1 To the chaunter, of Dauid the seruaunt of the Lorde. My hert sheweth me the wickednesse of the vngodly, that there is no feare of God before hys eyes.
2 For he dissembleth before his face, so longe tyll hys abhominable sinne be founde out.
3 The woordes of hys mouth are vnrighteousnes and disceate, he will not be learned to do good.
4 He ymagineth mischief vpon his bedde he wil come in no good waye, nor refuse the thyng that is euel.
5 Thy mercy, O Lorde, reacheth vnto the heauen, and thy faythfulnesse vnto the cloudes.
6 Thy righteousnesse standeth lyke the strong mountaynes, and thy iudgemente lyke the great depe. Thou Lord preseruest both men and beastes.
7 How precious is thy mercy, O God, that the chyldren of men maye put their trust vnder the shadowe of thy wynges?
8 They shalbe satisfied with the plenteousnesse of thy house, and thou shalte geue them drynke of the ryuer of thy pleasures.
9 For by the is the wel of lyfe, and in thy lyght, shall we se lyght.
10 O sprede forth thy louing kyndnesse vnto them that knowe the, and thy ryghteousnesse vnto them that are true of hert.
11 O let not the fote of pride ouertake me, O let not the hande of the vngodly caste me doune.
12 As for wycked doers, they fall, they are cast doune, and are not able to stande.