether. 23 The childern of Dan: Husim. 24 The childern of Nepthali? Iahezeel Guni Iezer and Sillem.

Genesis 49:1-33

1 And Iacob called for his sonnes ad sayde: come together that I maye tell you what shall happe you in the last dayes. 2 Gather you together and heare ye sonnes of Iacob and herken vnto Israel youre father. 3 Ruben thou art myne eldest sonne my myghte and the begynnynge of my strength chefe in receauynge and chefe in power. 4 As vnstable as water wast thou: thou shalt therfore not be the chefest for thou wenst vp vpo thy fathers bedd and than defyledest thou my couche with goynge vppe. 5 The brethern Simeon and Leui weked instrumentes are their wepos. 6 In to their secrettes come not my soule and vnto their congregation be my honoure not coupled: for in their wrath they slewe a man and in their selfewill they houghed an oxe. 7 Cursed be their wrath for it was stronge and their fearsnes for it was cruell. I will therfore deuyde them in Iacob and scater them in Israel. 8 Iuda thy brethern shall prayse the and thine hande shalbe in the necke of thyne enimies and thy fathers childern shall stoupe vnto the. 9 Iuda is a lions whelpe. Fro spoyle my sonne thou art come an hye: he layde him downe and couched himselfe as a lion and as a lionesse. Who dare stere him vp? 10 The sceptre shall not departe from Iuda nor a ruelar from betwene his legges vntill Silo come vnto whome the people shall herken. 11 He shall bynde his fole vnto the vine and his asses colt vnto the vyne braunche ad shall wash his garment in wyne and his mantell in the bloud of grapes 12 his eyes are roudier than wyne ad his teeth whitter then mylke. 13 Zabulon shall dwell in the hauen of the see and in the porte of shippes and shall reache vnto Sidon. 14 Isachar is a stronge asse he couched him doune betwene .ij. borders 15 and sawe that rest was good and the lande that it was pleasant and bowed his shulder to beare and became a servaunte vnto trybute. 16 Dan shall iudge his people as one of the trybes of Israel. 17 Dan shalbe a serpent in the waye and an edder in the path and byte the horse heles so yt his ryder shall fall backwarde, 18 After thy sauynge loke I LORde. 19 Gad men of warre shall invade him. And he shall turne them to flyght. 20 Off Asser cometh fatt breed and he shall geue pleasures for a kynge. 21 Nepthali is a swyft hynde ad geueth goodly wordes. 22 That florishynge childe Ioseph that florishing childe and goodly vn to the eye: the doughters come forth to bere ruele. 23 The shoters haue envyed him and chyde with him ad hated him 24 and yet his bowe bode fast and his armes and his handes were stronge by the handes of the myghtye God of Iacob: out of him shall come an herde ma a stone in Israel. 25 Thi fathers God shall helpe the and the almightie shall blesse the with blessinges from heaven aboue and with blessinges of the water that lieth vnder and with blessinges of the brestes and of the wombe. 26 The blessinges of thy father were stronge: euen as the blessinges of my elders after the desyre of the hiest in the worlde and these blessinges shall fall on the head of Ioseph and on the toppe of the head of him yt was separat from his brethern. 27 Ben Iamin is a raueshynge wolfe. In the mornynge be shall deuoure his praye ad at nyghte he shall deuyde his spoyle. 28 All these are the .xij. tribes of Israel and this is that which their father spake vnto them whe he blessed them euery man with a severall blessinge. 29 And he charged them and sayde vnto them. I shall be put vnto my people: se that ye burye me with my fathers in the caue that is in the felde of Ephron the Hethyte 30 in the double caue that is in the felde before Mamre in the lande of Canaan. Which felde Abraham boughte of Ephron the Hethite for a possessio to burye in. 31 There they buryed Abraha and Sara his wyfe there they buryed Isaac and Rebecca his wyfe. And there I buried Lea: 32 which felde and the caue that is therin was bought of the childern of Heth. 33 When Iacob had commaunded all that he wold vnto his sonnes be plucked vp his fete apon the bedd and dyed and was put vnto his people.

Numbers 2:10

10 And on the southsyde the standert of the hoste of Ruben shall lye with their companyes and the captayne ouer the sonnes of Ruben Elizur the sonne of Sedeur

Numbers 7:30

30 The fourtdaye Elizur the sonne of Sedeur chefelorde amonge the childern of Ruben broughte his offerynge.

Numbers 10:18

18 Then the standert of the hoste of Ruben went forth with their armies whose captayne was Elizur the sonne of Sedeur.

Deuteronomy 33:1-29

1 This is the blessinge where with Moses gods man blessed the childern of Israel before his deeth 2 sayenge: The Lord came fro Sinai and shewed his beames from Seir vnto them, and appered gloriously from mount Paran, and he came with thousandes of sayntes, and in his right hande a lawe of fyre for them 3 How loued he the people? All his sayntes are in his honde. They yoyned the selues vnto thy fote and receaued thi wordes. 4 Moses gaue us a lawe which is the enheritaunce of the cogregacion of Iacob. 5 And he was in Israel kinge when he gathered the heedes of the people and the tribes of Israel to gether. 6 Ruben shall lyue and shall not dye: but his people shalbe few in numbre. 7 This is the blessynge of Iuda. And he sayed: heare Lorde the voyce of Iuda and bringe him vnto his people: let his handes fyght for him: but he thou his helpe agenst his enemies. 8 And vnto Leui he sayed: thy perfectnesse ad thi light be after thy mercyfull ma who thou temptest at Masa ad with whom thou striuedst at the waters of strife. 9 He that saieth vnto his father ad mother. I sawe him not, ad vnto his brethern I knewe not, and to his sonne I wote not: for they haue obserued thi wordes and kepte thy testament. 10 They shall teach Iacob thi iudgementes ad Israel thi lawes. They shall put cens before thi nose and whole sacrifices apon thine altare. 11 Blesse Lorde their power and accepte the workes of their hondes: smyte the backes of them that ryse agest them and of them that hate them: that they ryse not agayne. 12 Vnto Ben Iamin he sayed: The Lordes derlynge shall dwell in saffetye by him and kepe him selfe in the hauen by hym contynually, and shall dwell betwene his shulders. 13 And vnto Ioseph he sayed: blessed of the Lorde is his londe with the goodly frutes off heauen, with dewe and with sprynges that lye beneth: 14 and with frutes of the encrease of the sonne and with rype frute off the monethes, 15 and with the toppes of mountaynes that were from the begynnynge and with the dayntes of hilles that last euer 16 and with goodly frute of the erth and off the fulnesse there of. And the good will of him that dwelleth in the bush shall come vppon the heed of Ioseph and vppon the toppe of the heed of him that was separated fro amonge his brethern 17 his bewtye is as a firstborne oxe and his hornes as the hornes of an vnycorne. And with them he shall push the nacions to gether, euen vnto the endes of the worlde. These are the many thousandes of Ephraim and the thousandes off Manasse. 18 And vnto Zabulon he sayed: Reioyse Zabulon in thi goenge out, and thou Isachar in thi tentes. 19 They shall call the people vnto the hill, and there they shall offer offerynges of righteousnes. For they shall sucke of the abundaunce of the see and of treasure hyd in the fonde. 20 And vnto Gad he sayed: blessed is the rowmmaker Gad. He dwelleth as a lion and caught the arme ad also the toppe of the heed 21 He sawe his begynnynge, that a parte of the teachers were hyd there ad come with the heedes of the people, and executed the righteousnes of the Lorde and his iudgementes with Israel. 22 And vnto Dan he sayed: Dan is a lions whelpe, he shall flowe from Basan. 23 And vnto Nepthali he sayed: Nephali he shall haue abundance of pleasure and shalbe fylled with the blessinge of the Lorde ad shall haue his possessions in the southwest. 24 And of Asser he sayed: Asser shalbe blessed with childern: he shalbe acceptable vnto his brethern and shall dyppe his fote in oyle: 25 Yern and brasse shall hange on thi showes and thine age shalbe as thi youth. 26 There is none like vnto the God of the off Israel: he that sitteth vppon heauen shalbe thine helpe, whose glorie is in the cloudes, 27 that is the dwellinge place of God from the begynynge and from vnder the armes of the worlde: he hath cast out thine enemies before the and sayed: destroye. 28 And Israel shall dwell in saffetye alone. And the eyes of Iacob shall loke appon a londe of corne and wyne, moreouer his heauen shall droppe with dewe. 29 Happye art thou Israel, who is like vnto the? A people that art saued by the Lorde thy shilde and helper and swerde of thi glorye. And thyne enemyes shall hyde them selues from the, and thou shalt walke vppon their hye hilles.

Revelation 7:4-8

4 And I herde the nombre of them which were sealed and there were sealed an C. and xliiii. M. of all the trybes of the chyldren of Israhell. 5 Of the trybe of Iuda were sealed xii.M Of the trybe of Ruben were sealed xii.M. of the trybe of Gad were sealed xii.M. 6 Of the trybe of Asser were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Neptalym were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Manasses were sealed xii.M. 7 Of ye trybe of Symeo were sealed xii.M. Of ye tribe of Leuy were sealed xii.M. Of ye trybe of Isacar were sealed xii.M. 8 Of the trybe of zabulon weee sealed xii.M. Of the tribe of Ioseph were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Beniamin were sealed xii. thowsande.

Numbers 2:12

12 And fast by him shall ye trybe of Simeon pitche and the capteyne ouer ye sonnes of Simeon. Selumiel the sonne of zuri Sadai

Numbers 7:36

36 The fyfth daye Selumiel ye sonne of Zuri Sadai chefe lorde amonge the childern of Simeon offered.

Numbers 2:3

3 On the east syde towarde the rysynge of ye sonne shall they of the standert of the hoste of Iuda pitch with their armes: And Nahesson the sonne of Aminabab shalbe captaine ouer the sonnes of Iuda.

Numbers 7:12

12 He that offered his offerynge ye first daye was Nahesson the sonne of Aminadab of the trybe of Iuda.

Numbers 10:14

14 euen the standerte of ye hoste of Iuda remoued first with their armies whose captayne was Nahesson ye sonne of Aminadab.

Matthew 1:2-5

2 Abraham begat Isaac: Isaac begat Iacob: Iacob begat Iudas and his brethren: 3 Iudas begat Phares and zaram of Thamar: Phares begat Hesrom: Hesrom begat Aram: 4 Aram begat Aminadab: Aminadab begat Naasson: Naasson begat Salmon: 5 Salmon begat Boos of Rahab: Boos begat Obed of Ruth: Obed begat Iesse:

Luke 3:32

32 which was the sonne of Iesse: which was the sonne of Obed: which was the sonne of Boos: which was the sonne of Salmon: which was the sonne of Naason:

Numbers 2:5

5 And nexte vnto him shall the trybe of Isachar pitche and Nathaneel the sonne of Zuar captayne ouer ye childre of Isachar:

Numbers 7:18

18 The seconde daye dyd Nathaneel offer ye sonne of Zuar captayne ouer Yfachar.

Numbers 10:15

15 And ouer the hoste of ye trybe of the childern of Isachar was Nathaneel the sonne of zuar.

Numbers 2:7

7 And than the trybe of Zabulon: with Eliab the sonne of Helon captayne ouer the childern of Zabulon

Numbers 7:24

24 The thyrde daye Eliab the sonnne of Helon the chefest amonge the childern of Zabulon brought his offerynge.

Numbers 10:16

16 And ouer the hoste of ye trybe of the childern of Zabulon was Eliab the sonne of Helon.

Numbers 2:18

18 On the west syde the standarte and the hoste of Ephraim shall lye with their companies. And the captayne ouer the sonnes of Ephraim Elisama the sonne of Anuhud:

Numbers 2:20

20 And fast by him the trybe of Manasse and the captayne ouer the sonnes of Manasse Gamaleel ye sonne of Pedazur

Numbers 7:48

48 The seuenth daye Elisama the sonne of Amiud ye chefelorde of ye childern of Ephraim offered.

Numbers 7:54

54 The .viij. daye offered Gamaliel the sonne of Pedazur the chefe lorde of the childern of Manasse.

Numbers 10:22-23

22 Then the standert of the hoste of the childern of Ephraim went forth with their armies whose captayne was Elisama the sonne of Amiud. 23 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the sonnes of Manasse was Samaleel the sonne of Pedazur.

Numbers 2:22

22 And the trybe of Ben Iamin also: and the captayne ouer the sonnes of Ben Iamin Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni

Numbers 7:60

60 The .ix. daye Abidan ye sonne of Gedeoni ye chefelord amoge ye childern of Ben Iamin offered.

Numbers 10:24

24 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the sonnes of Ben Iamin was Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni.

Numbers 2:25

25 And the standert and the hoste of Dan shall lye on the north syde with their companyes: and the captayne ouer ye childre of Dan Ahiezer the sonne of Ammi Sadai:

Numbers 7:66

66 The .x. daye Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai chefelorde amoge ye childern of Dan offered.

Numbers 10:25

25 And hynmost of all the hoste came the standert of the hoste of the childern of Dan with their armies: whose captayne was Ahiezar the sonne of Ammi Sadai.

Numbers 2:27

27 And fast by him shall the trybe of Asser pitche: and the captayne ouer the sones of Asser Pagiel the sonne of Ochran:

Numbers 7:72

72 The .xi. daye Pagiel the sonne of Ochran the chefe Lorde amonge the childern of Asser offered:

Numbers 10:26

26 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the childern of Asser was Pagiel the sonne of Ochran.

Numbers 2:14

14 And the trybe of Gad also: And the captayne ouer the sonnes of Gad Eliasaph the sonne of Deguel

Numbers 7:42

42 The sixte daye Eliasaph ye sonne of Seguel the chefe lorde amonge the childern of Gad offered.

Numbers 10:20

20 the sonne of Deguel.

Numbers 2:29

29 And the trybe of Naphtali also and the captayne ouer ye childern of Naphtali: Ahira the sonne of Enan:

Numbers 7:78

78 The .xij. daye Ahira the sonne of Enan chefe lorde amonge the childern of Nephtali offered.

Numbers 10:27

27 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the childern of Naphtali was Ahira the sonne of Enan

Numbers 1:4

4 and with you shalbe of euery trybe a heed man in the house of his father.

Numbers 7:2

2 then the prynces of Ysrael heedes ouer the housses of their fathers which were the lordes of the trybes that stode ad numbred offered

Numbers 11:17

17 And I wyll come doune and talke with the there and take of yt spirite which is apon the and put apon them ad they shall bere with the in the burthen of the people and so shalt thou not beare alone.

Numbers 16:2

2 stode vpp before Moses with other of the childern of Israel .ij. hundred and fyftie heedes of the congregacion and councelers and men of fame

Numbers 26:9

9 And the sonnes of Eliab were: Nemuel Dathan and Abiram.This is that Dathan and Abiram councelers in the cogregacion which stroue agest Moses and Aaron in the companye of Corah when they stroue agenst the Lorde.

Numbers 1:5-15

5 And these are the names of ye me yt shall stode with you: in Rube Elizur ye sonne of Sedeur: 6 In Simeo Selumiel ye sonne of Suri Sadai: 7 In ye trybe of Iuda Nahesson ye sonne of Aminadab: 8 In Isachar Nathaneel ye sonne of Zuar: 9 In Sebulo Eliab ye sonne of Helo. 10 Amoge ye childern of Ioseph: In Ephrai Elisama ye sonne of Amihud: In Manasse Gamaliel ye sone of Pedazur: 11 In Be Iamin Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni: 12 In Dan Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai: 13 In Asser Pagiel the sonne of Ochran: 14 In Gad Eliasaph the sone of Deguel: 15 In Naphtaly Ahira the sonne of Enan.

John 10:3

3 to him the porter openeth and the shepe heare his voyce and he calleth his awne shepe by name and leadeth them out.

Revelation 7:4-17

4 And I herde the nombre of them which were sealed and there were sealed an C. and xliiii. M. of all the trybes of the chyldren of Israhell. 5 Of the trybe of Iuda were sealed xii.M Of the trybe of Ruben were sealed xii.M. of the trybe of Gad were sealed xii.M. 6 Of the trybe of Asser were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Neptalym were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Manasses were sealed xii.M. 7 Of ye trybe of Symeo were sealed xii.M. Of ye tribe of Leuy were sealed xii.M. Of ye trybe of Isacar were sealed xii.M. 8 Of the trybe of zabulon weee sealed xii.M. Of the tribe of Ioseph were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Beniamin were sealed xii. thowsande. 9 After this I behelde and lo a gret multitude (which noma coulde nombre) of all nacios and people and tonges stode before the seate and before the lambe clothed with longe whyte garmentes and palmes in there hondes 10 and cryed with a lowde voyce sayinge: salvacion be asscribed to him that syttith apon the seate of oure god and vnto the lambe. 11 And all the angelles stode in the compase of the seate and of the elders and of the iiii. bestes and fel before the seat on their faces and worshipped god 12 sayinge amen: Blessynge and glory wisdome and thankes and honour and power and myght be vnto oure god for evermore Amen. 13 And one of the elders answered sayinge vnto me: what are these which are arayed in longe whyte garmentes and whence cam they? 14 And I sayde vnto him: lorde thou wottest. And he sayde vnto me: these are they which cam oute of gret tribulacion and made their garmetes large and made them whyte in the bloud of the lambe: 15 therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God and serve him daye and nyght in hys temple and he that sytteth in the seate wyll dwell amonge them. 16 They shalt honger no more nether thyrst nether shall the sunne lyght on them nether eny heate: 17 For the lambe which ys in the myddes of the seate shall fede them and shall ledde them vnto fountaynes of lyuynge water and god shall wype awaye all teares from their eyes.

Numbers 1:1

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai in the tabernacle of witnesse the fyrst daye of the seconde moneth ad in the seconde yere after they were come out of ye londe of Egipte sayenge:

Hebrews 7:3

3 with out father wt out mother with out kynne and hath nether begynnynge of his tyme nether yet ende of his lyfe: but is lykened vnto the sonne of god and cotinueth a preste for ever.

Hebrews 7:6

6 But he whose kynred is not counted amonge them receaved tythes of Abraham and blessed him that had the promyses.

Numbers 1:2

2 take ye the summe of al the multitude of the childern of Israel in their kynredes and housholdes of their fathers and numbre the by name all that are males polle by polle

Numbers 26:1-2

1 And after the plage ye Lorde spake vnto Moses and vnto Eleazer sayenge: 2 take the number of all the multitude of the childern of Israel from .xx. yere ad aboue thorow out their fathers housses all that are able to goo to warre in Israel.

Genesis 29:32

32 And Lea conceaued and bare a sonne ad called his name Rube for she sayde::the LORde hath loked apon my tribulation. And now my husbonde will loue me.

Genesis 46:9

9 The childern of Ruben: Hanoch Pallu Hezron and Charmi.

Genesis 49:3-4

3 Ruben thou art myne eldest sonne my myghte and the begynnynge of my strength chefe in receauynge and chefe in power. 4 As vnstable as water wast thou: thou shalt therfore not be the chefest for thou wenst vp vpo thy fathers bedd and than defyledest thou my couche with goynge vppe.

Numbers 2:10-11

10 And on the southsyde the standert of the hoste of Ruben shall lye with their companyes and the captayne ouer the sonnes of Ruben Elizur the sonne of Sedeur 11 ad his hoste and the numbre of them .xlvi. thousande and .v. hundred.

Numbers 26:5-7

5 Ruben the eldest sonne of Israel. The childern of Ruben were Hanoch of whome cometh the kynred of the Hanochites: and of Palu cometh the kynred of the Paluites: 6 And of Hesron cometh the kynred of the Hesronites: and of Carmi cometh the kynred of the Carmites. 7 These are the kynredes of the Rubenites which were in numbre .xliij. thousande. vij. hudred an .xxx.

Numbers 26:7

7 These are the kynredes of the Rubenites which were in numbre .xliij. thousande. vij. hudred an .xxx.

Genesis 29:33

33 And she conceaued agayne and bare a sonne and sayde: the LORde hath herde that I am despised ad hath therfore geuen me this sonne also and she called him Simeon.

Genesis 34:25-30

25 And the third daye when it was paynefull to them ij. of the sonnes of Iacob Simeon and Leui Dinas brethren toke ether of them his swerde and went in to the cyte boldly and slewe all yt was male 26 and slewe also Hemor and Sichem his sonne with the edge of the swerde ad toke Dina their sister out of Sichems house and went their waye. 27 Than came the sonnes of Iacob vpon the deede and spoyled the cyte because they had defyled their sister: 28 and toke their shepe oxen asses and what so euer was in the cyte and also in ye feldes 29 29. And all their goodes all their childern and their wyues toke they captyue and made havock of all that was in the houses. 30 And Iacob sayde to Simeon and Leui: ye haue troubled me ad made me styncke vnto the inhabitatours of the lande both to the Canaanytes and also vnto the Pherezites. And I am fewe in nombre. Wherfore they shall gather them selves together agaynst me and sley me and so shall I and my house be dystroyed.

Genesis 42:24

24 And he turned from them and wepte and than turned to them agayne ad comened with them and toke out Simeon from amonge the and bownde him before their eyes

Genesis 46:10

10 The childern of Simeon: Iemuel Iamin Ohad Iachin Zohar and Saul the sonne of a Cananitish woman

Genesis 49:5-6

5 The brethern Simeon and Leui weked instrumentes are their wepos. 6 In to their secrettes come not my soule and vnto their congregation be my honoure not coupled: for in their wrath they slewe a man and in their selfewill they houghed an oxe.

Numbers 2:12-13

12 And fast by him shall ye trybe of Simeon pitche and the capteyne ouer ye sonnes of Simeon. Selumiel the sonne of zuri Sadai 13 and his hoste and the nubre of them lix thousande and .iij. hundred

Numbers 26:12-14

12 And the childern of Simeon in their kynredes were: Nemuel of whom cometh ye kynred of the Nemuelites: Iamin of whom cometh the kynred of the Iaminytes: Iachin of whom cometh the kynred of the Iachinites: 13 Serah of whome cometh the kynred of the Serahites: Saul of whom cometh the kynred of the Saulites. 14 These are the kynredes of the Simeonites: in numbre. xxij. thousande and .ij. hundred.

Numbers 2:13

13 and his hoste and the nubre of them lix thousande and .iij. hundred

Numbers 25:8-9

8 and wet after the man of Israel in to the horehousse and thrust them thorow: both the man of Israel and also the woman euen thorow the belye of hir. And the plage ceased from the childern of Israel. 9 And there dyed in the plage. xxiiij. thousande.

Numbers 26:14

14 These are the kynredes of the Simeonites: in numbre. xxij. thousande and .ij. hundred.

Genesis 30:10-11

10 And Silpha Leas made bare Iacob a sonne. 11 Than sayde Lea: good lucke: and called his name Gad.

Genesis 46:16

16 The childern of Gad: Ziphion Haggi Suni Ezbon Eri Arodi and Areli.

Genesis 49:19

19 Gad men of warre shall invade him. And he shall turne them to flyght.

Numbers 2:14-15

14 And the trybe of Gad also: And the captayne ouer the sonnes of Gad Eliasaph the sonne of Deguel 15 and his hoste and the numbre of them .xlv. thousande .vi. hundred and .l.

Numbers 26:15-18

15 And the childern of Gad in their kynredes were: Zephon of whom cometh the kynred of the Zephonites: and of Haggi cometh the kynred of the Haggites: and of Suni cometh the kynred of the Sunites: 16 and of Aseni cometh the kynred of the Asenites: and of Eri cometh the kynred of the Erites: 17 and of Arod cometh the kynred of the Arodites: and of Ariel cometh the kynred of the Arielites. 18 These are the kynredes of the children of Gad in numbre .xl. thousande and .v. hundred.

Numbers 2:15

15 and his hoste and the numbre of them .xlv. thousande .vi. hundred and .l.

Numbers 26:18

18 These are the kynredes of the children of Gad in numbre .xl. thousande and .v. hundred.

Genesis 29:35

35 And she conceaued yet agayne and bare a sonne saynge? Now will I prayse the LORde: therfore she called his name Iuda and left bearynge.

Genesis 46:12

12 The childern of Iuda: Er Onan Sela Pharez and Zerah but Er and Onan dyed in the lande of Canaan. The childern of Pharez Hezro and Hamul.

Genesis 49:8-12

8 Iuda thy brethern shall prayse the and thine hande shalbe in the necke of thyne enimies and thy fathers childern shall stoupe vnto the. 9 Iuda is a lions whelpe. Fro spoyle my sonne thou art come an hye: he layde him downe and couched himselfe as a lion and as a lionesse. Who dare stere him vp? 10 The sceptre shall not departe from Iuda nor a ruelar from betwene his legges vntill Silo come vnto whome the people shall herken. 11 He shall bynde his fole vnto the vine and his asses colt vnto the vyne braunche ad shall wash his garment in wyne and his mantell in the bloud of grapes 12 his eyes are roudier than wyne ad his teeth whitter then mylke.

Numbers 2:3-4

3 On the east syde towarde the rysynge of ye sonne shall they of the standert of the hoste of Iuda pitch with their armes: And Nahesson the sonne of Aminabab shalbe captaine ouer the sonnes of Iuda. 4 And his hoste and the numbre of them .lxxiiij. thousande and .vi hundred.

Numbers 26:19-22

19 The childern of Iuda: Er and Ona whiche dyed in the londe of Canaan. 20 But the childern of Iuda in their kynred were: Sela of whom cometh the kynred of the Selamites: and of Phares cometh the kynred of ye Pharesites: and of Serah cometh the kynred of the Serahites. 21 And the childern of Phares were Hesron of whom cometh the kynred of the Hesronites: and of Hamul cometh ye kynred of the Hamulites. 22 These are the kynredes of Iuda in numbre .lxxvi. thousande and .v. hundred.

Matthew 1:2

2 Abraham begat Isaac: Isaac begat Iacob: Iacob begat Iudas and his brethren:

Numbers 26:22

22 These are the kynredes of Iuda in numbre .lxxvi. thousande and .v. hundred.

Genesis 30:18

18 Than sayde Lea. God hath geue me my rewarde because I gaue my mayde to my housbod and she called him Isachar.

Genesis 46:13

13 The childern of Isachar: Tola Phuva Iob and Semnon.

Genesis 49:14-15

14 Isachar is a stronge asse he couched him doune betwene .ij. borders 15 and sawe that rest was good and the lande that it was pleasant and bowed his shulder to beare and became a servaunte vnto trybute.

Numbers 2:5-6

5 And nexte vnto him shall the trybe of Isachar pitche and Nathaneel the sonne of Zuar captayne ouer ye childre of Isachar: 6 his hoste and the numbre of them .liiij. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

Numbers 23:23-25

23 vnto them for there is no sorcerer in Iacob nor sothsayer in Israel. When the tyme cometh it wylbe sayed of Iacob and of Israel what God hath wrought 24 Beholde ye people shall ryse vp as a lyonesse and heue vpp hym selfe as a lion and shall not lye downe agayne vntill he haue eaten of the praye and dronke of the bloude of them that are slayne. 25 And Balac sayed vnto Balam: nether curse them nor blesse the.

Numbers 26:23-25

23 And the childern of Isachar in their kyndes were: Tola of who cometh ye kynred of the Tolaites: and Phuva of who cometh ye kinred of the Phuuaites: 24 and of Iasub cometh the kynred of the Iasubites: and of Symron cometh the kynred of the Simronites. 25 These are ye kynredes of Isachar in numbre .lxiiij thousande and .iij. hundred.

Numbers 2:6

6 his hoste and the numbre of them .liiij. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

Numbers 26:25

25 These are ye kynredes of Isachar in numbre .lxiiij thousande and .iij. hundred.

Genesis 30:20

20 Than sayde she: God hath endewed me with a good dowry. Now will my housbond dwell with me because I haue borne him .vi. sonnes: and called his name Zabulo.

Genesis 46:14

14 The childern of Sebulon: Sered Elon and Iaheleel.

Genesis 49:13

13 Zabulon shall dwell in the hauen of the see and in the porte of shippes and shall reache vnto Sidon.

Numbers 2:7-8

7 And than the trybe of Zabulon: with Eliab the sonne of Helon captayne ouer the childern of Zabulon 8 and his hoste in the numbre of them: lvij. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

Numbers 26:26-27

26 The childern of Zabulon in their kynredes were: Sered of whom cometh the kynred of the Seredites: and Elon of whom cometh the kynred of the Elonites: and of Iaheliel cometh the kynred of the Iehalclites. 27 These are the kynredes of Zabulon: in numbre .lx. thousand and .v. hundred.

Numbers 2:8

8 and his hoste in the numbre of them: lvij. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

Numbers 26:27

27 These are the kynredes of Zabulon: in numbre .lx. thousand and .v. hundred.

Genesis 30:24

24 And she called his name Ioseph saynge The lorde geue me yet a nother sonne.

Genesis 37:1-36

1 And Iacob dwelt in the lande wherein his father was a straunger yt is to saye in the lande of Canaan. 2 And these are the generations of Iacob: when Ioseph was .xvij. yere olde he kepte shepe with his brethren and the lad was with the sonnes of Bilha and of Zilpha his fathers wyues. And he brought vnto their father an euyll saynge yt was of them. 3 And Israel loued Ioseph more than all his childern because he begat hym in his olde age and he made him a coote of many coloures. 4 When his brothren sawe that their father loued him more than all his brethern they hated him and coude not speke one kynde worde vnto him. 5 Moreouer Ioseph dreamed a dreawe and tolde it his brethren: wherfore they hated him yet the more. 6 And he sayde vnto them heare I praye yow this dreame which I haue dreamed: 7 Beholde we were makynge sheues in the felde: and loo my shefe arose and stode vpright and youres stode rounde aboute and made obeysaunce to my shefe. 8 Than sayde his brethren vnto him: what shalt thou be oure kynge or shalt thou reigne ouer us? And they hated hi yet the more because of his dreame and of his wordes. 9 And he dreamed yet another dreame and told it his brethren saynge: beholde I haue had one dreame more: me thought the sonne and the moone and .xi. starres made obaysaunce to me. 10 And when he had told it vnto his father and his brethern his father rebuked him and sayde vnto him: what meaneth this dreame which thou hast dreamed: shall I and thy mother and thy brethren come and fall on the grounde before the? 11 And his brethern hated him but his father noted the saynge. 12 His brethren went to kepe their fathers shepe in Sichem 13 and Israell sayde vnto Ioseph: do not thy brethern kepe in Sichem? come that I may send ye to the. And he answered here am I 14 And he sayde vnto him: goo and see whether it be well with thy brethren and the shepe and brynge me worde agayne: And sent him out of the vale of Hebron for to go to Sichem. 15 And a certayne man founde him wandrynge out of his waye in the felde ad axed him what he soughte. 16 And he answered: I seke my brethren tell me I praye the where they kepe shepe 17 And the man sayde they are departed hece for I herde them say let vs goo vnto Dothan. Thus went Ioseph after his brethren and founde them in Dothan. 18 And whe they sawe him a farr of before he came at them they toke councell agaynst him for to sley him 19 and sayde one to another Beholde this dreamer cometh 20 come now and let us sley him and cast him in to some pytt and let vs saye that sonne wiked beast hath deuoured him and let us see what his dreames wyll come to. 21 When Ruben herde that he wet aboute to ryd him out of their handes and sayde let vs not kyll him. 22 And Ruben sayde moreouer vnto them shed not his bloude but cast him in to this pytt that is in the wildernes and laye no handes vpon him: for he wolde haue rydd him out of their handes and delyuered him to his father agayne. 23 And as soone as Ioseph was come vnto his brethren they strypte him out of his gay coote that was vpon him 24 and they toke him and cast him in to a pytt: But the pytt was emptie and had no water therein. 25 And they satt them doune to eate brede. And as they lyft vp their eyes and loked aboute there came a companye of Ismaelites from Gilead and their camels lade with spicery baulme and myrre and were goynge doune in to Egipte. 26 Than sayde Iuda to his brethre what avayleth it that we sley oure brother and kepe his bloude secrett? 27 come on let vs sell him to the Ismaelites and let not oure handes be defyled vpon him: for he is oure brother and oure flesh. And his brethren were content. 28 Than as the Madianites marchaunt men passed by they drewe Ioseph out of the pytt and sold him vnto the Ismaelites for .xx. peces of syluer.And they brought him into Egipte. 29 And when Ruben came agayne vnto the pytt and founde not Ioseph there he rent his cloothes 30 and went agayne vnto his brethern saynge: the lad is not yonder and whether shall I goo? 31 And they toke Iosephs coote ad kylled a goote and dypped the coote in the bloud. 32 And they sent that gay coote and caused it to be brought vnto their father and sayd: This haue we founde: se whether it be thy sones coote or no. 33 And he knewe it saynge: it is my sonnes coote a wicked beast hath deuoured him and Ioseph is rent in peces. 34 And Iacob rent his cloothes ad put sacke clothe aboute his loynes and sorowed for his sonne a longe season. 35 Than came all his sonnes ad all his doughters to comforte him. And he wold not be comforted but sayde: I will go doune in to ye grave vnto my sonne mornynge. And thus his father wepte for him. 36 And the Madianytes solde him in Egipte vnto Putiphar a lorde of Pharaos: and his chefe marshall.

Genesis 39:1-23

1 Ioseph was brought vnto Egipte ad Putiphar a lorde of Pharaos: ad his chefe marshall an Egiptian bought him of ye Ismaelites which brought hi thither 2 And the LORde was with Ioseph and he was a luckie felowe and continued in the house of his master the Egiptian. 3 And his master sawe that the ORde was with him and that the LORde made all that he dyd prosper in his hande: 4 Wherfore he founde grace in his masters syghte and serued him. And his master made him ruelar of his house and put all that he had in his hande. 5 And as soone as he had made him ruelar ouer his house ad ouer all that he had the LORde blessed this Egiptians house for Iosephs sake and the blessynge of the LORde was vpon all that he had: both in the house and also in the feldes. 6 And therfore he left all that he had in Iosephs hande and loked vpon nothinge that was with him saue only on the bread which he ate. And Ioseph was a goodly persone and a well favored 7 And it fortuned after this that his masters wife cast hir eyes vpon Ioseph and sayde come lye with me. 8 But he denyed and sayde to her: Beholde my master woteth not what he hath in the house with me but hath commytted all that he hath to my hande 9 He him selfe is not greatter in the house than I ad hath kepte nothige fro me but only the because thou art his wife. How than cam I do this great wykydnes for to synne agaynst God? 10 And after this maner spake she to Ioseph daye by daye: but he harkened not vnto her to slepe nere her or to be in her company. 11 And it fortuned aboute the same season that Ioseph entred in to the house to do his busynes: and there was none of the houshold by in the house. 12 And she caught him by the garment saynge: come slepe with me. And he left his garment in hir hande ad fled and gott him out 13 when she sawe that he had left his garmet in hir hande and was fled out 14 she called vnto the men of the house and tolde them saynge: Se he hath brought in an Hebrewe vnto vs to do vs shame. for he came in to me for to haue slept myth me. But I cried with a lowde voyce. 15 And when he harde that I lyfte vp my voyce and cryed he left his garment with me and fled awaye and got him out. 16 And she layed vp his garment by her vntill hir lorde came home. 17 And she told him acordynge to these wordes saynge. This Hebrues servaunte which thou hast brought vnto vs came in to me to do me shame. 18 But as soone as I lyft vp my voyce and cryed he left his garment with me and fled out. 19 When his master herde the woordes of his wyfe which she tolde him saynge: after this maner dyd thy servaunte to me he waxed wrooth. 20 And he toke Ioseph and put him in pryson: euen in the place where the kinges prisoners laye bounde. And there contynued he in preson. 21 But the LORde was with Ioseph ad shewed him mercie and gott him fauoure in the syghte of the keper of ye preson 22 which commytted to Iosephe hade all the presoners that were in the preson housse. And what soeuer was done there yt dyd he. 23 And the keper of the preso loked vnto nothinge that was vnder his hande because the LORde was with him and because that what soeuer he dyd the LORde made it come luckely to passe.

Genesis 46:20

20 And vnto Ioseph in the lode of Egipte were borne: Manasses and Ephraim which Asnath the doughter of Potiphera preast of On bare vnto him.

Genesis 48:1-22

1 After these deades tydiges were brought vnto Ioseph: that his father was seke. And he toke with him his ij. sones Manasses and Ephraim. 2 Then was it sayde vnto Iacob: beholde thy sonne Ioseph commeth vnto the. And Israel toke his strength vnto him and satt vp on the bedd 3 and sayde vnto Ioseph: God all mightie appeared vnto me at lus in the lande of Canaan ad blessed me 4 and sayde vnto me: beholde I will make the growe and will multiplye the and will make a great nombre of people of the and will geue this lande vnto the and vnto thy seed after ye vnto an euerlastinge possession. 5 Now therfore thy .ij. sones Manasses ad Ephraim which were borne vnto the before I came to the in to Egipte shalbe myne: euen as Ruben and Simeo shall they be vnto me. 6 And the childern which thou getest after them shalbe thyne awne: but shalbe called with the names of their brethern in their enheritaunces. 7 And after I came from Mesopotamia Rahel dyed apon my hande in the lande of Canaa by the waye: when I had but a feldes brede to goo vnto Ephrat. And I buried her there in ye waye to Ephrat which is now called Bethlehem. 8 And Israel behelde Iosephes sonnes and sayde: what are these? 9 And Ioseph sayde vnto his father: they are my sonnes which God hath geuen me here. And he sayde: brynge them to me and let me blesse them. 10 And the eyes of Israell were dymme for age so that he coude not see. And he broughte them to him ad he kyssed the and embraced them. 11 And Israel sayde vnto Ioseph: I had not thoughte to haue sene thy face and yet loo God hath shewed it me and also thy seed. 12 And Ioseph toke them awaye from his lappe and they fell on the grounde before him. 13 Than toke Ioseph them both: Ephraim in his ryghte hande towarde Israels left hande ad Manasses in his left hande towarde Israels ryghte hande and brought them vnto him. 14 And Israel stretched out his righte hande and layde it apon Ephraims head which was the yonger and his lyft hade apon Manasses heed crossinge his handes for manasses was the elder. 15 And he blessed Ioseph saynge: God before whome my fathers Abraham and Isaac dyd walke and the God which hath fedd me all my life longe vnto this daye 16 And the angell which hath delyuered me fro all euyll blesse these laddes: yt they maye be called after my name and after my father Abraham and Isaac and that they maye growe ad multiplie apo the erth. 17 When Ioseph sawe that his father layd his ryghte hande apon the heade of Ephraim it displeased him. And he lifte vpp his fathers hade to haue removed it from Ephraims head vnto Manasses head 18 and sayde vnto his father: Not so my father for this is the eldest. Put thy right hande apon his head. 19 And his father wold not but sayde: I knowe it well my sonne I knowe it well. He shalbe also a people ad shalbe great. But of a troth his yonger brother shalbe greatter than he and his seed shall be full of people. 20 And he blessed them sainge. At the ensample of these the Israelites shall blesse and saye: God make the as Ephraim and as Manasses. Thus sett he Ephraim before Manasses. 21 And Israel sayde vnto Ioseph: beholde I dye. And god shalbe with you and bringe you agayne vnto the land of youre fathers. 22 Moreouer I geue vnto the a porcyon of lande aboue thy brethern which I gatt out of the handes of the Amorites with my swerde and wyth my bowe.

Genesis 49:22-26

22 That florishynge childe Ioseph that florishing childe and goodly vn to the eye: the doughters come forth to bere ruele. 23 The shoters haue envyed him and chyde with him ad hated him 24 and yet his bowe bode fast and his armes and his handes were stronge by the handes of the myghtye God of Iacob: out of him shall come an herde ma a stone in Israel. 25 Thi fathers God shall helpe the and the almightie shall blesse the with blessinges from heaven aboue and with blessinges of the water that lieth vnder and with blessinges of the brestes and of the wombe. 26 The blessinges of thy father were stronge: euen as the blessinges of my elders after the desyre of the hiest in the worlde and these blessinges shall fall on the head of Ioseph and on the toppe of the head of him yt was separat from his brethern.

Numbers 2:18-19

18 On the west syde the standarte and the hoste of Ephraim shall lye with their companies. And the captayne ouer the sonnes of Ephraim Elisama the sonne of Anuhud: 19 and his hoste and the numbre of them .xl. thousande and v. hundred.

Numbers 26:35-37

35 These are the childern of Ephraim in their kinredes: Suthelah of whom cometh the kinred of the Suthelahites: and Becher of whom cometh the kinred of the Becherites: and of Thaha cometh the kynred of the Thahanites. 36 And these are the childern of Suthelah: Eran of whom cometh the kynred of the Eranites. 37 These are the kynredes of the childern of Ephraim in numbre .xxxij. thousande and v. hundred. And these are the childern of Ioseph in their kinredes.

Deuteronomy 33:17

17 his bewtye is as a firstborne oxe and his hornes as the hornes of an vnycorne. And with them he shall push the nacions to gether, euen vnto the endes of the worlde. These are the many thousandes of Ephraim and the thousandes off Manasse.

Genesis 48:5

5 Now therfore thy .ij. sones Manasses ad Ephraim which were borne vnto the before I came to the in to Egipte shalbe myne: euen as Ruben and Simeo shall they be vnto me.

Numbers 2:19

19 and his hoste and the numbre of them .xl. thousande and v. hundred.

Numbers 26:37

37 These are the kynredes of the childern of Ephraim in numbre .xxxij. thousande and v. hundred. And these are the childern of Ioseph in their kinredes.

Numbers 26:28-34

28 The childern of Ioseph in their kinredes were: Manasse ad Ephraim. 29 The childern of Manasse: Machir of whom cometh the kynred of the Machirites. And Machir begat Gilcad of whom cometh the kinred off the Gileadites. 30 And these are the childern of Gilead: Hieser of whom cometh the kynred of the Hieserites: and of Helech cometh the kynred of the Helechites: 31 and of Asriel ye kinred of the Asrielites: and of Sichem cometh the kinred of the Sichimites: 32 and of Simida cometh the kinred of the Simidites: and of Hepher cometh the kinred of the Hepherites. 33 And Zelaphead the sonne of Hepher had no sonnes but doughters And ye names of ye doughters of Zelaphead were: Mahela Noa Hagla Milcha ad Thirza. 34 These are the kinredes of Manasse in numbre lij. thousande and seuen hundred.

Genesis 48:19-20

19 And his father wold not but sayde: I knowe it well my sonne I knowe it well. He shalbe also a people ad shalbe great. But of a troth his yonger brother shalbe greatter than he and his seed shall be full of people. 20 And he blessed them sainge. At the ensample of these the Israelites shall blesse and saye: God make the as Ephraim and as Manasses. Thus sett he Ephraim before Manasses.

Numbers 2:21

21 and his hoste and the numbre of them .xxxij. thousande and .ij. hundred.

Numbers 26:34

34 These are the kinredes of Manasse in numbre lij. thousande and seuen hundred.

Genesis 35:16-18

16 And they departed from Bethel and when he was but a feld brede from Ephrath Rahel began to trauell. And in travelynge she was in perell. 17 And as she was in paynes of hir laboure the mydwyfe sayde vnto her: feare not for thou shalt haue this sonne also. 18 Then as hir soule was a departinge that she must dye: she called his name Ben Oni. But his father called him Ben Iamin.

Genesis 44:20

20 And we answered my lord we haue a father that is old and a yonge lad which he begat in his age: ad the brother of the sayde lad is dead and he is all that is left of that mother. And his father loueth him.

Genesis 46:21

21 The childern of BenIamin: Bela Becher Asbel Gera Naeman Ehi Ros Mupim Hupim and Aro.

Genesis 49:27

27 Ben Iamin is a raueshynge wolfe. In the mornynge be shall deuoure his praye ad at nyghte he shall deuyde his spoyle.

Numbers 26:38-41

38 These are the childern of Ben Iamin in their kinredes: Bela of whom cometh the kinred of the Belaites: and of Asbel cometh the kinred of the Asbelites: and of Ahiram the kinred of the Ahiramites: 39 and of Supha the kinred of the Suphamites: and of Hupham the kinred of the Suphamites. 40 And the childern of Bela were Ard and Naama fro whence come the kinredes of the Ardites and of the Naamites. 41 These are the childern of Ben Iamin in their kinreddes and in numbre .xlv. thousande and syxe hundred.

Revelation 7:8

8 Of the trybe of zabulon weee sealed xii.M. Of the tribe of Ioseph were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Beniamin were sealed xii. thowsande.

Numbers 2:23

23 ad his hoste and the numbre of the xxxv. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

Numbers 26:41

41 These are the childern of Ben Iamin in their kinreddes and in numbre .xlv. thousande and syxe hundred.

Genesis 30:5-6

5 And Bilha conceaued and bare Iacob a sonne. 6 Than sayde Rahel. God hath geuen sentece on my syde and hath also herde my voyce and hath geuen me a sonne. Therfore called she him Dan.

Genesis 46:23

23 The childern of Dan: Husim.

Genesis 49:16-17

16 Dan shall iudge his people as one of the trybes of Israel. 17 Dan shalbe a serpent in the waye and an edder in the path and byte the horse heles so yt his ryder shall fall backwarde,

Numbers 26:42-43

42 These are the childern of Dan in their kynreddes: Suham of whom cometh the kynred of the Suhamites. These are the kynreddes of Dan in their generacyons. 43 And all the kynreddes of the Suhamites were in numbre .lxiiij. thousand ad iiij. hundred.

Numbers 2:26

26 and his hoste and the nubre of them .lxij. thousande and vij. hundred.

Numbers 26:43

43 And all the kynreddes of the Suhamites were in numbre .lxiiij. thousand ad iiij. hundred.

Genesis 30:12-13

12 And Silpha Leas mayde bare Iacob another sonne. 13 Tha sayd Lea: happy am I for the doughters will call me blessed. And called his name Asser.

Genesis 46:27

27 And the sonnes of Ioseph which were borne him in egipte were .ij. soules: So that all the soulles of the house of Iacob which came in to Egipte are lxx.

Genesis 49:20

20 Off Asser cometh fatt breed and he shall geue pleasures for a kynge.

Numbers 26:44-47

44 The childern of Asser in their kynredes were: Iemna of whom cometh the kynred of the Iemnites: ad Isui of whom cometh the kinred of the Isuites: and of Bria cometh the kinred of the Briites. 45 And the childern of bria were Heber of whom cometh ye kynred of the Heberites: and of Malchiel came the kynred of the Malchielites. 46 And ye doughter of Asser was called Sarah. 47 These are the kinredes of Asser in numbre .liij. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

Numbers 2:28

28 and his hoste and the nubre of them .xli. thousande and v. hundred.

Numbers 26:47

47 These are the kinredes of Asser in numbre .liij. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

Genesis 30:7-8

7 And Bilha Rahels mayde coceaued agayne and bare Iacob a nother sonne. 8 And Rahel sayde. God is turned and I haue made achaunge with my sister and haue gote ye vpper hade. And she called his name Nepthali

Genesis 46:24

24 The childern of Nepthali? Iahezeel Guni Iezer and Sillem.

Genesis 49:21

21 Nepthali is a swyft hynde ad geueth goodly wordes.

Numbers 26:48-50

48 The childern of Nephtali in their kynreddes were: Iaheziel of whom came the kynred of the Iahezielites: and Gimi of whom came the kynred of the Gimites: 49 and of Iezer came the kynred of the Iezerites: and of Silem the kynred of the Silemites. 50 These are the kinredes of Naphtali in their generacios in numbre .xlv. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

Numbers 2:30

30 and his hoste and the nubre of them .liij. thousande and iiij. Hudred

Numbers 26:50

50 These are the kinredes of Naphtali in their generacios in numbre .xlv. thousande and .iiij. hundred.

Numbers 1:2-16

2 take ye the summe of al the multitude of the childern of Israel in their kynredes and housholdes of their fathers and numbre the by name all that are males polle by polle 3 fro .xx. yere and aboue: euen all yt are able to goo forthe in to warre in Israell thou and Aaro shall nubre the in their armies 4 and with you shalbe of euery trybe a heed man in the house of his father. 5 And these are the names of ye me yt shall stode with you: in Rube Elizur ye sonne of Sedeur: 6 In Simeo Selumiel ye sonne of Suri Sadai: 7 In ye trybe of Iuda Nahesson ye sonne of Aminadab: 8 In Isachar Nathaneel ye sonne of Zuar: 9 In Sebulo Eliab ye sonne of Helo. 10 Amoge ye childern of Ioseph: In Ephrai Elisama ye sonne of Amihud: In Manasse Gamaliel ye sone of Pedazur: 11 In Be Iamin Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni: 12 In Dan Ahieser the sonne of Ammi Sadai: 13 In Asser Pagiel the sonne of Ochran: 14 In Gad Eliasaph the sone of Deguel: 15 In Naphtaly Ahira the sonne of Enan. 16 These were councelers of the congregacion and lordes in the trybes of their fathers and captaynes ouer thousandes in Israel.

Numbers 26:64

64 And amonge these there was not a man of the numbre of the children of Israel which Moses and Aaron tolde in the wildernesse of Sinai.

Genesis 12:2

2 And I wyll make of the a myghtie people and wyll blesse the and make thy name grete that thou mayst be a blessinge.

Genesis 13:16

16 And I wyll make thy seed as the dust of the erth: so that yf a ma can nombre the dust of the erth than shall thy seed also be nombred.

Genesis 15:5

5 And he brought him out at the doores ad sayde. Loke vpp vnto heaven and tell the starres yf thou be able to nobre them. And sayde vnto him Even so shall thy seed be.

Genesis 17:6

6 and I will multiplye the excedyngly and wyll make nations of the: yee and kynges shall sprynge out of the.

Genesis 22:17

17 that I will blesse th and multiplye thy seed as the starres of heaven and as the sonde vpo the seesyde. And thy seed shall possesse the gates of hys enymies.

Genesis 26:3

3 Sogeorne in this lade and I wyll be with ye and wyll blesse ye: for vnto the and vnto thy sede I will geue all these cotreis And I will performe the oothe which I swore vnto Abraha thy father

Genesis 28:14

14 And thy seed shalbe as the dust of the erth: And thou shalt spreade abrode: west east north and south. And thorow the and thy seed shall all the kynreddes of the erth be blessed.

Genesis 46:3-4

3 And he sayde: I am that mightie God of thy father feare not to goo downe in to Egipte. For I will make of the there a great people. 4 I will go downe with ye in to Egipte and I will also bringe the vp agayne and Ioseph shall put his hand apon thine eyes.

Exodus 12:37

37 Thus toke the childern of Israel their yourney fro Raemses to suchoth .vj. hundred thousand me of foote, besyde childern.

Numbers 2:32

32 These are ye sumes of ye childern of Ysrael in the housses of their fathers: euen all the nubres of the hostes with their copanies .vi. hudred thousande .iij. thousande .v. hudred and fyftie.

Numbers 23:10

10 Who can tell the dust of Iacob and the numbre of the fourth parte of Israel. I praye God that my soule maye dye the deeth of the righteous ad that my last ende maye be like his.

Numbers 26:51

51 These are the numbres of the childern of Israel: sixe hundred thousande and a thousande vij. hundred and .xxx.

Deuteronomy 10:22

22 Thi fathers went doune in to Egipte with .lxx. soules, ad now the Lorde thi God hath made the as the starres of heauen in multitude.

Hebrews 11:11-12

11 Thorow fayth Sara also receaved stregth to be with chylde and was delivered of a chylde when she was past age because she iudged him faythfull which had promysed. 12 And therfore spronge therof one (and of one which was as good as deed) so many in multitude as the starres of ye skye and as the sond of the see shore which is innumerable.

Revelation 7:4-9

4 And I herde the nombre of them which were sealed and there were sealed an C. and xliiii. M. of all the trybes of the chyldren of Israhell. 5 Of the trybe of Iuda were sealed xii.M Of the trybe of Ruben were sealed xii.M. of the trybe of Gad were sealed xii.M. 6 Of the trybe of Asser were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Neptalym were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Manasses were sealed xii.M. 7 Of ye trybe of Symeo were sealed xii.M. Of ye tribe of Leuy were sealed xii.M. Of ye trybe of Isacar were sealed xii.M. 8 Of the trybe of zabulon weee sealed xii.M. Of the tribe of Ioseph were sealed xii.M. Of the trybe of Beniamin were sealed xii. thowsande. 9 After this I behelde and lo a gret multitude (which noma coulde nombre) of all nacios and people and tonges stode before the seate and before the lambe clothed with longe whyte garmentes and palmes in there hondes

Numbers 1:3

3 fro .xx. yere and aboue: euen all yt are able to goo forthe in to warre in Israell thou and Aaro shall nubre the in their armies

Numbers 1:50

50 But thou shalt appoynte the leuites vnto the habitacio of witnesse and to all the apparell thereof and vnto all that longeth thereto. For they shall bere the tabernacle and all the ordinaunce thereof and they shall ministre it and shall pitche their tentes rounde aboute it.

Numbers 2:33

33 And yet ye leuites werenot nubred amoge the childern of Ysrael as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Numbers 3:1-4:49

1 These are the generacions of Aaron and Moses when the Lorde spake vnto Moses in mount Sinai 2 and these are the names of the sonnes of Aaron: Nadab the eldest sonne and Abihu Eleazar and Ithamar. 3 These are the names of the sonnes of Aaron which were preastes anoynted and their handes fylled to mynistre 4 but Nadab and Abihu dyed before the Lorde as they broughte straunge fyre before the Lorde in the wyldernesse of Sinai and had no childern. And Eleazar and Ithamar mynistred in the syght of Aaron their father. 5 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge 6 brynge the trybe of leui and set them before Aaron the preast and let them serue him ad wayte apon him 7 and apon all the multitude before the tabernacle of witnesse to doo the seruyce of the habitacion. 8 And they shall wayte apo all ye apparell of ye tabernacle of witnesse and apon ye childern of Ysrael to doo ye seruyce of the habitacio. 9 And thou shalt geue the leuites vnto Aaron and his sonnes for they are geuen vnto him of ye childern of Ysrael. 10 And thou shalt appoite Aaro and his sonnes to wayte on their preastes office: and the strauger yt cometh nye shall dye for it. 11 And ye Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge: 12 beholde I haue take the leuites fro amonge ye childern of Ysrael for all the firstborne that openeth the matryce amonge the childern of Ysrael so that the leuites shall be myne: 13 because all the first borne are myne: for ye same daye that I smote all the fyrstborne in the lande of Egipte I halowed vnto me all the firstborne in Ysrael both man and beest and myne they shall be: for I am the Lorde. 14 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai sayenge: 15 Numbre the childern of Leui in ye housses of their fathers and Kynredes all yt are males from a moneth olde and aboue. 16 And Moses numbred them at the worde of the Lorde as he was comauded. 17 And these are ye names of ye childre of Leui: Gerson Cahath and Merari. 18 And yese are the names of the childern of Gerson in their kynredes: Libni and Semei. 19 And the sones of Cahath in their kynredes were Amram. Iezehar. Hebron and Vsiel. 20 And the sonnes of Merari in their kynredes were Maheli and Musi. These are the kynredes of Leui in the housses of their fathers. 21 And of Gerson came the kynred of ye Libnites and the Semeites which are the kynredes of the Gersonites. 22 And ye summe of them (when all the males were tolde) from a moneth olde and aboue were .vij. thousande and fyue hundred. 23 And the kynredes of the Gersonites pitched behynde the habitacion westwarde. 24 And the captayne of the most awnciet housse amonge ye Gersonites was Eliasaph the sonne of Lael. 25 And the office of the childern of Gerson in the tabernacle of witnesse was the habitacion and the tente with the coueringe theroff and the hangynge of the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse 26 and the hangynges of the courte and the curtayne of the dore of the courte: which courte went rounde aboute the dwellynge and the alter and the cordes yt perteyned vnto all the seruyce therof 27 And of Cahath came the kynred of ye Amramites and the kynred of the Iezeharites and of the Hebronites and of the Vsielites: And these are the kynredes of ye Cahathites. 28 And the numbre of all the males from a moneth olde and aboue was .viij. thousande and sixe hundred: which wayted on ye holy place. 29 And the kynred of the childern of Cahath pitched on ye southsyde of ye dwellynge 30 And ye captayne in ye most auncyent housse of the kynredes of the Cahathites was Elizaphan the sonne of Vsiel 31 and their office was: the arcke the table the candelsticke and the alter and the holy vessels to minystre with and the vayle with all that serued thereto. 32 And Eleazar ye sonne of Aaron the preast was captayne ouer all the captaynes of the Leuites and had the ouer syghte of them that wayted vppon the holythynges. 33 And of Merari came the kynredes of the Mahelites and of the Musites: and these are the kynredes of the Merarites. 34 And the nubre of them (when all the males fro a moneth olde ad aboue was tolde) drewe vnto .vi thousande and .ij. hundred. 35 And ye captayne of the most auncient housse amonge the kynredes of the Merarites was Zuriel the sonne of Abihail which pitched on the north syde of the dwellynge. 36 And the office of the sonnes of Merari was: the bordes of ye dwellynge and the barres pilers with the sokettes thereof and all the instrumetes there of and all that serued thereto: 37 and the pilers of the courte rounde aboute and their sokettes with their pynnes and cordes. 38 But on ye fore front of ye habitacio ad before the tabernacle of witnesse east warde shall Moses and Aaron and his sonnes pytch and wayte on the sanctuary in the steade of ye childern of Ysrael. And the straunger yt cometh nye shall dye for it. 39 And the hole summe of the leuites which Moses and Aaron nubred at ye comaudmet of ye Lorde thorow out their kynredes euen of all ye males of a moneth olde and aboue was .xxij. thousande. 40 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: Numbre all ye first borne that are males amoge the childern of Ysrael fro amoneth olde and aboue and take ye numbre of their names. 41 And thou shalt appoynte ye leuites to me the Lorde for all the firstborne amoge ye childern of Ysrael and the catell of ye leuites for the firstborne of the childern of Ysrael. 42 And Moses nubred as ye Lorde comauded him all the firstborne of ye childern of Ysrael. 43 And all the firstborne males in ye summe of names from amoneth olde and aboue were numbred .xxij. thousande .ij. hundred and .lxxiij. 44 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge: 45 take the leuites for all the fyrstborne of the childern of Israel ad the catell of the leuites for their catell: and the leuites shalbe myne whiche am the Lorde. 46 And for the redemynge of the two hundred and .lxxiij. whiche are moo than the leuites in the firstborne of the children of Israel 47 take .v. sycles of euery pece after the sycle of ye holy place .xx. geras the sycle. 48 And geue ye money wherewith the odde numbre of them is redemed vnto Aaron ad his sonnes. 49 And Moses toke the redempcio money of the ouerplus that were moo then the leuites amonge

Numbers 4:1-49

1 And ye Lord spake vnto Moses and Aaro 2 and bade the take ye summe of ye childern of Cahath fro amonge ye sonnes of leui in their kynredes and housses of their fathers 3 from xxx. yere and aboue vntill fyftie all that were able to warre for to doo the worke in the tabernacle of witnesse: 4 euen in the most holy place. 5 And when ye hoste remoueth Aaron ad his sonnes shall come and take doune the vayle and couer the arcke of witnesse there with 6 and shall put there on a couerynge of taxus skynnes and shall sprede a cloth yt is altogether of Iacyncte aboue all and put the staues thereof in. 7 And apon the shewe table they shall sprede a cloth of Iacyncte and put thereo the dishes spones flat peces and pottes to poure with and the dayly bred shalbe thereon: 8 and they shall spred apon them a couerynge of purple and couer the same with a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put the staues thereof in. 9 And they shall take a cloth of Iacyncte and couer the candelsticke of light and hir lapes and hir snoffers and fyre pannes and all hir oyle vessels which they occupye aboute it 10 and shall put apon her and on all hir instrumentes a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put it apon staues. 11 And apon the golden alter they shall sprede a cloth of Iacyncte and put on hir staues. 12 And they shall take all the thiges which they occupye to minystre with in ye holy place and put a cloth of Iacyncte apon them and couer them with a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put them on staues. 13 And they shall take a waye the asshes out of the alter and sprede a scarlet cloth thereon: 14 and put aboute it the fyre pannes the flesh hokes the shouels the basens and all that belongeth vnto the alter and they shall sprede apon it a coueryng of taxus skynnes and put on the staues of it. 15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an ende of couerynge the sanctuary ad all the thinges of the sanctuarye agenst that the hoste remoue then the sonnes of Cahath shall come in for to bere and so let them not twich the santuary lest they dye. And this ys the charge of the sonnes of Cahath in the tabernacle of witnesse. 16 And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the preast shall haue the charge to prepare oyle for the lightes and swete cens and the dayly meatofferynge and the anoyntinge oyle and the ouersyghte of all the dwellynge and of all that therein is: both ouer the sanctuary and ouer all that pertayneth thereto. 17 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayenge: 18 destroye not the trybe of the kynredes of the Cahathites from amonge the leuites. 19 But thus doo vnto them that they maye lyve and not dye whe they goo vnto ye most holy place. Aaron and his sonnes shall goo in and put them euery man vnto his seruyce and vnto his burthen. 20 But let them not goo in to se when they couer the sanctuarye lest they dye. 21 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge 22 Take the summe of the childern of Gerson in the houses of their fathers ad in their kynredes: 23 from .xxx. yere and aboue vntyll .l. all that are able to goo forth in warre for to doo seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse. 24 And this is the seruyce of the kynred of the Gersonites to serue and to beare. 25 They shall bere the curtaynes of the dwellynge and the roffe of ye tabernacle of witnesse and his couerynge ad the coueryng of taxus skynnes that is an hye aboue apon it and the hangynge of the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse: 26 and the hanginge of the courte and the hangynge of the gate of the courte that is rounde aboute the dwellynge and the altare and the cordes of them and all the instrumentes that serue vnto them and all that is made for them. 27 And at the mouth of Aaron and his sonnes shall all the seruyce of the childern of the Gersonites be done in all their charges and in all their seruyce and ye shall appoynte them vnto al their charges that they shall wayte apo. 28 And this is the seruyce of the kynred of the children of the Gersonites in ye tabernacle of witnesse and their wayte shalbe in the honde of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the preast. 29 And thou shalt numbre the sonnes of Merari in their kynredes and in the houses of their fathers 30 from .xxx. yeres and aboue vnto .l. All that is able to goo forth in warre to doo the seruyce of the tabernacle of witnesse. 31 And this is the charge that they must wayte vppon in all that they must serue in the tabernacle of witnesse: The bordes of the dwellynge and the barres pylers and sokettes thereof 32 and the pylers of the courte rounde aboute and their sokettes pynnes and cordes with all that pertayneth and serueth vnto them. And by name ye shall reken the thynges that they must wayte apon to bere. 33 Thys is the seruyce of the kynreddes of the sonnes of Merari in all theyr seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse by the hande of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the preast. 34 And Moses and Aaron and the princes of the multitude numbred the sonnes of the Cahathites in their kynredes and housses of theire fathers 35 from .xxx. yere and aboue vnto fyftie all that were able to goo forth in the hoste and to do seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse. 36 And the numbre of them in their kynredes were two thousande seuen hundred and .l. 37 These are the numbres of the kynredes of the Cahathites of all that dyd seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse whyche Moses and Aaron dyd numbre at the commaundment of the Lorde by the hade of Moses. 38 And the sonnes of Gerson were numbred in their kynredes and in the housses of their fathers 39 from .xxx. yere vp vnto fyftye all that were able to goo forth in the hoste for to doo servyce in the tabernacle of witnesse. 40 And the numbre of them in their kynredes and in the housses of their fathers was two thousande sixe hundred and .xxx. 41 This is the numbre of the kynredes of the sonnes of Gerson of all that dyd seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse which Moses and Aaron dyd numbre at the commaundement of the Lorde. 42 And the kynredes of the sonnes of Merari were numbred in their kynredes and in the houses of their fathers 43 from .xxx. yere vp vnto fyftie. all that were able to goo forth with the hoste to do seruice in ye tabernacle of witnesse. 44 And the numbre of them was in theyr kynredes thre thousande and two hundred. 45 This is the numbre of the kynredes of ye sonnes of Merari whiche Moses and Aaron numbred at the byddynge of the Lorde by ye hande of Moses. 46 The whole summe which Moses Aaron and the lordes of Israell numbred amonge the leuites in their kynredes and housholdes of their fathers 47 from .xxx. yere vpp vnto .l. euery man to doo his office and seruyce and to bere his burthen in the tabernacle of witnesse: 48 was .viij. thousande fyue hundred ad lxxx. 49 which they numbred at the commaundement of the Lorde by the honde of Moses euery man vnto his seruyce and burthen: as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Numbers 8:1-26

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge: 2 speake vnto Aaron and saye vnto hym: when thou puttest on the lampes se that they lighte all seuen apon the forefront of the candelsticke. 3 And Aaron dyd euen so and put the lampes apon the forefrot of the candelsticke as the Lorde commaunded Moses 4 and the worke of the candelsticke was of stiffe golde: both the shaft and the floures thereof. And accordinge vnto the visyon whiche the Lorde had shewed Moses euen so he made the candelsticke. 5 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge: 6 take the leuites from amonge the childern of Israel and clense them. 7 And this doo vnto them when thou clensest them sprinckle water of purifyenge apon them and make a rasure to runne alonge apon all the fleshe of them and let them washe their clothes and then they shall be cleane. 8 And let them take a bollocke and his meatofferynge fyne floure myngled with oyle: and another bollocke shalt thou take to be a synneofferynge. 9 Than brynge the leuites before the tabernacle of witnesse and gather the hole multitude of the chyldern of Israel together. 10 And bringe the leuites before the Lorde and let the childern of Israel put their handes apon the leuites. 11 And let Aaron heue the leuites before the LORDE for an heueofferynge geuen of the childern of Israel ad the let them be appoynted to wayte apon the seruyce of the Lorde. 12 And let the leuites put their handes vpo the heedes of the bollockes and then offer them: the one for a synneofferynge and the other for a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde to make an attonement for the leuites. 13 And make the leuites stonde before Aaron and hys sonnes and heue them to be a heueofferynge vnto the Lorde. 14 And thou shalt separate the leuites from amonge the childern of Israel that they be myne: 15 and after that let them goo and do the seruice of the tabernacle of witnesse. Clense them and waue them 16 for they are geuen vnto me from amonge the childre of Israel: for I haue taken them vnto me for all ye firstborne that ope any matrice amoge the childern of Israel. 17 For all the fyrstborne among the childern of Israel are myne both man and beest: because the same tyme that I smote the fyrstborne in the lande of Egipte I sanctyfyde them for my selfe: 18 and I haue taken the Leuites for all the fyrstborne amonge the childern of Israel 19 and haue geuen them vnto Aaron and his sonnes from amonge the childern of Israel to doo the seruyce of the childern of Israel in the tabernacle of witnesse and to make an attonement for the chyldern of Israell that there be no plage amonge the childern of Ysraell yf they come nye vnto the sanctuary. 20 And Moses and Aaron and all the congregacion of the childern of Israel dyd vnto the leuites acordynge vnto all that ye Lorde commaunded Moses. 21 And the leuites purifyed them selues and wasshed their clothes. And Aaron waued them before ye Lorde and made an attonement for them to clense them. 22 And after that they went into doo their seruyce in the tabernacle of wytnesse before Aaron and his sonnes. And acordinge as the Lorde had commaunded Moses as concernynge the leuites euen so they dyd vnto them. 23 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge: 24 this shalbe the maner of the leuites: from xxv. yere vppwarde they shall goo in to wayte vppon the seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse 25 and at fyftye they shall ceasse waytynge apon the seruyce thereof and shall laboure no moare: 26 but shall ministre vnto their bretheren in the tabernacle of witnesse and there wayte but shall doo no moare seruyce. And se that thou doo after this maner vnto the leuites in their waytynge tymes.

Numbers 26:57-62

57 These are the summes of ye leuites in their kinredes: of Gerson came the kynred of ye Gersonites: and of Cahath came the kinred of the Cahathites: and of Merari came the kinred of the Merarites. 58 These are the kinredes of Leui: the kinred of the Libnites the kynred of the Hebronites the kynred of the Mahelites the kynred of the Musites the kynred of the Karahites.Kahath begate Amram 59 and Amrams wife was called Iochebed a doughter of leui which was borne him in Egipte. And she bare vnto Amram Aaron Moses and Mir Iam their syster. 60 And vnto Aaron were borne Nadab Abihu Eleazer and Ithamar. 61 But Nadab and Abihu dyed as they offered straunge fyre before the Lorde. 62 And the numbre of them was .xxiij. thousande of all the males from a moneth olde and aboue For they were not numbred amonge ye children of Israel because there was no enheritaunce geuen them amonge the childern off Israel.

Numbers 26:62

62 And the numbre of them was .xxiij. thousande of all the males from a moneth olde and aboue For they were not numbred amonge ye children of Israel because there was no enheritaunce geuen them amonge the childern off Israel.

Exodus 31:18

18 And whe he had made an end of comening with Moses vppon the mounte Sinai, he gaue him two tables of witnesse: which were of stone and written with the finger of God.

Exodus 32:26-29

26 he went and stode in the gate of the hoste ad sayde: Yf any man perteyne vnto the Lorde, lett him come to me. And all the sonnes of Leui gathered them selues together and came vnto him. 27 And he sayde vnto them, thus sayeth the Lorde of Israel: put euery man his swerde by his syde, and goo in and out from gate to gate thorow out the hoste: and slee euery man his brother, euery man his frende and euery man his neghboure. 28 And the childern of Leui dyd as Moses had sayde. And there were slayne of the people the same daye, aboute thre thousande men. 29 Then Moses sayde: fyll youre handes vnto the Lorde this daye, euery man vppo his sonne and vppon his brother: to brynge vppo you a blessynge this daye.

Exodus 38:21

21 This is the summe of the habitacyo of witnesse, whiche was counted at the commaundment of Moses: and was the office of the Leuites by the hande of Ithamar sonne to Aaron the preast.

Numbers 1:53

53 But the leuites shall pitche rounde aboute the habitacion of witnesse that there fall no wrath vpon the congregacion of the childre of Israel and the leuites shall wayte apon the habitacion of witnesse.

Numbers 2:17

17 And the tabernacle of witnesse with the hoste of the leuites shall goo in the myddes of ye hostes: as they lye in their tetes euen so shall they procede in the iurney euery man in his quarter aboute their standertes

Numbers 3:1-10

1 These are the generacions of Aaron and Moses when the Lorde spake vnto Moses in mount Sinai 2 and these are the names of the sonnes of Aaron: Nadab the eldest sonne and Abihu Eleazar and Ithamar. 3 These are the names of the sonnes of Aaron which were preastes anoynted and their handes fylled to mynistre 4 but Nadab and Abihu dyed before the Lorde as they broughte straunge fyre before the Lorde in the wyldernesse of Sinai and had no childern. And Eleazar and Ithamar mynistred in the syght of Aaron their father. 5 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saynge 6 brynge the trybe of leui and set them before Aaron the preast and let them serue him ad wayte apon him 7 and apon all the multitude before the tabernacle of witnesse to doo the seruyce of the habitacion. 8 And they shall wayte apo all ye apparell of ye tabernacle of witnesse and apon ye childern of Ysrael to doo ye seruyce of the habitacio. 9 And thou shalt geue the leuites vnto Aaron and his sonnes for they are geuen vnto him of ye childern of Ysrael. 10 And thou shalt appoite Aaro and his sonnes to wayte on their preastes office: and the strauger yt cometh nye shall dye for it.

Numbers 3:23-38

23 And the kynredes of the Gersonites pitched behynde the habitacion westwarde. 24 And the captayne of the most awnciet housse amonge ye Gersonites was Eliasaph the sonne of Lael. 25 And the office of the childern of Gerson in the tabernacle of witnesse was the habitacion and the tente with the coueringe theroff and the hangynge of the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse 26 and the hangynges of the courte and the curtayne of the dore of the courte: which courte went rounde aboute the dwellynge and the alter and the cordes yt perteyned vnto all the seruyce therof 27 And of Cahath came the kynred of ye Amramites and the kynred of the Iezeharites and of the Hebronites and of the Vsielites: And these are the kynredes of ye Cahathites. 28 And the numbre of all the males from a moneth olde and aboue was .viij. thousande and sixe hundred: which wayted on ye holy place. 29 And the kynred of the childern of Cahath pitched on ye southsyde of ye dwellynge 30 And ye captayne in ye most auncyent housse of the kynredes of the Cahathites was Elizaphan the sonne of Vsiel 31 and their office was: the arcke the table the candelsticke and the alter and the holy vessels to minystre with and the vayle with all that serued thereto. 32 And Eleazar ye sonne of Aaron the preast was captayne ouer all the captaynes of the Leuites and had the ouer syghte of them that wayted vppon the holythynges. 33 And of Merari came the kynredes of the Mahelites and of the Musites: and these are the kynredes of the Merarites. 34 And the nubre of them (when all the males fro a moneth olde ad aboue was tolde) drewe vnto .vi thousande and .ij. hundred. 35 And ye captayne of the most auncient housse amonge the kynredes of the Merarites was Zuriel the sonne of Abihail which pitched on the north syde of the dwellynge. 36 And the office of the sonnes of Merari was: the bordes of ye dwellynge and the barres pilers with the sokettes thereof and all the instrumetes there of and all that serued thereto: 37 and the pilers of the courte rounde aboute and their sokettes with their pynnes and cordes. 38 But on ye fore front of ye habitacio ad before the tabernacle of witnesse east warde shall Moses and Aaron and his sonnes pytch and wayte on the sanctuary in the steade of ye childern of Ysrael. And the straunger yt cometh nye shall dye for it.

Numbers 4:15

15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an ende of couerynge the sanctuary ad all the thinges of the sanctuarye agenst that the hoste remoue then the sonnes of Cahath shall come in for to bere and so let them not twich the santuary lest they dye. And this ys the charge of the sonnes of Cahath in the tabernacle of witnesse.

Numbers 4:25-33

25 They shall bere the curtaynes of the dwellynge and the roffe of ye tabernacle of witnesse and his couerynge ad the coueryng of taxus skynnes that is an hye aboue apon it and the hangynge of the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse: 26 and the hanginge of the courte and the hangynge of the gate of the courte that is rounde aboute the dwellynge and the altare and the cordes of them and all the instrumentes that serue vnto them and all that is made for them. 27 And at the mouth of Aaron and his sonnes shall all the seruyce of the childern of the Gersonites be done in all their charges and in all their seruyce and ye shall appoynte them vnto al their charges that they shall wayte apo. 28 And this is the seruyce of the kynred of the children of the Gersonites in ye tabernacle of witnesse and their wayte shalbe in the honde of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the preast. 29 And thou shalt numbre the sonnes of Merari in their kynredes and in the houses of their fathers 30 from .xxx. yeres and aboue vnto .l. All that is able to goo forth in warre to doo the seruyce of the tabernacle of witnesse. 31 And this is the charge that they must wayte vppon in all that they must serue in the tabernacle of witnesse: The bordes of the dwellynge and the barres pylers and sokettes thereof 32 and the pylers of the courte rounde aboute and their sokettes pynnes and cordes with all that pertayneth and serueth vnto them. And by name ye shall reken the thynges that they must wayte apon to bere. 33 Thys is the seruyce of the kynreddes of the sonnes of Merari in all theyr seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse by the hande of Ithamar the sonne of Aaron the preast.

Numbers 10:21

21 Then the Cahathites went forwarde and bare the holy thynges and the other dyd set vp the habitacion agenst they came.

Numbers 20:11

11 And Moses lifte vp his hade with his staffe and smote the rocke .ij. tymes and the water came out abundantly and the multitude dranke and their beesse also.

Leviticus 22:10-13

10 There shall no straunger eate of the halowed thinges nether a gest of the preastes or an hyred seruaunte. 11 But yf the preast bye any soule with money he maye eate of it and he also that is borne in his housse maye eate of his bred. 12 Yf the preastes doughter be maryed vnto a straunger she maye not eate of the halowed heueofferynges. 13 Notwithstondynge yf the preastes doughter be a wedowe or deuorsed and haueno childe but is returned vnto hir fathers housse agayne she shall eate of hir fathers bred as wel as she dyd in hyr youth. But thereshall no straunger eate there of.

Numbers 3:10

10 And thou shalt appoite Aaro and his sonnes to wayte on their preastes office: and the strauger yt cometh nye shall dye for it.

Numbers 3:38

38 But on ye fore front of ye habitacio ad before the tabernacle of witnesse east warde shall Moses and Aaron and his sonnes pytch and wayte on the sanctuary in the steade of ye childern of Ysrael. And the straunger yt cometh nye shall dye for it.

Numbers 4:1-33

1 And ye Lord spake vnto Moses and Aaro 2 and bade the take ye summe of ye childern of Cahath fro amonge ye sonnes of leui in their kynredes and housses of their fathers 3 from xxx. yere and aboue vntill fyftie all that were able to warre for to doo the worke in the tabernacle of witnesse: 4 euen in the most holy place. 5 And when ye hoste remoueth Aaron ad his sonnes shall come and take doune the vayle and couer the arcke of witnesse there with 6 and shall put there on a couerynge of taxus skynnes and shall sprede a cloth yt is altogether of Iacyncte aboue all and put the staues thereof in. 7 And apon the shewe table they shall sprede a cloth of Iacyncte and put thereo the dishes spones flat peces and pottes to poure with and the dayly bred shalbe thereon: 8 and they shall spred apon them a couerynge of purple and couer the same with a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put the staues thereof in. 9 And they shall take a cloth of Iacyncte and couer the candelsticke of light and hir lapes and hir snoffers and fyre pannes and all hir oyle vessels which they occupye aboute it 10 and shall put apon her and on all hir instrumentes a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put it apon staues. 11 And apon the golden alter they shall sprede a cloth of Iacyncte and put on hir staues. 12 And they shall take all the thiges which they occupye to minystre with in ye holy place and put a cloth of Iacyncte apon them and couer them with a couerynge of taxus skynnes and put them on staues. 13 And they shall take a waye the asshes out of the alter and sprede a scarlet cloth thereon: 14 and put aboute it the fyre pannes the flesh hokes the shouels the basens and all that belongeth vnto the alter and they shall sprede apon it a coueryng of taxus skynnes and put on the staues of it. 15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an ende of couerynge the sanctuary ad all the thinges of the sanctuarye agenst that the hoste remoue then the sonnes of Cahath shall come in for to bere and so let them not twich the santuary lest they dye. And this ys the charge of the sonnes of Cahath in the tabernacle of witnesse. 16 And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the preast shall haue the charge to prepare oyle for the lightes and swete cens and the dayly meatofferynge and the anoyntinge oyle and the ouersyghte of all the dwellynge and of all that therein is: both ouer the sanctuary and ouer all that pertayneth thereto. 17 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayenge: 18 destroye not the trybe of the kynredes of the Cahathites from amonge the leuites. 19 But thus doo vnto them that they maye lyve and not dye whe they goo vnto ye most holy place. Aaron and his sonnes shall goo in and put them euery man vnto his seruyce and vnto his burthen. 20 But let them not goo in to se when they couer the sanctuarye lest they dye. 21 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge 22 Take the summe of the childern of Gerson in the houses of their fathers ad in their kynredes: 23 from .xxx. yere and aboue vntyll .l. all that are able to goo forth in warre for to doo seruyce in the tabernacle of witnesse. 24 And this is the seruyce of the kynred of the Gersonites to serue and to beare.

Numbers 10:11

11 And it came to passe the .xx. daye of the seconde moneth in ye seconde yere that the cloude was take vpp from of the habitacion of witnesse.

Numbers 10:17-21

17 And the habitacion was taken doune: and the sonnes of Gerson and Merari went forth bearynge the habitacion 18 Then the standert of the hoste of Ruben went forth with their armies whose captayne was Elizur the sonne of Sedeur. 19 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of ye childern of Simeon was Selumiel 20 the sonne of Deguel. 21 Then the Cahathites went forwarde and bare the holy thynges and the other dyd set vp the habitacion agenst they came.

Numbers 16:40

40 to be a remembraunce vnto the childern of Israel that no straunger whiche is not of the seed of Aaron come nere to offer cens before the Lorde that he be not made like vnto Corah and his companye: as the Lorde sayed vnto him by the hande of Moses.

Numbers 18:22

22 that the childre of Israel henceforth come not nye the tabernacle of witnesse and beare synne and dye.

Numbers 2:2

2 The childern of Israel shall pitch: euery man by his owne standert with the armes of their fathers houses a waye from the presence of the tabernacle of witnesse.

Numbers 2:34

34 And ye childern of Ysrael dyd acordynge to all that the Lorde comauded Moses and so they pitched with their standertes and so they iurneyd: euery man in his kynred and in the houssholde of his father.

Numbers 10:1-36

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge: 2 Make the two trompettes of harde syluer that thou mayst vse the to call the congregacion together and when the hoste shall iurney. 3 when they blowe with them all the multitude shall resorte to the vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse. 4 Yf but one trumpet blowe only then the princes which are heedes ouer the thousandes of Ysrael shall come vnto the. 5 And when ye trompe the first tyme the hostes that lye on the east partes shall goo forwarde. 6 And when ye trope the seconde tyme then the hostes that lye on ye south syde shall take their iurney: for they shall trompe when they take their iurneyes. 7 And in gatherynge the congregacion together ye shall blowe and not trompe. 8 And the sonnes of Aaron the preastes shall blowe the trompettes and shall haue them and it shalbe a lawe vnto you for euer and amonge youre childern after you. 9 And when ye shall goo to warre in youre londe agenst youre enymies that vexe you ye shall trompe with the trompettes and ye shalbe remebred before the Lorde youre God and saued from youre enymies. 10 Also when ye be mery in youre fest dayes and in the first dayes of youre monethes ye shall blowe the trompettes ouer youre burnt sacrifices and peaseofferynges that it maye be a remebrauce of you before youre God. I am the lorde youre God. 11 And it came to passe the .xx. daye of the seconde moneth in ye seconde yere that the cloude was take vpp from of the habitacion of witnesse. 12 And the childern of Israel toke their iurney out of the deserte of Sinai and the cloude rested in ye wildernesse of Para. 13 And ye first toke their iurney at the mouth of the Lorde by the honde of Moses: 14 euen the standerte of ye hoste of Iuda remoued first with their armies whose captayne was Nahesson ye sonne of Aminadab. 15 And ouer the hoste of ye trybe of the childern of Isachar was Nathaneel the sonne of zuar. 16 And ouer the hoste of ye trybe of the childern of Zabulon was Eliab the sonne of Helon. 17 And the habitacion was taken doune: and the sonnes of Gerson and Merari went forth bearynge the habitacion 18 Then the standert of the hoste of Ruben went forth with their armies whose captayne was Elizur the sonne of Sedeur. 19 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of ye childern of Simeon was Selumiel 20 the sonne of Deguel. 21 Then the Cahathites went forwarde and bare the holy thynges and the other dyd set vp the habitacion agenst they came. 22 Then the standert of the hoste of the childern of Ephraim went forth with their armies whose captayne was Elisama the sonne of Amiud. 23 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the sonnes of Manasse was Samaleel the sonne of Pedazur. 24 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the sonnes of Ben Iamin was Abidan the sonne of Gedeoni. 25 And hynmost of all the hoste came the standert of the hoste of the childern of Dan with their armies: whose captayne was Ahiezar the sonne of Ammi Sadai. 26 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the childern of Asser was Pagiel the sonne of Ochran. 27 And ouer the hoste of the trybe of the childern of Naphtali was Ahira the sonne of Enan 28 of this maner were the iurneyes of the childern of Israel with their armies when they remoued. 29 And Moses sayde vnto Hobab the sonne of Raguel the Madianyte Moses father lawe: we goo vnto the place of which the Lorde sayde I will geue it you. Goo with us ad we will doo the good for the Lorde hath promysed goode vnto Israel. 30 And he sayde vnto him: I will not: but will goo to myne awne londe and to my kynred. 31 And Moses sayde oh nay leaue us not for thou knowest where is best for us to pitche in the wildernesse: and thou shalt be oure eyes 32 And yf thou goo with us loke what goodnesse the Lorde sheweth apon us the same we will shewe apon the 33 And they departed from the mount of the Lorde .iij. dayes iurney and the arcke of the testament of the Lorde went before them in the .iij. dayes iurney to serche out a restynge place for them. 34 And the cloude of the Lorde was ouer them by daye when they went out of the tentes. 35 And when the arcke went forth Moses sayde Ryse vp Lorde and lat thine enemies be scatered and let them that hate the flee before the. 36 And when the arcke rested he sayde returne Lorde vnto the many thousandes of Ysrael.

Numbers 24:2

2 and lyfte vpp his eyes and loked apon Israel as he laye with his trybes and the spirite of God came apon him.

Leviticus 10:6

6 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron and vnto Eleazar and Ithamar his eldest sonnes: vncouer not youre heed nether rent youre clothes lest ye dye and wrath come apon all the people lett youre brethren the hole house of Israel bewepe the burnynge which the Lorde hath burnt.

Numbers 3:7-8

7 and apon all the multitude before the tabernacle of witnesse to doo the seruyce of the habitacion. 8 And they shall wayte apo all ye apparell of ye tabernacle of witnesse and apon ye childern of Ysrael to doo ye seruyce of the habitacio.

Numbers 8:19

19 and haue geuen them vnto Aaron and his sonnes from amonge the childern of Israel to doo the seruyce of the childern of Israel in the tabernacle of witnesse and to make an attonement for the chyldern of Israell that there be no plage amonge the childern of Ysraell yf they come nye vnto the sanctuary.

Numbers 16:46

46 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: take a censer and put fyre therein out of the alter and poure on cens and goo quyckly vnto the cogregacion and make an attonement for the. For there is wrath gone oute from the Lorde and there is a plage begone.

Numbers 18:2-5

2 And thy brethern also ye tribe of leui ye trybe of thy father take with the and let them be yoyned vnto the and ministre vnto the. And thou and thy sonnes with the shall ministre before the tabernacle of witnesse. 3 And let them wayte apon the and apon all the tabernacle: only let them not come nye the holy vessels and the alter that both they ad ye also dye not. 4 And let them be by the and wayte on the tabernacle of witnesse and on all the seruyce of the tabernacle and let no straunger come nye vnto you. 5 Wayte therfore apon the holye place and apon the alter yt there fall no moare wrath apon the childern of Israel:

Numbers 31:30

30 And of the halfe of ye childern of Israel take one of fyftye of ye wemen of the oxen of the asses and of the shepe and of all maner of beestes and geue them vnto the leuites which wayte apon ye habitacion of the Lorde.

Numbers 31:47

47 And Moses toke of this halfe that pertayned vnto the childern of Israel: one of euery fyftie both of the wemen and of the catell and gaue them vnto the leuites which wayted vppon the habitacion of the Lorde as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

Acts 20:28-31

28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selves and to all the flocke wherof the holy goost hath made you oversears to rule the congregacion of God which he hath purchased with his bloud. 29 For I am sure of this that after my departynge shall greveous wolves entre in amonge you which will not spare the flocke. 30 Moreover of youre awne selves shall men aryse speakinge perverse thinges to drawe disciples after the. 31 Therfore awake and remember that by the space of .iii. yeares I ceased not to warne every one of you both nyght and daye with teares.

1 Timothy 4:13-16

13 Till I come geve attendaunce to redynge to exhortacion and to doctryne. 14 Despyse not the gyfte that is in ye which was geven the thorow prophesye and with layinge on of ye hondes of an elder. 15 These thynges exercyse and geve thy silfe vnto them that it maye be sene how thou profetest in all thinges. 16 Take hede vnto thy silfe and vnto learnynge and continue therin. For if thou shalt so do thou shalt save thy silfe and them that heare the.

2 Timothy 4:2

2 preache the worde be fervent be it in season or out of season. Improve rebuke exhorte with all longe sufferinge and doctryne.

Exodus 23:21-22

21 Beware of him and heare his voyce and angre him not: for he wyll not spare youre mysdedes, yee and my name is in him. 22 But and yf thou shalt herken vnto his voyce ad kepe all that I shall tell the, the I wilbe an enimye vnto thyne enimies and an aduersarie vnto thine aduersaries.

Exodus 39:32

32 Thus was all the worke of the habitacyon of the tabernacle of witnesse, finysshed. And the childern of Israel dyd, acordyng to all that the Lorde had commaunded Moses.

Exodus 39:43

43 And Moses behelde all the worke: and se, they had done it euen as the Lorde commaunded: and tha Moses blessed them.

Exodus 40:16

16 And Moses dyd acordige to all that the Lorde commaunded him.

Exodus 40:32

32 both when they went in to the tabernacle of witnesse, or whe they went to the alter, as the Lorde comaunded Moses.

Deuteronomy 12:32

32 But what soeuer I commaunde you that take hede ye do: ad put nought thereto, nor take ought there from.

Matthew 28:20

20 Teachinge them to observe all thynges what soever I comcommaunded you. And lo I am with you all waye even vntyll the ende of the worlde.

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