Isaiah 2:1-8

Matthew(i) 1 Moreouer this is the word that was opened vnto Esay the sonne of Amoz, vpon Iuda & Ierusalem. 2 It will be also in processe of tyme: That the hyl where the house of the Lorde is buylded, shal be the chefe amonge hylles, and exalted aboue al lytle hylles. And all the Heathen shall preache vnto hym, & the multytude of people shall go vnto hym, 3 speakynge thus one to another: vp let vs go to the hyll of the Lorde, & to the house of the God of Iacob: that he maye shewe vs hys waye, and that we maye walcke in hys pathes. For the lawe shall come out of Syon and the worde of God from Ierusalem, 4 and shall geue sentence amonge the Heathen, and shall reforme the multytude of people. So that they shal breake theyr swerdes & speares to make sythes, sycles and sawes thereof. From that tyme forth shall not one people lyfte vp weapen agaynste another, neyther shall they learne to fight from thence forth. 5 It is to the that I crye (O house of Iacob) vp, let vs walck in the lyghte of the Lorde, 6 But thou art scatered abroade with thy people (O house of Iacob) for ye go farre beyonde youre fathers, whether it be in Sorcerers (whome ye haue as the Phylystynes had) or in calkers of mens byrthes, whereof ye haue to manye. 7 As soone as youre lande was full of syluer and golde, and no ende of youre treasure: so soone as youre lande was full of stronge horses and no ende of youre charettes: 8 Immediatlye was it full of Idols also, euen workes of youre owne handes, which ye youre selues haue fashyoned, & your syngers haue made.