Leviticus 2:4-5:6

Tyndale(i) 4 Yf any ma bringe a meatoffrynge that is bake in the oue, let him brynge swete cakes of fine floure mingled with oyle, ad vnleuended wafers anoynted with oyle. 5 Yf thy meatoffrynge be baken in the fryenge pan, then it shalbe of swete floure mingled with oyle. 6 And thou shalt mynce it small, ad poure oyle thereon: ad so is it a meatoffrynge. 7 Yf thy meatofferynge be a thynge broyled vppon the greadyerne, of floure myngled with oyle it shalbe. 8 And thou shalt brynge the meatoffryng that is made of these thinges vnto the Lorde, and shalt delyuer it vnto the preast, and he shall brynge it vnto the altare 9 and shall heue vppe parte of the meatoffrynge for a memoriall, and shall burne it apon the alter: an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde. 10 And that which is left of the meatofferynge shalbe Aarons and his sonnes, as a thynge that is most holye of the offerynges off the Lorde. 11 All the meatoffrynges which ye shall brynge vnto the Lorde, shalbe made without leue. For ye shall nether burne leuen nor honye in any offerynge of the Lorde: 12 Notwithstondinge ye shall bryng the firstlynges of them vnto the Lorde: But they shall not come apon the alter to make a swete sauoure. 13 All thy meatofferynges thou shalt salt with salt: nether shalt thou soffre the salt of the couenaunt of thy God to be lackynge from thy meatofferynge: but apon all thyne offerynges thou shalt brynge salt. 14 Yf thou offer a meatofferynge of the firstripe frutes vnto the Lorde, then take of that which is yet grene and drye it by the fire ad beat it small, and so offer the meatofferynge of thy firstrype frutes. 15 And than poure oyle thereto, and put frankencens thereon: and so it is a meatoffrynge. 16 And the preast shall burne parte of the beten corne and parte of that oyle, with all the frakencens: for a remembraunce. That is an offerynge vnto the Lorde. 3 1 Yf any man brynge a peaceofferynge of the oxen: whether it be male or female, he shall brynge such as is without blemysh, before the Lorde, 2 and let him put his hande apon the heed of his offerynge, and kyll it before the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse. And Aarons sonnes the preastes, shall sprinkle the bloude apon the alter rounde aboute. 3 And they shall offre of the peaceofferynge to be a sacrifice vnto the Lord: the fatt that couereth the inwardes and all the fatt that is apon the inwardes: 4 and the two kydneys with the fatt that lyeth apon the loynes: and the kall that ys on the lyuer, they shall take awaye with the kydneyes. 5 And Aarons sonnes shall burne them apon the alter with the burntsacrifice which is apon the wodd on the fire. That is a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde. 6 Yf a man brynge a peaceoffrynge vnto the Lorde from of the flocke: whether it be male, or female, it shalbe without blemysh. 7 Yf he offre a lambe, he shall brynge it before the Lord 8 and put his hande apon his offrynges heede and kyll it in the doore off the tabernacle off wytnesse and Aarons sonnes shall sprinkle the bloude thereof rounde aboute the alter. 9 And of the peaseoffringe they shall brynge a sacrifyce vnto the Lorde: the fatt there of ad the rompe altogether, which they shall take off harde by the backe bone: and the fatt that couereth the inwardes and all the fatt that is apon the inwardes 10 and the .ij. kydneyes with the fatt that lyeth apon them and apon the loynes, and the kall that is apon the lyuer he shall take awaye with the kydneyes. 11 And the preast shall burne them apon the alter to fede the Lordes offrynge withall. 12 Yf the offrynge be a goote, he shall brynge it before the Lorde 13 and put his hande apon the head of it and kyll it before the tabernacle of witnesse and the sonnes of Aaron shall sprinkle the bloude thereof apon the alter rounde aboute. 14 And he shall brynge thereof his offrynge vnto the Lordes sacrifyce: the fatt that couereth the inwardes and all the fatt that is apo the inwardes 15 and the .ij. kydneyes and the fatt that lyeth apon them and apon the loynes, and the kall that is apo the lyuer he shall take awaye with the kydneyes. 16 And the preast shall burne them apo the alter to fede the Lordes sacrifyce wyth all ad to make a swete sauoure. 17 And thus shal all the fatt be the Lordes and it shalbe a lawe forever amonge youre generacions after you in youre dwellynge places: that ye eate nether fatt nor bloude. 4 1 And the Lorde talked with Moses saynge: 2 speake vnto the childern of Israel ad saye: when a soule synneth thorow ignoraunce and hath done any of those thinges which the Lorde hath forbydden in his commaundmentes to be done: 3 Yf the preast that is anoynted synne and make the people to doo amysse he shall brynge for his synne which he hath done: an oxe wythout blemysh vnto the Lorde for a synneoffrynge. 4 And he shall brynge the oxe vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse before the Lorde, and shall put his hande apon the oxes heade and kyll him before the Lorde. 5 And the preast that is anoynted shall take of the oxes bloude and brynge it in to the tabernacle of witnesse 6 and shall dyppe his fynger in the bloude and sprinkle thereof .vij. tymes before the Lorde: euen before the hangynge of the holy place. 7 And he shall put some of the bloude apon the hornes of the alter of swete cens before the Lorde which is in the tabernacle of witnesse, and shall poure all the bloude of the oxe apon the botome of the alter of burntofferynges which is by the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse. 8 And he shall take awaye all the fatt of the oxe that is the synneofferynge: the fatt that couereth the inwardes and all the fatt that is aboute them, 9 and the .ij. kydneyes with the fatt that lyeth apon the and apon the loynes, and the kall apon the lyuer let them take awaye also with the kydneyes: 10 as it was taken from the oxe of the peaceoffrynge and let the preast burne them apon the altare of burntofferynges. 11 But the skynne of the oxe and all his flesh with his heede, his legges, his inwardes with his donge, 12 shall he carye altogither out of the hoste vnto a clene place: euen where the asshes are poured out, and burne hi on wodd with fyre: euen apon the heape of asshes. 13 Yf the hole comynalte of the childern of Israel synne thorow ygnoraunce and the thynge be hyd from their eyes: so that they haue commytted any of these thinges which the Lorde hath forbidden to be done in his commaundmentes ad haue offended, 14 ad the synne which they haue synned be afterwarde knowne, than shal they offre an oxe for a synneofferynge ad shall brynge him before the tabernacle of witnesse, 15 and the elders of the multitude shall put their handes apon his heed before the Lorde 16 And the preast that is anoynted shall brynge of his bloude in to the tabernacle of witnesse, 17 and shall dyppe his finger in the bloude, and sprinkle it seuen tymes before the Lorde: euen before the uayle. 18 And shall put of the bloude apon the hornes of the alter whiche is before the Lorde in the tabernacle of witnesse, and shall poure all the bloude apon the botome of the alter of burntoffrynges which is by the dore of the tabernacle of witnesse, 19 and shall take all his fatt from him and burne it apon the altare, 20 and shall do with his oxe as he dyd wyth the synneoffryngeoxe. And the preast shal make an attonement for them, ad so it shalbe forgeuen them. 21 And he shall brynge the oxe without the hoste, ad burne him as he burned the first, so is this the synneofferynge of the comynalte. 22 When a Lorde synneth and committeth thorow ignoraunce any of these thynges whiche the Lorde his God hath forbydden to be done in his commaundmentes and hath so offended: 23 when his synne is shewed vnto him which he hath synned, he shall brynge for hys offerynge an he goote without blemysh 24 and laye his hande apon the heed of it, and kyll it in the place where the burntofferynges are kylled before the Lorde: this is a synneoffrynge. 25 Tha let the preast take of the bloude of the synneoffrynge with his finger, and put it apon the hornes of the burntofferyngalter, and poure his bloude apon the botome of the burntofferyngealter 26 and burne all his fatt apon the alter as he doth the fatt of the peaceofferynges. And the preast shall make an attonement for him as concernynge his synne, and so it shalbe forgeuen him. 27 Yf one of the come people of the londe synne thorowe ignoraunce and committe any off the thinges which the Lorde hath forbidden, in his commaundementes to be done and so hath trespased, 28 when his synne whiche he hath synned is come to his knowlege, he shall bringe for his offerynge, a she goote without blemish for his synne which he hath synned, 29 and laye his hande apon the heed of the synneofferynge ad slee it in the place of burntoffrynges. 30 And the preast shall take of the bloude with his finger ad put it apo the hornes of the burntoffryngealter and poure all the bloude apo the botome of the alter, 31 ad shall take awaye all his fatt as the fatt of the peaceoffrynges is take awaye. And the preast shal burne it apo the alter for a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde, and the preast shall make an attonemet for him ad it shalbe forgeuen him. 32 yf he bringe a shepe ad offer it for a synneofferynge, he shall bringe a yewe without blemish 33 and laye his hande apon the heed of the synneofferynge and slee it in the place where the burntoffrynges are slayne. 34 And the preast shal take of the bloude of the synneofferynge with his finger, ad put it apo the hornes of the burntoffryngealter, ad shall poure all the bloude thereof vnto the botome of the alter. 35 And he shall take awaye all the fatt thereof, as the fatte of the shepe of the peaceoffringes was take awaye. And the preast shall burne it apo the alter for the lordes sacrifice, and the preast shal make an attonemet for his synne, and it shalbe forgeuen him. 5 1 Whe a soule hath synned ad herde the voyce of cursyng ad is a witnesse: whether he hath sene or knowne of it yf he haue not vttered it, he shall bere his synne. 2 Ether when a ma toucheth any vnclene thinge: whether it be the caryon of an vnclene beest or of vnclene catell or vnclene worme and is not warre of it, he is also vnclene and hath offended. 3 Ether when he toucheth any vnclennesse of ma (what soeuer vnclennesse it be that a man is defyled with all) and is not warre of it and afterwarde cometh to the knowlege of it, he is a trespaser. 4 Ether when a soule sweareth: so that he pronounceth with his lippes to do euell or to do good (what soeuer it be that a man pronounceth with an othe) and the thinge be out of his mynde and afterwarde cometh to the knowlege of it, than he hath offended in one of these. 5 Than when he hath synned in one of these thinges, he shall confesse that wherein that he hath synned, 6 and shall bringe his trespaceofferynge vnto the Lorde for his synne which he hath synned. A female from the flocke, whether it be an yewe or a she goote, for a synneofferynge. And the preast shall make an attonement for him for his synne.