1 And he began to speake vnto them in simylitudes. A certayne man planted a vyneyarde, and compaste it wyth an hedge, and ordeyned a wyne presse, & buylde a tower in it. And let it oute to hyre vnto housband men, & went into a straunge countreye.
2 And when the tyme was come, he sente to the tenauntes a seruaunte, that he myghte receyue of the tenauntes of the frute of the vyneyarde.
3 And they caughte hym, and sent him awaye emptye.
4 And moreouer he sente vnto them another seruaunte, and at hym they cast stones, & brake hys head, & sent hym agayne all to reuyled.
5 And agayne he sente an other and hym they kylled: and manye other, beatynge some, and kyllyng some.
6 Yet had he one sonne whom he loued tenderlye, hym also he sente at the laste vnto them, saiynge: they wyll feare my sonne.
7 But the tenauntes sayed amonge them selues: thys is the heyre: come let vs kyll hym, and the enheritaunce shall be ours.
8 And they toke hym, & kylled hym, & cast hym out of the vyneyarde.
9 What shall then the Lorde of the vyneyarde do? He wyll come and destroye the tenauntes, and let oute the vynearde to other.
10 Haue ye not read thys scrypture? The stone which the buylders dyd refuse, is made the chiefe stone in the corner:
11 thys was done of the Lorde, and is merueylouse in our eyes.
12 And they wente aboute to take hym. But they feared the people. For they perceyued that he spake that similitude agaynste them. And they lefte hym.