Mark 14:33-35

  33 G2532 CONJ και G3880 (G5719) V-PAI-3S παραλαμβανει G3588 T-ASM τον G4074 N-ASM πετρον G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-ASM τον G2385 N-ASM ιακωβον G2532 CONJ και G2491 N-ASM ιωαννην G3326 PREP μεθ G1438 F-3GSM εαυτου G2532 CONJ και G756 (G5662) V-ADI-3S ηρξατο G1568 (G5745) V-PPN εκθαμβεισθαι G2532 CONJ και G85 (G5721) V-PAN αδημονειν
  34 G2532 CONJ και G3004 (G5719) V-PAI-3S λεγει G846 P-DPM αυτοις G4036 A-NSF περιλυπος G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-3S εστιν G3588 T-NSF η G5590 N-NSF ψυχη G3450 P-1GS μου G2193 CONJ εως G2288 N-GSM θανατου G3306 (G5657) V-AAM-2P μεινατε G5602 ADV ωδε G2532 CONJ και G1127 (G5720) V-PAM-2P γρηγορειτε
  35 G2532 CONJ και G4281 (G5631) V-2AAP-NSM προελθων G3397 A-ASN μικρον G4098 (G5627) V-2AAI-3S επεσεν G1909 PREP επι G3588 T-GSF της G1093 N-GSF γης G2532 CONJ και G4336 (G5711) V-INI-3S προσηυχετο G2443 CONJ ινα G1487 COND ει G1415 A-NSN δυνατον G1510 (G5748) V-PXI-3S εστιν G3928 (G5632) V-2AAS-3S παρελθη G575 PREP απ G846 P-GSM αυτου G3588 T-NSF η G5610 N-NSF ωρα
  33 G2532 And G3880 he taketh [G5719]   G3326 with G1438 him G4074 Peter G2532 and G2385 James G2532 and G2491 John G2532 , and G756 began [G5662]   G1568 to be sore amazed [G5745]   G2532 , and G85 to be very heavy [G5721]  ;
  34 G2532 And G3004 saith [G5719]   G846 unto them G3450 , My G5590 soul G2076 is [G5748]   G4036 exceeding sorrowful G2193 unto G2288 death G3306 : tarry ye [G5657]   G5602 here G2532 , and G1127 watch [G5720]  .
  35 G2532 And G4281 he went forward [G5631]   G3397 a little G4098 , and fell [G5627]   G1909 on G1093 the ground G2532 , and G4336 prayed [G5711]   G2443 that G1487 , if G2076 it were [G5748]   G1415 possible G5610 , the hour G3928 might pass [G5632]   G575 from G846 him.
ERV(i) 33 And he taketh with him Peter and James and John, and began to be greatly amazed, and sore troubled. 34 And he saith unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death: abide ye here, and watch. 35 And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.