Matthew 22:1-14

Matthew(i) 1 And Iesus answered, and spake vnto them agayne in symylytudes sayinge. 2 The kyngdome of heauen is like vnto a certayne kynge, whiche maryed hys sonne, 3 and sent forth hys seruauntes to call them that were byd to the wedding, & they woulde not come. 4 Agayne he sent forth other seruauntes saynge. Tell them which are bydden: beholde I haue prepared my dyner, myne oxen and my fatlynges are kylled, and all thinges are redy, come vnto the mariage. 5 But they made lyght of it, and went theyr wayes: one to hys ferme place, an other about hys marchaundyse, 6 the remnaunt toke hys seruauntes and intreated them vngodly and slewe them. 7 When the kynge hearde that, he was wrothe and sente forthe hys warryers and destroyed those murtherers and brent vp theyr citie. 8 Then sayde he to hys seruauntes: the wedding was prepared. But they which were bidden: were not worthye. 9 Go ye therfore out into the hye waies, & as many as ye finde byd them to the mariage. 10 The seruauntes went out into the hye wayes, and gaddered together as many as they could fynde. Both good & bad, and the weddynge was furnyshed with gestes. 11 Then the kynge came in, to viset the gestes, and spyed there a man which had not on a weddynge garment, 12 and sayd vnto hym, frend howe fortuned it that thou camest in hyther, and hast not on a weddinge garmente? And he was euen speachlesse. 13 Then sayed the kynge to hys mynisters: take and bynde hym hande and fote, and caste hym into vtter darcknes, there shal be weping and gnashing of teeth. 14 For manye are called and fewe be chosen.