John 1:2-18

Matthew(i) 2 The same was in the begynnynge wyth God. 3 All thynges were made by it and without it was made nothynge that was made. 4 In it was lyfe, and the lyfe was the lyght of men, 5 & the lyght shyneth in the darknes, but the darknes comprehended it not. 6 Ther was a man sent from God, whose name was Iohn. 7 These same came as a wytnes to beare wytnes of the lyght, that all men through him myght beleue. 8 He was not that lyght but to beare witnes of the lyght. 9 That was a true lyght, which lyghted all men that come into the worlde. 10 He was in the worlde, & the worlde was made by him, & yet the worlde knewe him not. 11 He came amonge his (owne) & his owne receiued him not. 12 But as manye as receyued him to them he gaue power to be the sonnes of God in that they beleued on his name 13 & which were borne not of the bloude nor of the wyl of the flesh, nor yet of the wyll of man: but of God. 14 And the worde was made flesh & dwelt amonge vs, and we sawe the glorye of it, as the glory of the onlye begotten sonne of the father, which worde was ful of grace & verite. 15 Iohn bare witnes of him & cried saiyng: This was he of whom I spake, he that cometh after me was before me, because he was yer then I. 16 And of his fulnes haue all we receyued, euen (grace) for grace. 17 For the lawe was geuen by Moyses, but grace and truthe came by Iesus Christ. 18 No man hath sene God at anye tyme. The onlye begotten sonne which is in the bosome of the father, he hath declared hym.