Job 37:2-11

NSB(i) 2 »Listen! All of you listen to the voice of God, to the thunder that comes from his mouth. 3 »He sends the lightning across the sky to the ends of the earth. 4 »He thunders with the roar of his voice! It is like the majestic sound of thunder, and all the while the lightning flashes. 5 »At God's command amazing things happen, wonderful things that we cannot understand. 6 »He says to the snow: ‘Fall on the earth.’ He says to the rain: ‘Be strong.’ 7 »He seals the hand of every man and all men may know His work. 8 »Then the beast goes into its lair. It remains in its den. 9 »Out of the south come the storm, and out of the north the cold. 10 »Ice is made from the breath of God. It freezes the expanse of the waters. 11 »He loads the thick cloud with moisture and disperses with lighting.