15 And the same daye that the habitacio was reered vpp a cloude couered it an hye apon the tabernacle of witnesse: and at euen there was apon the habitacyon as it were the symilitude of fyre vntyll the mornynge.
16 And so it was allwaye that the cloude couered it by daye and the symylitude of fyre by nyghte.
17 And when the cloude was taken vpp from of the tabernacle then the childern of Israel iurneyed: and where the cloude abode there the childern of Israel pitched their tentes.
18 At the mouthe of the Lorde the childern of Israell iurneyed and at the mouthe of the Lorde they pitched. And as longe as the cloude abode apon the habitacion they laye styll
19 and when the cloude taryed still apon the habitacion longe tyme the childern of Israell wayted apon the Lorde and iurneyed not.
20 Yf it chaunched that the cloude abode any space of tyme apon the habitacion then they kepte their tentes at the mouth of the Lorde: and they iurneyed also at the commaundement of the Lorde.
21 And yf it happened that the cloude was apon the habitacion from euen vnto mornynge and was taken vpp in ye mornynge then they iurneyed. Whether it was by daye or by nyghte that ye cloude was taken vpp they iurneyed.
22 But when ye cloude taryed two dayes or a moneth or a longe season apon the habitacion as longe as it taried thereon the childern of Israel kepte their tentes and iurneyed not. And as soone as the cloude was taken vpp they iurneyed.
23 At the mouth of the Lorde they rested and at the commaundment of the Lorde they iurneyed. And thus they kepte the wayte of the Lorde at the commaundement of the Lorde by the hande of Moses.