2 Kings 5:26-27

  26 H559 He said H3820 to him, "Didn't my heart H1980 go H376 with you, when the man H2015 turned H4818 from his chariot H7125 to meet H6256 you? Is it a time H3947 to receive H3701 money, H3947 and to receive H899 garments, H2132 and olive H3754 groves and vineyards, H6629 and sheep H1241 and cattle, H5650 and male servants H8198 and female servants?
  27 H6883 Therefore the leprosy H5283 of Naaman H1692 will cling H2233 to you and to your seed H5769 forever." H3318 He went out H6440 from his presence H6879 a leper, H7950 as white as snow.