Acts 2:29-30

  29 G435 Men G80 , brethren G2036 0 , let G1832 [G5752] me G3326 G3954 freely G2036 [G5629] speak G4314 to G5209 you G4012 concerning G3966 the patriarch G1138 David G3754 , that G5053 0 he is G2532 both G5053 [G5656] dead G2532 and G2290 [G5648] buried G2532 , and G846 his G3418 sepulchre G2076 [G5748] is G1722 with G2254 us G891 to G5026 this G2250 day.
  30 G3767 Therefore G5225 [G5723] being G4396 a prophet G2532 , and G1492 [G5761] knowing G3754 that G2316 God G3660 [G5656] had sworn G846 to him G3727 with an oath G1537 , that from G2590 the fruit G846 of his G3751 loins G2596 , according to G4561 the flesh G450 [G5693] , he would raise up G5547 Christ G2523 [G5658] to sit G1909 on G846 his G2362 throne;