Job 37:2-11

Bishops(i) 2 Heare then the sounde of his voyce, & the noyse that goeth out of his mouth 3 He directeth it vnder the whole heauen, and his light vnto the endes of the worlde 4 A roring voyce foloweth it: for his glorious maiestie geueth a thuder clappe, & he will not stay whe his voyce is heard 5 God thundreth marueylously with his voyce, great thinges doth he which we can not comprehend 6 He commaundeth the snow, and it falleth vpon earth: he geueth the rayne a charge, and the showres haue their strength and fall downe 7 With the force of the rayne he shutteth men vp, that all men may knowe his workes 8 The beastes creepe into their dennes, and remaine in their places 9 Out of the south commeth the tempest, and colde out from the north winde 10 At the breath of God the hoare frost is geuen, and the brode waters are frosen 11 He maketh the cloudes to labour in geuing moystnesse, and againe with his light he dryueth away the cloude